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Posts posted by Electric-Gecko

  1. On 2018-07-13 at 10:26 AM, Otts486 said:

    Does nowi lay eggs or does she give live birth? also when a manakete is born are they born in dragon form or not? I'm curious.

    Don't Manaketes need dragonstones to enter dragon-form?  Due to this, I'm guessing they're born in the human form.

    It's harder to say if they're live-born or hatch from eggs.  The very idea of an animal that shape-shifts between a human-like form and a dragon form makes it hard to apply real world biology.

    However, I'm going to say live birth.  For Henry, Donnel or any of the other male characters to mate with Nowi, she would probably need to have a proper vagina.  I'm assuming these "humans" are similar to humans in the real world as we know them.

    If I'm not supposed to use the "V word" here, I'm terribly sorry.

    On 2018-07-16 at 4:58 AM, Otts486 said:

    ...Are the young breast fed or like most reptiles are they born ready to eat most anything right out of the gate. I’m gonna guess breast fed considering tiki’s watermelons 

    That's a good point.  But the breasts might be fake, just in order to imitate humans.

  2. The closest thing they should do to this is a multiplayer-oriented FE game for Switch.  The battles in FE Heroes are more chess-like, and would be well-suited to player-vs-player.  A compromise between mainline FE and FE Heroes gameplay (in both movement distances and battle mechanics) would be best for a PvP-oriented FE.

    The only question is how units would be recruited.  Perhaps copying units recruited in mainline games?  But that wouldn't work if the mechanics are different, as units would require different stats.

    I would be happy with the mainline FE going one step closer to Heroes in how battles work, but still closer to previous FE.  I would reduce the movement distances in mainline FE by just one step as it increases the importance of unit placement.  I also like that the Skills in Heroes are more strategy-oriented, while in Awakening (and probably others) they're mostly just attack modifiers that activate when you don't expect.

    But mainline FE should not take anything from the metagame in FE Heroes.

  3. They might even have both.  The "Super Canto" as you call it can be called "Canto+".

    I haven't played the games that have it, so I have no experience with how powerful Super Canto is in practice.  But I the GBA limited Canto I feel should be a very common ability.  In fact, I think it would be nice if all, or almost-all units can unlock it once reaching a certain level.  It should not be limited to mounted units.

    On the Skills thread, I posted some ideas for skills.  I didn't know that Canto existed until immediately after posting this (as I've only played Heroes & Awakening), but all these skills except the last turned out to be limited forms of Canto.

    On 2018-05-24 at 6:01 PM, Electric-Gecko said:

    I'll list some skills, most of which roughly follow this idea.

      Reveal hidden contents
    • Ram: If unit defeates an enemy with a mellee weapon in a single hit, then unit may move any remaining Mov.  Unit must pass through the enemy's space while using additional movement.
    • Hit-&-run: If unit attacks an enemy with lower Spd and only inflicts a single hit, unit may move their remaining Mov. (Note that if unit is fast enough to strike enemy twice, then there will be options to either "double attack" or "single attack" in case if player wants to move unit after attack.)
    • Hit-&-run+: Same as above, but unit may attack an additional enemy at the end of their movement if Unit Spd×2-5 is greater than the combined Spd of both enemy units.  Alternatively, unit may use remaining movement spaces after double-striking an enemy.
    • Fly-by-Support: After doing a support action (Heal, Rally, Dance), unit may move using any remaining Mov.
    • Quick-recovery: Unit may use a recovery item or stat-enhancing item and attack in a single turn.  Spd will be reduced by 3 for this battle.
    • On-Guard: After a "Wait" command, unit may counterattack before an enemy attacks if unit is greater than enemy Spd-5.  This applies if enemy enters unit's attack range during any part of their movement path, not just the space that enemy attacks from.



  4. I haven't played FE Echoes so I don't know that system, but I don't like these skills randomly activating like in Awakening.  It goes against strategy, and it feels cheap when it happens.  In fact, Lethality is innappropriate no matter what activation mechanism is used.

    There are other ways it can be done.  One way is a hybrid of the Heroes counter and traditional RNG;  there's a counter which goes up by a random number each turn.  When it goes above 100, the Skill is activated and it goes back to 0.  There should still be a clearly-indicated chance of activation when the counter is up (just as regular attacks have hit rates).  But if the skill activation misses, should the counter drop by 100, go down a random amount, or stay the same?

    I think I would prefer manual activation for really powerful damage skills, but I might change my mind.

    10 hours ago, (s)ad touch said:

    problem is, no-one really liked skills, people are opinionated about canto, das why this will stay quiet

    Is Canto controversial?  I'm new here, and I was made aware of it by this, and it sounds like a good idea to me.

    9 hours ago, Hawkwing said:

    ... Some skills would have a build-up, others would have a cool-down, and some would have both, and ...

    What's the difference between a build-up and a cool-down.


    @NinjaMonkey@nyainouI think you're being ignorant about FE Heroes.  While it's not as good as a true Fire Emblem game, and there are definately aspects of it that core FE should not have (like the Gacha system), you shouldn't brush it off the possibility that it introduced any good ideas for FE.  In fact, I think it's very possible that some of the mechanics in Heroes were first considered for core FE, but deemed too radical.  Heroes is overall more chess-like than core FE.  Also, you wouldn't recognize any mechanics brought from Heroes if you haven't played that game enough. 

    However, if you both have actually played Heroes a good amount and understand the mechanics in it, I humbly apologize for the above paragraph.

  5. Thank you.

    8 hours ago, Midnight Torch said:

    Welcome to the Forest! Glad to see I’m not the only one introduced to the series through Brawl.

    There must be others.  I know that Melee made many non-Japanese gamers aware of it.  But the Wii was my first home console (although I had played Melee at friends houses before), and Brawl was the first Smash Bros I owned.

    But FE Heroes was my true introduction to the series.  Since Brawl, I knew that there was some game series out there with the name "Fire Emblem", but didn't know what it was like until I tried Heroes many years later.

  6. Why should we vote for FE Heroes over Loz Breath of the Wild or Mario Odyssey?  I mean, it's a good game by mobile standards, but it's not a pinnacle of human achievement like Breath of the Wild.  But then again, seeing the categories on that site, I find it hard to take these "awards" seriously.  "Choice Hissy Fit"!?

    It's this page, right?  According to Wikipedia, it's for people aged 13 to 19.  But I logged in with Facebook, with my (over 19) account and it didn't stop me from voting BotW.

    I don't know where you got those statistics, but it's amusing that it's doubling Fortnite.

    3 hours ago, Lushen said:

    Of course we may not get orbs even if it wins, but we can hope.

    Sounds like a pretty corrupt reason to vote for it.  But honestly, I wouldn't even hope.  How would Nintendo/IS even know who voted for them?

  7. Hello.  I am a fairly recent fan of Fire Emblem, having only played FE Heroes and FE Awakening.  I am in my early 20's and living in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Until recently, I only knew there was a franchise called "Fire Emblem", but only because I was into Super Smash Bros Brawl in late Elementary school.  I knew that Marth and Ike were from it, but didn't know what the games were about.

    I have only played a rather small number of RPG's throughout my life (although I'm not a particularly heavy gamer).  I played an RPG on PC called Fate when I was about 9, and the last two Spectrobes games for DS & Wii (action RPG's) at 11-12.  I never got my hands on a Pokémon game back then, but about 3 years ago, as my younger brother got into Pokémon, I started playing Pokémon Ruby on an emulator after a long time of never playing RPGs.  On the strategy side the closest game I have played to Fire Emblem (before FE Heroes) is chess.

    When Fire Emblem Heroes came out, I was curious because Fire Emblem is a Nintendo franchise that I had no experience with.  I was into it for awhile.  But eventually, I was sick of the Gacha system and decided it was time to get a true Fire Emblem game.

    I got Awakening, and it was more different from Heroes than I expected.  But I liked it once I got the hang of it, though it's by no means a perfect game.  I have completed the game on Normal difficulty, and now I have 3 save files for Hard difficulty.  My 3rd save was an Iron-man run, until my unit count went too low.  My 4th is a planned run, where I have planned all marriages, and who is allowed to die when.

    FE Heroes feels more shallow after playing Awakening, but there are some aspects that I like about Heroes.  Namely, the Skills in Heroes are more strategy-oriented, and it's more chess-like overall.

    I would like to make my own FE-based tactical RPG sometime, but I will need to develop my programming skills first.

  8. 17 hours ago, Modamy said:

    I hope I don't come off as condescending, but these all sound like variations of canto, a skill inherent to mounted units in some Fire Emblem games. It's meant to emphasize the greater mobility that a mount gives and to be honest even if unmounted units had it it wouldn't be anywhere near as useful since they just have less movement to make use of it. For example, a mounted archer with canto can run in attack a target and run back to safety behind allies or just completely out of enemy range and be completely safe and if an unmounted archer had it they would attack and move back a little and then get slam jammed on enemy phase because they couldn't run far enough. I think movement related skills would be interesting they just have to be something more useful for unmounted units with less movement range.

    Thank you.  I have only played Heroes and Awakening, and just beginning Fates, so I didn't know about Canto.  It looks like it's basically an upgraded form of any of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, or 5th skills that I listed, as it doesn't have the restrictions that I listed.

    But with my experience playing Awakening, it often would be useful for me.  Sometimes, I had a destination for units to reach, but having to fight enemies would slow them down.  Sometimes, I just needed to move someone (especially support units) out of the danger zone, which is often only 1-2 spaces away.

    You might find it less useful depending on your playstyle.  But even if it's only a small benefit, I think it's still worth having as an option.  Maybe some reduced version of this idea should come with all units by default, so less skills are required.

  9. I would like to see some movement-related Skills.

    Traditionally in Fire Emblem, in each turn you can move a character within their movement range (Mov) and then select an action.  The order is "move then act".  I would like to see Skills that can change this order.  For example, a skill that allows the unit with 6 Mov to move 3 spaces, attack, then move another 3 spaces.

    This may be a class characteristic rather than a skill, but it would be nice if some units got to move an additional space with the "wait" command.

    I'll list some skills, most of which roughly follow this idea.

    • Ram: If unit defeates an enemy with a mellee weapon in a single hit, then unit may move any remaining Mov.  Unit must pass through the enemy's space while using additional movement.
    • Hit-&-run: If unit attacks an enemy with lower Spd and only inflicts a single hit, unit may move their remaining Mov. (Note that if unit is fast enough to strike enemy twice, then there will be options to either "double attack" or "single attack" in case if player wants to move unit after attack.)
    • Hit-&-run+: Same as above, but unit may attack an additional enemy at the end of their movement if Unit Spd×2-5 is greater than the combined Spd of both enemy units.  Alternatively, unit may use remaining movement spaces after double-striking an enemy.
    • Fly-by-Support: After doing a support action (Heal, Rally, Dance), unit may move using any remaining Mov.
    • Quick-recovery: Unit may use a recovery item or stat-enhancing item and attack in a single turn.  Spd will be reduced by 3 for this battle.
    • On-Guard: After a "Wait" command, unit may counterattack before an enemy attacks if unit is greater than enemy Spd-5.  This applies if enemy enters unit's attack range during any part of their movement path, not just the space that enemy attacks from.


  10. I got into Fire Emblem through Heroes, so when I got Awakening I was shocked by how different it was.  The movement distances are much bigger in Awakening.  I was a little overwhelmed by how many units I had under my control, which means much longer turns.  Skills are much less relevent than in Heroes, and I often don't pay much attention to them in Awakening among the other factors.

    But the "tightness" of FE Heroes made it more chess-like.  Perhaps a compromise would be nice, with movement distances being somewhere in-between (but closer to Awakening); 3 for armored, 4 for standard foot units, and I can't decide if mounted units should have 5 or 6. 


    I like it if RNG makes subtle differences that slightly alter your plans, but can feel cheap if it's effect is too massive.  I think that crits should cause 1.5× damage rather than 3×, but they can compensate by making crits more common.  This way, it's possible to keep your units safe even in the case of enemy crits.  It makes subtle changes in your plans, such as using one unit do defeat an enemy rather than two.  On the occasion when I get an enemy crit in Awakening, it's often instant character death, which feels rather cheap.  Also, when the hit rate is 100%, the excess unit stats should increase the crit rate.

    Alternatively, they can get rid of crits, and instead have a continuous damage range for weapons.  A standard deviation in damage would be ±20%.

    For the charge-up system, I suppose they could try that.  However, special attacks that use this should be willingly activated (once sufficiently charged), so that you can save the special attack for the next turn if you only need a regular attack this turn.

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