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Everything posted by SMEDIA

  1. Movie star WYR marry a prostitute or a former nun?
  2. Thanks :) Id rather have chili with beans. WYR be friends with a coke head that’s a very interesting/intellectual conversationalist, or a pot head that is absolutely hilarious?
  3. Your mom? (JK) If someone insulted your mom to your face, what would you do?
  4. Umm, I guess the underwater base? I forgot the name of it, but I heard there was a clever video game where a young girl is trapped on a spaceship that I guess is full of aliens or something trying to kill her. You don’t play as this girl though. Instead, you play as a mission control person and have to speak into a microphone telling her what to do so she doesn’t get killed. So anyway, WYR try playing that game or something else? (If someone knows the name of that game, I’d like to hear it)
  5. 3/10 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IYlnZGmgADA&t=20s&index=2&list=PLiY5SUoXp3suMsq_AlcAEpLs3WVXS6YSa
  6. Shirts WYR listen to AFI’s old music or their newer music?
  7. I suppose walking around in a hot rain might be relaxing? What if Sonic the Hedgehog started using guns like Shadow?
  8. The reason I picked her is because I’ve had a crush on her since I was a little kid (she’s 45 now). https://imgur.com/gallery/dsExWqV Lol; good find. In regards to your question, I’ll cope with peeing diamonds for the money. WYR be a baseball player in the World Series (which started last night) or just so happen to win millions of dollars gambling on the World Series?
  9. Slutty witch. Speaking of witches, WYR have a one night stand with Emma Watson (Harry Potter) or Alyssa Milano (Charmed)?
  10. You just did so. Is trying to sleep with any pretty girl you meet (like Sain) a good thing or a bad thing?
  11. 4/10 This is one of my favorite themes from the only Sonic game I really enjoyed: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FGlIA2YnyUY&list=PLiY5SUoXp3stoagKOtT4woUoxmZ0E71nC&index=2&t=530s
  12. Some people don’t like it because it counts as children’s lit. What they fail to realize is that even children’s lit can have dark themes. When presenting a Shakespearean play, what are you supposed to do with all of the dead bodies on stage?
  13. Fly an airship WYR play craps or blackjack for money?
  14. I’m originally from California and I kind of wish to at least go back and visit. WYR play a game on its most difficult setting the first time you play it or the default setting and (assuming you liked the game) then play the more difficult setting?
  15. Cuisine WYR get robbed of all of your possessions or shot in the stomach and immediately taken to the Emergency Room?
  16. Red eyes WYR go on a date with someone that is way too good for you or someone below your standards?
  17. Only if it has a trainer that is responsible watching the Eevee.
  18. Enough to pay for food to end world hunger. Considering how food is cheap, why is there such a thing as world hunger?
  19. Drugs? Which of these two lovely couples do you like more? https://imgur.com/gallery/Zt10ooU https://imgur.com/gallery/CJK0h
  20. The idea is that in an imaginary FE game, there’s a normal ending and a true ending. If you don’t fulfill the requirements to get the true ending, the final boss is an easy to beat evil, megalomaniac alien that looks just like ET the extraterrestrial. Needless to say, I thought this was very silly.
  21. I’m trying to sell a brand new, never been opened before copy of this game on eBay. As of now, I’m not getting many takers, so if you wanted a new copy then now’s a good opportunity. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fire-Emblem-Awakening-Nintendo-3DS-2013/153224988289?epid=166708431&hash=item23acebc681:g:R0UAAOSwfONbyiPW (Note: I got permission from the moderator, eclipse, to make this topic)
  22. The two have a Pokémon battle: the loser has to give the winner oral sex. Ash wins. Afterwards, the agree to another date. Yoda and Athos from FE7: the two are trying to figure out who’s more powerful with trying to kill each other.
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