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Everything posted by EvanManManMan

  1. How The case was either blowing terrible reasons out of proportion or failing to highlight why the meaningful things were scummy
  2. @SullyMcGully I publicly claimed. Hiding info lmao. That's weak and dumb. You also never gave any examples so I cant even answer stuff I supposedly dodged. And why is my Refa case bad? That was the one point that actually held weight in your case and you completely dismissed it. I need details if you expect me to actually respond logically
  3. "athena > kts > everyone" This was Refa's day one lynch priority Athena and KTS are spewed town (for now at least)
  4. I did and I found them either not impactful or wrong. Like not acknowledging the thread is an honest mistake. Not something scummy. Almost every push you have made this game has been opportunistic.
  5. @Brooklyn when have I been tunneling Elieson? I have other reads and although they are my top lynch preference, I have never shown issue consolidating elsewhere
  6. Damn this shit juicy with content. I think it looks really bad for Elie and good for you on an individual level. Like these logs completely disprove the "Marth is scum for contradiction" point and I kinda saw this as what was happening despite having no insight on the situation.
  7. Via is town Post chain was super pure Marth making the contradiction in their Snike read is NAI because people make mistakes and messing up is human nature. I don't think that's actually scummy. As for other stuff Marth has done, well, nothing I remember. I'm gonna reach out 2 him. Snike should be given a night because confirmable claim (is he still a wagon?)
  8. "Elijah endorses Elieson, Snike and Refa pushes. Evan is a -ev push" -KTS
  9. Whatever? I mean this isn't worth talking about. However what was worth talking about is why I pinged Acid out the way I did, which you misrepresented in the beginning and then proceeded to ignore. Are you trying to be wrong? It feels that way.
  10. Acid never said anything about me. It was one way. I can't tell if this misrep is intentional or not but it's nagl.
  11. It may look like OMGUS but the way it happened just sparks that thought regardless of what was actually going on in my head. I had a problem with Athena's posts. I couldn't have cared less who it was on, it was bad and needed to be called out. And while it may not have been intentful shade it definitely was and there are definitely other ways to word yourself.
  12. Why are you taking my shade comment like a joke? It wasn't. Why did I ask the question about Acid? To create discussion. I wanted other people to give thoughts on Acid so I proposed a question. If I hate something, the immediate conclusion would be to think it's scummy so I don't get why you aren't piecing that together. I was literally voting Acid too so my thoughts should have been clear.
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