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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Celes/Julius nao. Oh, and 24x. That too.
  2. It's official. Marthur!Celes was just playing hard to get on Ninji!Julius.
  3. Selena was essentially Camus with tits. She fought to the bitter end even though she knew what she was fighting for was wrong. Hence, Camus with tits.
  4. Deadbeard IS easy with the right strategy. It's just, unlike Dullahan, you can't easily summon rush against him. That, and it's actually not a pain to fight without summon rushing, seeing as Dullahan likes to be an ass with Djinn Storm. Doom Dragon's easy.
  5. Then turn off the game. And get to 24x.
  6. lol. Pilot's still a regular though. Hell, he exceeded me prior to the hacking.
  7. And I went back to being 7th highest poster. :>
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