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Everything posted by Kyea

  1. I've done FE 6 in Japanese twice, so I know I could play any of the GBA games in a foreign language. I do know a very limited amount of Japanese though, so I can pick up when they are taking about characters and places if I care to pay attention and take a few extra minutes to look at things. Though I prefer to simply read a translated version of the script. (Thanks to the wonderful souls who do know Japanese and choose to spend time translating for other unfortunate souls) I can even pick up/recognize what the different commands look like after some time. In fact, I think I know the general control scheme of most FE games well enough that I could at least play them in Japanese. Sure I'd make a few mistakes, but I accidentally click things in English too. Awakening might be the most difficult because of all the new commands from the pair up system, but I bet if I tried the muscle memory would take over. I am pretty confident I could play FE 6-14 in Japanese if I wanted too--definitely not perfectly, but I could play them fairly normally (whilst understanding very little). Probably couldn't do FE 1-5 as I am completely unfamiliar with them.
  2. Time to take on the children and other extra characters: [spoiler=Children] Lucina "Hope will never die!" Owain "Hand, hungers..." Inigo "This is your last dance" / "I'm a man of passion!" (everything he says is great) Brady "You ready to fly?" Kjelle "Have you made your peace?" Severa "Say goodnight!" Gerome "This is farewell!" Morgan "Time to even the odds!" Yarne "Don't mess with a bunny!" (all of his quotes are very good as well) Laurent "I grow weary of you!" Cynthia "This is the end friend!" (she is pretty amusing too) Noire "BLOOD AND THUNDER!!!" Nah "I am so strong!" I think the children overall have more entertaining quotes than most of the parents. My favorite is probably Yarne, but Inigo is very close. [spoiler=Extra Characters] Gangrel "You're an eyesore!" Walhart "Stand and fight!" Emmeryn (Not gonna list one, she shouldn't ever be fighting) Yen'fey "And now, we clash!" Aversa "Still clinging to hope?" Priam "For the blue flame!" (I also enjoy of all his quotes, but I enjoy the props to Ike most of all) Priam is my favorite out of this bunch and one of my favorites overall.
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