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Posts posted by Bibbon

  1. Just now, Bibbon said:

    This is why I disagree with the scum read on Athena, especially the Snike (?) slot is looking the worse for it. I'm not calling them scum as of yet, but you should know that poor logic is more likely to come from town than it is from scum. Anybody who has played a few games should know this.  It's so easy for scum to pull apart the reads and the logic and push for mislynches. 

    From this perspective, does Weapons not look scummy? 


  2. This is why I disagree with the scum read on Athena, especially the Snike (?) slot is looking the worse for it. I'm not calling them scum as of yet, but you should know that poor logic is more likely to come from town than it is from scum. Anybody who has played a few games should know this.  It's so easy for scum to pull apart the reads and the logic and push for mislynches. 

  3. 1 minute ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    I see why it is interpreted as scummy and also why everyone was like "good read bibbon"

    mm but it did

    I'm good at seeing contexts and narratives, which is how I scum hunt. I don't harp on players for flaws in logic, that is, if their actions make sense.  Because I know that both village and wolf do that, since most people aren't logical all the time. This is why a more effective method of catching scum is by seeing how their narrative shifts. You have done that several times this game. You dropped your vote on Athena and now focused on two different players. Your "joke" vote earlier, the parked vote on Fable, it does not follow one consistent narrative. This is why I think you're scum. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, BBM said:

    on a more serious note, I agree with via that shinori is a good scum player because he's very confident and can take advantage of uncertainty among townies in a game. i'm not suspicious of him in this game though. are there any specific posts or actions by him that are making you paranoid, or is it just a general vibe?

    this post confuses me. are you admitting that what you did was scummy?

    I can't point to anything concrete but I have my eyes open to anything from him. 

    And yes, that was an admittance of scummyness. He knows it himself.  

  5. 7 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    ##Vote: Fable

    for now


    5 hours ago, WeaponsofMassConstruction said:

    Hey guys, I claim tracker and I followed kirsche last night. He visited Eurykins so he probably killed him imo

    ##Vote: kirsche

    I don't see why you would do this? What this looks like to me, is that you're capitalizing on someone else's claim abour kirsche. If you really were the tracker, you would not have hesitated in voting him right at the start?

    The timing of this is also highly off. A scum peek at this time is detrimental to town and you should have known this, this is one of the basic things people learn playing mafia. 

    I will give you a chance to explain yourself.

  6. 1 hour ago, BBM said:

    bibbon, i know you're saying that you addressed weapons's change in read on athena but it doesn't feel to me like you did, and weapons felt the same way. can you quote the post where you said that or say it again bc I might have missed it. to me it looks like you're just saying that it doesn't look natural. but he shows evidence of rereading and is bringing up points to find athena scummy that he hadn't addressed earlier while finding athena scummy. also i think in context it seems like a weird time for scum!weapons to change his read on athena. i know a lot of people were expressing suspicion against him but it's not like there was a wagon to take advantage of.

    Well, here's the thing about Weapons. He says at first, that Athena looks towny for backing off, then the next post he says, no he's scummy. 

    So, in the first world, Athena is towny and Weapons would have backed off like that also and it's no cause for concern. But in the next post, he's reread the thread and suddenly it is a cancern. Yes, he's giving reasons, but it feels unnatural. Exactly what could have he seen on rereading the thread that does 180 flip on his worldview? Nothing substantial had happened in the time gap. The development from "I would do this myself" to "he's scum for doing the exact same thing" is shady. 

    To me, this feels opportunistic. Like, oh I think he looks good for this.  No, he actually looks bad (a few posts later). I don't want to know the reason for the read, I want to know the reason for the change in worldview. How was one thing not a concern last post, but is on reread? If so, then what caused him to see his action in a different light? 

    @WeaponsofMassConstruction  can you address this. 

    I hope you can understand what I mean by this 

  7. 15 minutes ago, BBM said:

    it's not that you promised to do one, it's that you SHOULD do one. you mentioned that you thought there was scum voting/suspecting athena. okay, so who is that scum? if you don't follow up on a statement like that, it's just useless fluff. that's why your defence of athena reads like a white knight to me.

    and although you didn't promise a wagon analysis on athena, you DID promise a long post with scumreads and allude to having several others other than zeus, but barely talked about any of them

    this is basically the only non-zeus content you ever ended up posting, on weapons:

    even though I don't agree with weapons, I don't think that there's a lack of progression here because weapons gives reasons for his change of mind in the post that you're quoting, which you don't address. but even setting that aside it's not very much given you said you had a few other scumreads and you were preparing a long post.

    i don't really care about your quantity of posts. fwiw after your spree of posts earlier today (last night for you) you might even be in the upper half wrt post count. i care about quality and a lot of your posts just seem like they're just responding to whatever posts are happening in the thread at that moment, or were directly addressed to you, rather than looking for scum.

    it's also hypocritical for you to bag on weapons for asking a player to self-meta because self-meta is useless, while you just gave me self-meta.

    I have problems with you which is why I don't interact with you. But here goes.  

    1) There's nothing illogical about assuming there's scum in the top wagon on D1. It's quite natural actually. And, as I said, votes aren't the only thing that matters, which is why I did do an "ISO" of sorts of a few players. If you can't tell, I'm having a hard time navigating the site and I can't post the ISOs like I do on MU.  

    2) It's quite strange that you use the term "white knigting" here, just for Athena and not for any of my other reads. What exactly is "white knighting?" Do you even understand the meaning of the term? How is me defending a town read the same as "white knighting"? By that logic, anyone who defends anyone must be  a "white knight" in your eyes. 

    What are you even implying by using this term? Are you implying that I believe Athena is scum and am still defending them? Contextually it makes no sense. Maybe you could find easier words to describe exactly what it is I'm doing. 

    3) I talked about Weapons. I do suspect one more player, but they're widely town read, which is why I'm reluctant to accuse them of being scum.  I'm not trying to be deceitful. I just don't want to be wrong about it. 

    4) No, it is a logical switch. He did explain his motivation. I did not miss/ignore it. It's almost like he switched world views. I'm not impressed by the explanation and I have pointed that out. I wasn't asking for an explanation for the read, I was asking for an explanation in change in narrative. If you don't understand what that means, don't comment on it. 

    5)I am looking for scum. If you expect me to describe my thoughts on every single player, you're not going to get that. If you have noticed, I have been saying things. Don't tell me how I should play the game. So what if I respond to the thread as it happens? So what if I answer the questions directed at me? I tend to play my way, and nothing else. 

    6) I never self meta'd. I said this is how I play, regardless of alignment. Did I even once claim alignment in this game? 

    This is a gross misrepresentation of my content and this isn't the first time I've seen you do this.  If you make similar posts, I'm just going to completely ignore them. It's frustrating and an absolute waste of my time. 

  8. I'm finding it hard to use the site. 

    But to those asking me why I'm voting Zeus, it's because his play is incredibly manipulative. He plans on coasting and his "don't vig me" post was disguised as him asking a question as if he doesn't know what we're even talking about. This along with him asking the thread for the meanings of basic English words has me thinking he is fake, and for that reason, he should be lynched.  

    It's not just bad play, it's manipulative and that's my problem with it. 

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