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Everything posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Ninji's FE5 Punch-Out!! 24x = Mike Tyson. GET TO IT.
  2. Hence the Laylea request. Not Chibi-ified.
  3. Basically, something different from the norm, right? I fully understand.
  4. Sound's cool. And don't worry. I wouldn't dare bother anyone whom I ask a request of. That would be stupid.
  5. *Pictures Julius standing on a map of Jugdral.* *Laughs* Delusions.
  6. Add in Not Ardan. :P Anyway, maybe...nah, not Julia. You already did that for Mecha-Yuria. Maybe Laylea? I dunno.
  7. That image wins. Toga and pantless Marth. THIS! IS! ALTEAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  8. Faval doesn't get Luna. And Patty will still fail.
  9. Hannibal's easy to recruit. Same with Douglas. Xavier's the one who's a pain in the ass though. Especially for trying to get the member card. >_>
  10. Most of it was cursed, but yeah, that same dungeon had the cleric's ring. And I had a much harder time with Deadbeard. Dullahan was all about summon rushing, unfortunately. Deadbeard...well...you CAN'T summon rush against him easily, mostly due to less Djinn and no broken summons.
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