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strictly skillz

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  1. Thanks for the help, so you're basically saying the level before I want him to first load, put "LevelMerlinus" in the Ending event, right? As far as the macro "LevelMerlinus," I downloaded the newer EAstdlib from nintenlord's utility page (or at least, I downloaded the one he has posted there with the Event Assembler), however it doesn't seem to have that macro. Did I forget to do something/ go to the wrong place to download it? Could you possibly just tell me what I could add to my own file in order to get that macro to work? Thanks a lot for the help.
  2. I was wondering how you would go about deploying Merlinus before each chapter. I've written a small event (below), but whenever I run it through, the bubble pops up asking whether or not I want to deploy Merlinus (Luigi in my hack) with the pointer black. In other words, the selector that picks yes or no is black instead of white (see picture). Also, will deploying him this way automatically allow for level ups every chapter, or do I need to program in the level up? Thanks in advance. CAM1 [13,18] _0x87 TEX6 0x7 [0,0] 0x0FCC _ASM0x42 0x83181 IFYN 0x10 LOU1 Merlinus ELSE 0x11 ENIF 0x10 ENIF 0x11 LOU1 Leo ENUN OOBB ENDA
  3. I know I'm being annoying and possibly sound like an idiot at this point, but I'll risk it anyways: I'm still confused. Not really by what you said, but by what I'm seeing. I attached a shot of what the hex looks like for my ROM at offset DF1000 after patching the file. As far as I can see there are no discernable pointers here. Did I possibly patch the file wrong? The ROM I patched had been edited, but never near this offset. Is that a problem? Again, I'm sorry I seem to be making this more difficult than it needs to be.
  4. Okay,I patched my ROM with the forcer patch. After reading the README, though, I'm still a bit confused. Does it mean that you can now go to offset DF1000 in hex and every byte is a chapter? I guess I'm just looking for a deeper explanation if you have time...
  5. I've been messing around with all the .txt files, looking at the Ultimate Tutorial, and nothing on how to force a particular unit into chapters using event assembler. Could anyone help with this? For example, I'm wondering how I can make my main lord be flashing green (as in a required unit) in the battle prep. part of the chapter.
  6. Okay I added the condition, and that worked perfectly thanks. As far as the MOVENEXTTO command though, it makes the sprite from the boss sort of stand on top of the main character. In other words, it moves the boss to the same space as the main character. Am I missing something?
  7. Sorry, forgot to say that it won't work when I insert the event, specifically the event triggers if anyone steps there, not just the main character.
  8. Okay so I'm trying to script it so that when the main character steps in a certain area, it triggers for the boss to: -say something -move next to where he waited -say something else -attack as part of a scripted battle Here are the scripts -For the Area event: AREA 0x05 EndChapter [0,0] [14,3] -For the actual thing to happen: EndChapter: TEX1 0x7B7 REMA MOVENEXTTO Georg Dorcas ENUN TEX1 0x7B8 REMA FIGH Dorcas Georg Fight $00000000 ENDA Any ideas?
  9. Okay so I'm trying to script it so that when the main character steps in a certain area, it triggers for the boss to: -say something -move next to where he waited -say something else -attack as part of a scripted battle Here are the scripts -For the Area event: AREA 0x05 EndChapter [0,0] [14,3] -For the actual thing to happen: EndChapter: TEX1 0x7B7 REMA MOVE Georg Dorcas ENUN TEX1 0x7B8 REMA FIGH Dorcas Georg Fight $00000000 ENDA Any ideas?
  10. Okay thanks for the help everyone, I figured out #2 after taking Primefuse's advice and reevaluating my method. I had used the Map Converter to get my map, and I loaded the tileset in mappy then exported the map as an MAR file. So when I imported the map, it was loading the tileset twice I guess? I don't exactly know why, but all I needed to do was load the MAR straight from the converter. Any ideas on #3? Thanks again.
  11. A couple of questions on maps and map insertion: 1) I was just wondering if anyone could possibly tell (or show via a link) me how to insert a tileset into FE7 in order to use FE6 maps in FE7. For example, this map. 2) I ran into a problem when inserting the attached map into free space at the end of my ROM (010011A0). I used tileset 10 00 73 12, which I'm sure is the correct one. And yet for some reason, when I start the chapter, it looks like the attached picture. I've tried inserting it fresh, it still didn't work. 3) Does anyone know the tileset for this map which is from FE7? Thanks for any help you can give me.
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