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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. through a straw. The proper way to catch a predator (any kind of predator you wish) is...
  2. Tell your grandparents to shove off You are in danger of being eaten by a giant spider. You are by yourself and can’t run away. You happen to have a magnum with six rounds in it. What do you do?
  3. Just give it to him You’re supposed to pull Excalibur out of a rock and then use it to save a Princess. But the damn thing won’t come out!
  4. to first befriend them, then punch in the face and run away laughing; it works, trust me The proper way to sleep all day and party all night is...
  5. when you explain what they do for a job, use quotations; for example: Suzy is in “sales” The proper to trick people into giving you birthday presents (when it isn’t your birthday) is...
  6. I’d risk it; but if only I can take a weapon and a few prized possessions with me. Anna from FE won’t reduce her prices for you, even with the Silver Card equipped. What do you do?
  7. get a candle. The proper way to steal all of Kylie Jenner’s money is....
  8. Because for every one year everywhere else, there’s six years in the Philippines. Why do Philippinos (is it Phillipinos?) like balut eggs? Those poor duck embryos :(
  9. Neimi! Also, I really like the versions of Anna that appear in the GBA titles.
  10. I liked the trailer. This is the rare case that I want to see a new movie in the theaters. The fact that they made the Pokémon kinda look like puppets is another plus. I have some weird thing about myself that I just like puppets.
  11. to eat one Cheerio every ten minutes throughout the day. The proper way to deal with Serra’s (FE7) annoyingness is...
  12. Why not? Speaking of which, here’s a silly poem: Birdy, birdy in the sky What’s this white stuff in my eye? It’s ok; I won’t cry, cuz I’m just grateful cows don’t fly Did you like that poem?
  13. to steal the ball and run away. The proper way to see a girl naked without even dating her is...
  14. 1. Still a little sick with the cold 2.I have a back log at the moment So I haven’t got to buying it yet. 3. I always Ironman a FE game when I play it the first time (unless I get a Game Over, then I reload my save file). Because of this, I only got the normal ending of 6 and didn’t get around to trying to get the true ending. I’ve beaten 7 a lot, but only on the normal difficulties. 8 I’ve beaten on hard like this, and I beat Awakening once. 4.I’ve been busy lately, but I’ve been playing Zelda: Wind Waker, Legna Tactica on the 3DS, and FE8 again. 5.I believe Megaman Soccer on the SNES. It’s fun, but the programmers didn’t even make an ending for Story Mode ? Edit: forgot to mention, for 4, I started Terranigma for SNES on emulator, but I’ve been having issues with the emulator.
  15. 1: A little sick with the cold, but otherwise well. 2.I suppose Capcom’s Breath of Fire series, but it might just be because it’s the first RPG series I played. 3: It was part of a logic/word puzzle in one of my high school classes. In it, there would be a drawing of some kind that makes up a word. An easy example is if you write “bloCuse” it really means “see through blouse”. In regards to SMEDIA, the teacher refused to tell us what it means. The best we could come up with was either “It’s my day” (es mi dia) or “social media”. So yes, it’s rather ambiguous. 4.honesty (even when it’s blunt, but not mean), devotion, and kindness 5.spicy
  16. 3 (get it? Tri = 3) If the devil had a daughter, what would he name her?
  17. Asking him/her about Literature. The proper way to to binge watch a tv series is...
  18. Has @Dragoncat done this yet? If not, then I nominate her.
  19. Because chickens don’t have nuggets. How many days of the week are there during leap year?
  20. by trying to get it all over a girl. The proper way to break your friend’s favorite game console (without them knowing) is...
  21. Flame WYR get to successfully beat up your least favorite super hero/villain in an epic battle or get to say any nasty swear word you want at Trump on live tv?
  22. to distract your opponent, then try to lean your body weight into it. The proper way to cook asparagus is...
  23. Early bird; most people really hate night owls. WYR be with Marisa or Tethys from FE8?
  24. Granted, but to balance the tree units high HP and Def, if an enemy uses even one fire attack against your tree unit, it dies a horrific death. Also, the final boss uses long range fire attacks too that really frustrate the players that invest in their tree units. I wish that Marisa from FE8 got her own side story action RPG that showed her relationship to her father, how she became kinda a sociopath, and why the hell she got the nickname “The Crimson Flash”
  25. Oops sorry The proper way to run for President is to first become a reality tv star! It works (somehow) The proper way to beat a Zelda game while drunk as fuck is...
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