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Everything posted by Kyea

  1. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A N A I------------ I I I \ O / I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): D, H, I, M, O, R, T
  2. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A _ A I------------ I I I \ O / I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): D, H, I, M, O, R, T
  3. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A _ A I------------ I I I \ O I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): D, I, M, O, R, T
  4. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A _ A I------------ I I I O I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I, M, O, R, T
  5. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A _ A I------------ I I I I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I, M, R, T
  6. Kyea


    S A G E _ _ _ _ A _ A I------------ I I I I I I------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I, R, M
  7. Kyea


    S A _ E _ _ _ _ A _ A ------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I Hopefully this one doesn't end up being too easy.
  8. Kyea


    _ A _ E _ _ _ _ A _ A ------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I
  9. Kyea


    _ _ _ E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I
  10. Kyea


    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------------ Letters used (and not in the answer): I
  11. Kyea


    Alright, we have another character for our next round: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  12. FE 7: Pent, don't care if he's taken. I think overall he is both attractive in personality and appearance. FE 8: Joshua, like his style and depth. Plus he's not too bad to look at. FE 9: Ranulf just nicks out the top spot for me. FE 10: Oliver Volug because obviously shirtless>mid-drift FE 11: I guess Marth? But as mentioned elsewhere, his SSB4 look is probably his best look. FE 13: Stahl, not the best looking, but has a good heart to make up for it. Honorable Mentions:
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