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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Japanese food WYR read a good book or play the original Super Mario Bros?
  2. to write them down as soon as you wake up. The proper way to buy used games is to...
  3. Because you’re a man; being power hungry is a manly trait. Am I the only one on this board that has played the awesome action RPG Soul Blazer?
  4. High quality item WYR marry someone that is a mute or someone that will NEVER shut up and stop talking?
  5. Maybe Mr. Burns since one of his catch phrases is “Release the hounds.” Am I the only one that prefers third person shooters over first person?
  6. to be very nice to your server, or else they will mess with your food. The proper way to use a coffee maker is...
  7. Because people feel that the two of them is the canon pairing. How many one hit wonders is a band allowed to have?
  8. swing it around like a sword. The proper way to play Final Fantasy 5 is...
  9. Granted, but this character can’t damage flying units, which makes them completely inferior to all of the other magic users when fighting wyverns. I wish the next FE game had a character that was a hermaphrodite. This character excells at fighting with weapons and magic.
  10. Piercing as long as it isn’t near my dick and balls. WYR be a kindergarten teacher or a high school teacher?
  11. Granted, but your fan game becomes so popular that IS and Nintendo shut it down for “reasons”. I wish that the next FE game had a character that was both a fortune teller that supplies you hints for each chapter and a typical dancer. The thing about this unit is that if they die, you not only lose your dancer, but you lose your fortune teller too.
  12. food fights occur more frequently. In an alternate universe where a male high school (or even middle school) student having sex with a really hot teacher isn’t illegal at all...
  13. the ones in pajamas. In an alternate universe where life has save states...
  14. are considered not actually real. Scientists say that they are instead a drug induced hallucination. In an alternate universe, neither Ocarina of Time nor FF7 are considered the best games ever; instead...
  15. Irony WYR bet red or black on a Roulette wheel?
  16. Granted, but now none of the characters have paired endings. I wish that in the next FE game, there were some lances that had a special “Pierce” attack where the user could attack an enemy unit that is next to them and one space away at the same time. The rules for getting counterattacked by the enemy units still apply (assuming the unit next to you can hit a unit one space away and the farther away unit has a ranged weapon).
  17. Sitcom WYR live in the Big Brother house with only people of the gender you’re not attracted to, or watch an overly sexualized version of Big Brother with people of the gender you’re attracted to?
  18. 8/10 A book that teaches you how to train a ferret to steal for you.
  19. Video game WYR be fabulously wealthy, on the condition that everyone everywhere really really hates you, or continue as you are now?
  20. Concession stand WYR own your own wrestling promotion where you pick the talent, storylines, and types of matches, or be a popular Hollywood actor?
  21. Charm people WYR play dominos for fun with someone you’re evenly matched with, or play dominos for $5 a game with someone not mentally “with it”?
  22. Obscure one WYR go to sleep in a really warm room or a really cold room (assuming you have blankets)?
  23. Others WYR get caught shoplifting or get caught masturbating?
  24. Magic Is saying “The Pen is Power” Offensive to female authors?
  25. Not that many; besides, when they melt, the water will break the heater. How can I watch new episodes of South Park without having to sit through 12+ minutes of commercials per episode?
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