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Status Updates posted by NoNameAtAll

  1. I love Mean Fia. :P

    I don't love being trapped. :|

  2. That's good to know.

    Bad Fia for confusing the masses.

    ... :P

  3. And that's why I fail. I can't see these things. :P

  4. Banned faggot is banned.

  5. By cool, I meant pretty. :|

  6. I just noticed your profile picture (Not avatar). It's cool.

  7. Haha, you are banned. NYAHAHAHAHA.

  8. Well, Omega was more difficult in ZX. More agressive, actually used his 7 hit combo like a madman (Unlike in Zero 3 where it was more rare, I think), and one of his attacks actually healed him that time go round.

  9. Ware wa Messiah Nari! Hahaha.

  10. It seems I missed my chance to teach you a lesson. WITH MY FISTS.

  11. Welcome back.

  12. FE4 threader, eh?

    Naturally, you have Ishtar there. :P

    Cool stuff. :D

  13. Happy Birthday.

  14. Oh, no problem. ^_^

  15. You'll be missed,to be certain. :(

  16. Laylea is a bit more useful than Leen is. Charisma has plenty of usage for one thing. Sure, she doesn't have the potential to fight as well as Leen, but we're talking standard, non-abuse filled playthroughs. Plus, she's prettier. <3

  17. I'm not changing it unless an admin demands it. And seeing as it's not inappropriate, there's no need to.

  18. Oh Hika, you card. :P

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