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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Um...what? I don't know about the other two, but just...what?
  2. Hey, I was chill. I wouldn't have made that jab at the "Fuck the Tiers" thread otherwise.
  3. I staged it. The SAKURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI part was from some meme or other.
  4. But-but, Sakurai overhyped Brawl! There was little to no hype about the Wi-Fi! :( SAKURAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI!
  5. Turd filter would be more like it. Validation plus Trial Member phase (Like 20 posts). If the person were a dumbass, they'd be put into Pending Approval for eternity.
  6. Ah. Well, he's the only real source of bawwing. Luigi Bros. even got over it pretty quickly.
  7. Hey, at least it gives Est, Gordin, Arran and other crappy characters a use!
  8. Nah, I mentioned it in my rebuttal to luigi bros. Except for Sedgar and Wolf, the game's pretty balanced.
  9. Old =/= Awful. It's just old. Except for the Mugshots. THOSE are awful. FE5 has the same deal with caps. What is the point of having higher caps if the enemies don't even take advantage of it? Like that damn ballistae in Book 2 (lol@mostly zeroes) Then that's more of a fault with the terrain than the map size. Not if you know what you're doing. Didn't say it wasn't. No, not really. FE5 is hard. Those times are more of nuisances than anything.
  10. I assume improvements to security and the Admin CP. The latter of which we don't need to worry about. And probably some bug fixes too.
  11. It's finished, alright. And it looks fine (Except the mugshots. >_>) I'd argue that Gaiden's more advanced than FE3. Not like higher caps were needed. Especially in lolBook 1. Eh, Yied Desert more or less covers the typical annoying Fire Emblem Desert level. Your argument's not too far off though That depends. I'd say the problem isn't the difficulty (Not really hard), but rather that it took steps back from FE5. Agreed. Agreed. Though it's pretty much always easy. Same deal as FE6's Trial Characters. Also, I hear the difficulty is laughable (Except Hard Mode and of course, Japan's Maniac Mode) Agreed. Though that's more the fault of character distribution than the parts themselves. I'd say it's a progression in some senses. Other than some things (lolSedgar and Wolf), the game's pretty damn balanced. Plus, I'd say the selectable difficulties is a wonderful thing. Also H5.
  12. No, they lacked brains to begin with. Disregard that, Zombies would prefer to eat theirs and CG's spleens. Since they lack brains.
  13. They live to exist. Their existence involves eating brains Or lack of brains. lol at the whiner in the IPB 3.0.1 thread CG
  14. Hika, the zombies take offense to those words.
  15. The "Fuck the Tiers" topic is over yonder. I think that's what you're looking for. Sarcasm aside, Red Fox is right. I see nothing wrong about proclaiming a love for tiers.
  16. I don't agree with the methods, but the reactionary face is priceless regardless.
  17. Same. Except with Firefox and Adblock Plus as well. Though at least Opera can block elements, which is good. Poor IE users though. :P
  18. Well, not all boards necessarily choose to upgrade.
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