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Status Updates posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. Agreed with PBM.

  2. Naw. Just a fact of life.

  3. Nah, it all worked out in the end. However, should you change your name, I'm going to change mine. :P

  4. Nah, I just found a way around it. I DID want to change it to Aless though.

  5. I was going to change my name to Aless in a day...;_;.

  6. Wanna be friends?

  7. Lulz. Domo Arigato Mr. Bidofo.

  8. Sedgar's better! :P

  9. Banned, you are not.

  10. I always liked Laylea more than Leen. :P.

  11. Not sure. Considering there's a lot of classes and variations thereof, it's hard to nail it down exactly.

  12. I suppose he does. But that's not why I chose him as my name and avy. It's because he kicks serious ass.

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