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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Shrug it off; I once dropped a math textbook on my toe, swore, and that was it. A beautiful girl in class is wearing a dress and giving every guy in class a good look at her underwear. This is happening in the middle of a big test. What do you do?
  2. Because it’s clever and interesting. Ive read the Harry Potter books but seen only one full movie; is it worth my time to watch the movies?
  3. I have a question: is it possible to make rice with the big standard bags of uncooked white rice, mixed with vegetable broth, and then cooked in the microwave (I don’t have a stove or hot plate)? i don’t need an actual recipe, I just want to know if it’s possible to make flavored rice like this.
  4. Yes If I fall back, are you gonna help me back up again?
  5. He was doing something inappropriate with the pipe. Why is it in Clue you can sometimes unknowingly play as the person who killed Mr. Body?
  6. Think about it before committing to an answer. What’s inside the box at the end of the movie “Seven?”
  7. I’ve worked in retail before; you’re just supposed to get a supervisor or manager in that situation. Your girlfriend wants to wear a see-through dress going out with you tonight. Do you let her?
  8. Different writers do different things, but you should probably make an outline of each major event in the chapter before you start next time.
  9. I haven’t gotten the true ending yet, but I’d say Alan. What would you do if a perverted Summon Creature asked you to talk dirty to him like a sexy woman so you can get past him? (this happens in Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2)
  10. Demand that he pay to fix my wall; besides, I don’t really care for Kool-Ade. Demons are attacking the city and you have a Holy Sword! Do you kill them yourself or give away the sword?
  11. I guess I could offer it some food? What do Eevees eat? Rare Candy?
  12. If they’re an attractive woman, hit on them; otherwise, report it to the police and start carrying a knife just in case. I’m considering changing my avatar to Aera Colthearts from Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2; should I? https://imgur.com/gallery/tjWjaER
  13. Lolis WYR play Marvel vs Capcom 2 (the best in the series) or Smash Ultimate?
  14. Entertainment industry. WYR ship Ephraim and Erika or Ephraim and a random villager?
  15. Do what Ross from Friends did: attach a very angry note to the next lunch you put in at work. I completely forgot my Uncle’s birthday is coming up! What should I get him this time since we usually wind up getting each other a card with an Amazon gift card inside?
  16. Tell him “Hell no”. I’ve never flyed a Y-Wing before; he can surely find someone better. Baby Mario needs changing... Do you do it yourself or get someone else to do it?
  17. Considering how’s there are sites that let you create a meme from any photo, rather easily. Would you rather take Nina or Katt (from Breath of Fire 2) on a date (or both!)?
  18. Mellow cheese WYR be forced to bet money on NFL football or horse racing?
  19. Jaffar; I think he can take her on, right? Would Nino Support Jaffar as he takes on Tharja?
  20. Good game with fan service. WYR play a fan made FE game with only female playable characters, or one of the Summon Night games?
  21. Nair is hair remover; so if you mixed the two, you’d probably lose your hair. What would you do if Tharja started stalking you?
  22. The first. WYR have to console Neimi while she’s crying or help Amelia train in combat?
  23. Try to make him do favors for me; though I can be impatient with things, I’m very patient with people. An berserker is coming at you and you’re only armed with a slim Lance! What do you do?
  24. As you can see, Cath spawned inside a wall; luckily, she’s on the edge so I can talk to and steal from her. Did this happen because of how my troops were set up or something? https://imgur.com/gallery/J0mh7MO
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