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Everything posted by Agility

  1. Thought of another one ^_^ Cancel+stun. blocks attack and stuns them for 2 turns :D
  2. Well i would use the trees as cover to get close to them without being noticed and have titania and oscar block bridge rhys in the middle and ike at the rear.
  3. Thanks guys tips really helped. Ive played POR like 10 times XD but RD is a lot difference since you dont have ur members the whole game.
  4. lol I understand now. Thanks for the help guys.
  5. Um problem, what if i play on Wii....
  6. So um you just keep saving over the same slot because you only have 5 slots XD
  7. I plan on getting pelleas. Also should i stockpile Bonus exp for final chapters or use it when i get it.
  8. What game mode do i have to beat the game on 15 times?
  9. Reyson his abilities are amazing, unless you like renewal then use makalov. Only paladin who can achieve S rank in sword wielding.
  10. To start, I play on normal mode. I want my units to be more organized this time. It felt like last time i just rushed through it (units died) and i was counting on units like Haar and Ike to get me through the game. So ultimately what im asking is how to raise my characters more efficiently in RD and when to use bonus experience on them. Im also wondering why the bonus experience works a lot differently then in POR.
  11. Thanks guys :D Umm for ena vs nasir, that depends on if i kill black knight. Also btw I am playing on Normal mode, with fixed growth. I will try to post stats and levels every Chapter, it will be really basic and simple though. Ex. (Class, lvl ?, Exp ?? , stats ) I will tell you when i use items that raise stats and when i give bonus exp. <BR><BR><STRONG>Roster ( your choices) </STRONG><BR>Ike(Default)<BR>Titania<BR>Rhys<BR>Mia<BR>Rolf<BR>Brom<BR>Sothe<BR>Makalov<BR>Devdan<BR>Shinon<BR>Elincia<BR>ena/nasir<BR>Raven king<BR><BR>*I picked raven king cause he has less strength out of the 3 kings*<BR>*I didn't pick ulki because i like receiving the renewel scroll instead of 3 birds*<BR><BR><BR>
  12. To begin, i want to do a playthrough with characters that are bad. Im bored of using my normal units. So if you can pick 7-8 bad units for me that would be great! Rules: 2 units per post (person)
  13. So i was wondering what band would be best to give ike to help him out. Also does giving him a band even benefit him or does it hurt him. *I play the game on random mode*
  14. Well in fixed mode i found something odd. We all know the bonus exp cheat. But i would give my character 1 bonus exp at a time in fixed mode and they usually always capped in the area they need to be good at.
  15. #################################################################################################################################### # Main 7 Characters I use # #################################################################################################################################### Ike *Lord* Mist *Valkrie* Rolf *Sniper* Shinon *Sniper* Titania *Paladin* Mia *Swordmaster* Boyd *Warrior* *I have Support "A" between Titania and Ike* *I have Support "A" between Shinon and Rolf* *I have Support "A" between Boyd and Mist* *The for Mia i can't remember*
  16. I suggested both the archers/snipers. Rolf and Shinon. I used seraph robe on rolf. Gave him critical bow, then gave him the skill wratch when his HP is half or less. Plus if u have a support that is A with Shinon They basically dodge everything. Alot of criticals to!
  17. I'm wondering what band i should give ike or if i should even give him one?
  18. Another major vault line is the new madrid fault. It made the mississipi flow backwards :O like 200 years or so ago.
  19. well this is not class changing but it would be changing genders. Change soren into a girl for ike :O
  20. I would go with swords or bows just because they are my favorite weapons. There better in accuracy. As for the lack of power you can simply fix that by forging a strong steel sword or steel bow.
  21. I agree with anouleth swords are pretty amazing.
  22. Thanks guys you really helped me :D
  23. Soren37 thats brilliant. I think ima do another player threw for amazing stats so when i transfer them to radiant dawn they will be nice.
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