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Everything posted by Agility

  1. Im looking for the code that lets you control enemies unit. I want to acquire enemy units, raise them, then beat the game with there own units. I usually play on gamecube with the original game, so dolphin and ar codes are new to me lol
  2. Shinon > Rolf (I like double Bow) However, the chapter you get rolf in, if you kill all enemies and then just boss abuse he can easily get lvl 9. You just have to sacrifice earning bonus experience for that level and have the patience of a God. Ive gotten him promoted to Sniper by the chapter 15 with boss abuse and some BEXP. Not to mention if you give him an A support with shinon in the game later, he dodges alot.
  3. That's sweet ping, never realized how strong forged magic is. I do got to say 2 of my favorite players are Soren & Stephan. Not because of there stats or classes but because of the lore behind them. (Spoiler Alert)
  4. I actually like how Swordmasters & Archers have higher crit rates. However snipers being locked into indirect combat can be annoying and swordmasters not being able to attack from a distance (besides runesword & sonic sword) can be annoying. I tend to enjoy axes/lances better because of possible forging of handaxe and javelins. A good duo I used to rock was Zihark & Mia. Since you get 1 adept and 1 vantage in the game. They are practically the same person XD As for mages, I tend to not like Soren as much anymore because he doesn't get a lot of level up in strength. I think Tormod is the way to go. Your probably wondering why a mage would need strength! It actually helps them dodge attacks! He also has the highest defense growth rate among the mages I think besides calil & bastian which I believe are terrible lol. Anyway Whale and Shadow Mir, I was wondering what would your roster look like full of 8 players! Im interested in your opinions and taste!
  5. I do agree with the usefulness of the paladin's and being able to heal. Ive never really used the flyers that much besides Jill. I don't like how they are vulnerable to arrows. When I do use Jill I give her full guard. I guess I could be more tactical and try a flyer playthrough someday, that could be fun. Im working towards beating the game 15 times so I can unlock Ashnard. I think im 1-2 games from getting bruce right now. However I've gotten away from using paladins mainly because they tend to have average caps in everything. I like how Warriors have more cap strength or Swordmasters have more cap speed.
  6. Oh wow Shadow Mir, your so intelligent! How would you allocate your mastery skills then and on who?
  7. Shinon is pretty sweet. You ever pair him up with rolf? The support bonus really helps with Dodging. Sometimes I pair him up with Janaff too. I agree Volke is pretty cool. It wish he had more supports besides bastian XD
  8. Hello everyone. I have not been on this forums in ages it feels like. I am glad everybody is still around! Still my favorite site for fire emblem resources 🙂 I just wanted suggestions on who I should put on my team for a playthrough I am about to start. Also some debates on who are your favorite characters and skills associated with them. Also possible items you give them to boost stats. For starters this is my idea, I tend to run teams of 8-10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One and only Lord Ike (Given) (Wrath) (Resolve) Before BK fight: I usually run Nihil with Wrath. After BK fight: I get rid of Nihil and give Ike Resolve. _________________________________________________ The 4 Occult Warriors Mist (BK fight) (Sol) Boyd (Statue Frags & Colossus) Volke (Only Assassin) (Lethality) Brom (Luna) Reason: I really like the idea of a A support between Boyd & Mist. As for Brom and Volke, I think those mastery skills are more useful then others in the games. Being able cut defense in half and have instant deaths seems appealing. _________________________________________________ The Mighty Dragons Ena or Nasir ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Possible Others Nephenee (Wrath)(Vantage)(A support with Brom) That is a total of 6 without the dragon or king. I'm excited to see what you guys come up with 🙂
  9. They should make a sequel of tellius where all the old people are dead except for maybe some of the branded are still alive. Then the branded that fought in the previous wars (ex. soren or micaih) could try to establish there own country and take part of one of the other countries land.
  10. Lucky you! Well thanks for replying and stuff. That English patch looks very nice!
  11. Lol thanks and that isn't very helpful atm. I've been searching for the Japanese iso but with no prevail :| I did read that there is ar codes to increase the difficulty but it just wont be the same.
  12. I was wondering if there was a patch for the USA version of Fire Emblem PoR that adds maniac mode?
  13. I mean he rides horses and has a lance, what more could you ask for in a Lord! Not to mention he is awesome.
  14. That's one impressive comeback, you might need one dracoshield to max defensive but I doubt it, he should get good increases for that to not to be necessary.
  15. My new favorite would have to be makalov. He is a paladin that can use swords & bows together (my 2 favorite weapons). He is also is goofy and doesn't really care about anything lol
  16. So I have always played Path of radiance on gamecube. While at college though I decided to download a dolphin emulator for my pc. I have now been playing fire emblem path of radiance on it. Anyway I always hated the fact that sothe could never promote. Do you guys know how to edit the code so that sothe can promote?
  17. I havnt been on lately but thanks :D

  18. I used brom in FE9, I don't really like armored knights but I like his characater, also I support him with Zihark. I love using swordmasters and brom is good at defending zihark since swordmasters have low defense.
  19. What is your favorite beorc class? What is your favorite laguz race? Also name your second favorite! Here are mine! beorc = 1. Swordmaster & 2. Assassin (mainly for high crit rates) laguz = 1. Raven & 2. Cat
  20. If i raise devdan will his stats transfer to danved? lol
  21. Well who ever is killing the boss i would forge them a low attack power weapon with no critcal rate, Also try to have ike unequiped so you can get the boss to use up all his weapons so he can't counter your weaker units. You will need a healer though because ike will likely take a lot of damage. Second thing, there is actually 1 more chapter you can boss abuse it is chapter 27. You can abuse the halberdier on the heal platform. The problem with this abuse though is no matter the results of your black knight battle with Ike you have to keep going or you will lose all that time and exp, if you replay the whole chapter which can be annoying. So even if you lose i would just take ena better then redoing the whole chapter and abusing the boss again.
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