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About Lungs

  • Birthday 10/28/1994


  • Member Title
    We Didn't Start the Fire

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Turning my in-progress fanfiction into a fangame.

    A.k.a. learning to Event Hack and make Graphics.

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

Lungs's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

  3. Finally found time to go for a playthrough (yeah, spring break!) and while the whole thing is really fun and stuff, there are bits of it that made me a little upset. Like when my 20/20 Cia with max speed got 2hko'd in chapter 24 by some random enemy hero. Also, while I did have enough elysian whips, they came a little late - considering Karina flies in at level 10 and wyverns are so easy to level to begin with, it was like "oh lord what am I supposed to do with this unit, she's so good but getting no exp" etc. All of my magically inclined units were missing some sort of vital stat it seemed - Tamiko died in one hit to literally everything as a 20/13 bishop (nun, something?). Maybe I play a little too recklessly but the difficultly of the game came from the units just not being strong enough to kill other units despite (the attempting of) sharing exp pretty fluidly between the characters. All in all that was still an amazing experience, no doubt about it.
  4. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. Happy Birthday!!!

  6. Thanks! I've been busy for the better part of the week, but I intend on working for maybe 16-24 hours this weekend~ Need to do more graphics work. D: And I really, really need to figure out my maps.
  7. Omg yay. The standing sprite has been implemented. I'm going to go and watch a broadway show. (Actually. LOL) When I come back, I'll tackle the other moving sprites. Thanks so much to shadowofchaos for telling me my exact derp. :p This is the 4 episode of That Ain't- and the title is "THAT AIN'T IT MOST DEFINITELY IS NED STARK"
  8. Lungs

    GBAGE stuff

    Yay, it works.~
  9. Lungs

    GBAGE stuff

    Ehh. Hehehe. Oops. I have no excuses. /me cries.
  10. Lungs

    GBAGE stuff

    Err, does anyone know where the tutorial is on how to discover the Palette offset? D: (I was using this earlier). D:
  11. Lungs

    GBAGE stuff

    Okay, so I have multiple problems that might be the cause of this main problem. I was trying to import map sprites. D: I made 3 16x48 standing, waving sword halfway, waving sword full thingy which was meant to replace Lyn's map sprite animation. (there are like, 9 colors or something. lol) Problem 1: I don't know what palette offset gets me true color on, well, anything - is there some way I can figure it out? Problem 2: So when I inserted it, Ned Stark came out in a weird shade (broken palette stuff). I imported it onto offset 372F60, which Nightmare calls for Lyn's bladelord map sprite, with palette offset at 0. This was probably one of the main causes of the problem! D: Abort if bigger was unchecked, etc. So it's nice and imported and it's a weird shade and I was begging for it to work - I hit save on GBAGE, and then I tried to run my rom. Big Problem: VBA tells me that "Unsupported BIOS function ce called from 08000030. A BIOS file is needed in order to get correct behavior". I assume that's a graphics issue because when I imported the greatsword Ice without making colorthings happen (for some reason I got the color right for that - due to a tutorial iirc) or when I imported it with the abort if bigger graphics button was checked, the same thing happened. Help? D:
  12. Dark brown - I'm super sure he was older than 25 when GoT happens because he had children with Catelyn - Brandon was going off to marry Catelyn when they took Lyanna (I am super sure Rhaegar/Lyanna eloped btw); and like, he changed his course to King's Landing to get her back? But like, Robb is 16? 17? ish by the time GoT happens so that means he'd have to be between 39 and 45 when GoT happens. Yeah, they're right. He looks like GoT!Ned in my thing. Well, I can tell this flashback style so I can still use this sprite XD Removing his beard would probably solve the problem for his age though. :'( Twas an epic beard.
  13. Hmm... getting rid of his beard would probably fix that. XD
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