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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Because it is. In FE games, do you approve of the Fortune teller in FE7 that not only shows who can Support with whom, but gives you very helpful hints for each chapter?
  2. For sexual reasons? (jk) Of all of the playable characters in FE, which one most likely has STDs? (I would pick Tethys from Sacred Stones)
  3. Granted, but do you really want IS to waste time with Advance Wars? I only played the first one and it is completely inferior to FE. So yes, if your wish gets granted, that means fewer FE games. I wish Beserk Rods had a very low hit %.
  4. Perhaps try saying you’re a Satanist? Your boyfriend/girlfriend insists on playing some kind of drinking game. What game do you play?
  5. Throw out the potatoes outside, then spray bug spray to kill all of the flies. You have overdue library books but it’s raining outside; what do you do?
  6. Light; I think they would be more likely to reward me for helping, right? IS asks you to help out with character/story ideas for a new FE game for free. Do you help them?
  7. Granted, but because this character is so damn useful, it just seems that IS wanted to make a useful character that’s disabled just to be politically correct. Also, this character is so useful that he nerfs the difficulty. I wish nomads and nomad troopers had a hit n run ability to move, fire with the bow, and then move again with their remaining movement points.
  8. Hop off it immediately. You’re infected with a sociopathic alien symbiot (like Venom); do you keep it or test the possibilities?
  9. Po’boy WYR play a new Mario and Luigi RPG or a new Paper Mario RPG?
  10. Disney movie WYR have a very annoying fairy or be ostracized by all of your friends and family because you don’t have a fairy?
  11. Carry a gun; no one is going to say anything about me being a spy movie goon if I’m packing heat. You’re hungry and want to order pizza. Which pizza company do you pick?
  12. 8/10 Speaking of Pooh... https://imgur.com/gallery/qSQfAvF
  13. Lose job WYR be a contestant on the reality game show The Mole or be a contestant on Big Brother?
  14. Snake WYR play one of the Star Fox games or one of the Colony Wars games for the first PlayStation?
  15. I know nothing about Norway, so I guess I’d go with the goat book. WYR watch a very very stupid person play Zelda: Ocarina of Time for their first time or play through the game yourself again (I have watched 2 different idiots play this game and it’s absolutely hilarious; I’m not lying when I say it’s more fun watching than playing it again yourself). edit: I forgot to mention, if you smoke marijuana, then definitely get high while the idiot plays the game.
  16. All three of those options suck; I’ll choose randomly with dice. You find out your best friend is a secret agent, but they don’t know that you know. Do you say anything to them or anyone else about it?
  17. Get away with murder. WYR get a free meal at a shady Mexican restaurant that has a low food safety rating, or pay for McDonald’s?
  18. Pokémon Conquest WYR play Lufia 2’s Gift Mode (this mode lets you exclusively play the Ancient Cave with a combination of party members from the normal game) or the normal game? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lufia_II:_Rise_of_the_Sinistrals
  19. You named those characters after them because you wanted to make a nod to all of them and you’re fighting the Spaghetti Monster because he’s a god and mankind should exercise killing gods that aren’t trying to improve the lives of its people. If you were a Bard in FE, what instrument would you play?
  20. Because he’s an evil Republican that favors trickle down economics and fewer business regulations. Who do you want to win tonight’s football game: The Vikings or the Rams?
  21. Blue: Charmander Gold: Chikorita Soul Silver: Chikorita? I can’t remember. Y: Finniken
  22. Because “quack” sounds hilarious. In Zelda, if there was some place that had ducks, would attacking the ducks cause a swarm to appear and attack you like with Cuccos in most of the games?
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