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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Violins are more respected. Considering just how awful the recent Star Wars movies have been, do you think you could do a better job writing Episode 9?
  2. Boba Fett; his death seemed a little more sudden. WYR be allowed to beat up Rian Johnson for ruining Star Wars, or let him get away with it?
  3. I’m playing through this game for the first time. Things are going well; I just beat the chapter where you recruit Clarine and Rutger and I’ve recruited everybody with no deaths. As for Supports, I got the B Support for Roy and Lance, the B Support for Lance and Alan, and the B Support for Ward and Lot. In the chapter I just played, I sat around for 350 turns after killing everything and still couldn’t get the A Support for Alan and Lance, and the A Support for Ward and Lot. I also tried the Clarine and Rutger Support because I was certain those two could Support with one another, but even after 350 turns I didn’t get their Support. So, WITHOUT GIVING ME ANY HINTS AS TO WHO SHOULD SUPPORT WITH WHOM, can someone clarify why these Supports aren’t popping up?
  4. Granted, but with the wands, they make it so the caster has to say Harry Potter like gibberish to cast the spell. This annoys fans. I wish L’Arachel will show me her naked shoulder.
  5. Are you high at the moment? That sounds like the kind of thing a stoner would come up with. 10/10 A device that allows me to track/find fairy Godparents.
  6. to hide in a tree holding a sniper rifle. Eventually, you’ll see the assassin before he sees you. The proper way to guess a woman’s age to flatter her is...
  7. by feeding them Alpha-bits. The proper way to write a strong, female protagonist without making her into a Mary Sue or just so unrealistic that everyone hates her is...
  8. Paintball WYR be dumped by your significant other on Xmas Day or Valentines Day?
  9. Knowledge WYR spend your nights being a vampire slayer or a regular/well liked patron of a bar every night?
  10. 4/10 A spell that turns mermaids into regular women, for *reasons*
  11. to choose a character that matches your face and body type. The proper way to train a hive of bees into becoming some kind of weapon is.,.
  12. Enter it into one of those dog shows that some pet owners use to display how good that they are at training pets. She’s Karis from Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
  13. Walk everywhere WYR have a katana during a zombie apocalypse or an infinite ammo rocket launcher?
  14. to actually understand some of the strategy; a pet peeve of mine is when you ask someone “Do you know how to play chess?” and they say “Yes” but in actuality they only know how to move the pieces. The proper way to battle rap someone is to...
  15. Only survivor WYR be viciously insulted at a church or at a bar?
  16. 1/10 Not sure what the point of this one is; why do we care if dogs can’t eat X when they have plenty of other foods available? I know it’s impossible, but I wish someone would figure out a way for life to have save states.
  17. 9/10 A symbiot like the one from Spider-Man that allows you to instantly change your outfit anywhere.
  18. within thirty minutes. The proper way to produce counterfeit money is...
  19. to do so with a girl wearing a skirt. The proper way to train a parrot to say dirty words and tell dirty jokes is...
  20. Predator; a Predator is more likely to kill you suddenly. WYR be given the opportunity to completely rewrite Star Wars Episodes 7-9 without getting any credit or money for your trouble, or leave it as it is?
  21. 5/10 doesn’t last long enough A monster truck that can fly.
  22. Watching that clip again after all these years made me lol. The horrible dialogue script and bad acting will always be the best way to add comic relief in a serious/bloody game such as this one. The proper way to sell drugs out of an ice cream truck is....
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