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Everything posted by Ryanyb

  1. im going to be honest I didn't even realize that Jinrou had posted until someone pointed out that my slot was the one that said stupid things about am. I even criticized jin in my first catchup without noticing lmao
  2. bitch I litearlly havent misread you once based on meta or othwerise since you started playing fm Also the shit way back when with AM was your town you'd have 100% not said 'hey yea i dont actually have a read deal with it'
  3. Because you're playing a less radical version of that game that just got canned over on tos that you rq out of.
  4. T: evan dt shat w: mi ele mello ##vote: @Magnificence Incarnate
  5. idrk in what world following that up with a vote and then not moving it for the rest of the day is not a read but aight fam
  6. Oh to keep pointing out great my iso is I think my entire last post is invalid becuase SB flipped.
  7. Ideally after this appointment I go get lunch and catch up over that but if the past 36 hours have meant anything it’s that I cant rely on my time not being shit on.
  8. K I’ve got a 3 hour long doctors appointment but here’s something before that off the top of my head as I’m in the waiting room: Assuming omega v, before eod yesterday where we had the split wagons, there wasn’t a popular scum wagon getting pushed. So there wouldn’t be scum motivation in trying to build a counter wagon quickly at eod unless it’s a towncred grab from whoever was doing it idr That being said the fact the wagon didn’t swing is fun. Since scum didn’t have justification to try to force a swing there, the counter wagon had in hindsight higher odds of having hit scum now that we saw a green ryu. although idr who the counter was and I haven’t read today yet so :shrug:
  9. Hey sorry I’ve actually been busy as fuck and need sleep right now tomorrow morning I’ll be back. being sick + missing work because of it is fun fun fun anyways, tomorrow.
  10. tone at eod d1 then it didnt get better until he got pressured. And evne then the 'better tone' is openwolfing so liek. Also JC explain your badtown vs badtone read on ryu
  11. then talk about it lol the entire phase you wanted to ;ynch people on your wagoan then they went to the omega wagon so talk about it
  12. yea yea yea also fuq the first time i was writing this it got deleted feelsbad Your wagon is super fuckin confusing because everyone was metareading you scum then the wagon actually gained traction but when you claimed and people jumped off no one wanted to analyze that whatsoever. Ryu dies today but the fact people are just ignoring that happpened is super ?? JC has literally been jumping around this entire game too much for me to see what hes legit pushing cant tell if this is just how he plays or hes throwing shit and diverting. Leaning less on the later though given that idk how this gamestate forms if scum are leading. Naa has been deliberately avoiding doing literally anything outside of their wagon from D1 and its ew. Havent played with them before in memory so idk if they're usually this petty. Mello's questioning is worse than mine which is saying something. Associations on them are super muddled though becuase it seems like every time someone goes to wagon them its different people justifying it. I have little do not doubt that evan flips town here its a hard meta read off of a game I literally just finished with him. Shin vs omega feels v/v every time I really liked Via but I really didn't like how laser jumped on me after the copy-paste thing especially given that it had been happening earier in the thread also their content today has been balls. vig shot :ok_hand:
  13. Omega claim is spicy. Also I got that DANK 1'st slot on this ryu wagon hell yea this iso script is pretty legit @Naana to ur shat argument: if scum!shat then how does the omega wagon shape up from earlier in phase. You shaded him like 2 or three times earlier this phase but with your scumread on Shin unless you think Shin was going to be bussing that early in the day and pushing the omega wagon then ????? Your line of thinking doesn't make any sense. I don't disagree with the shat scumread in isolation but given both the omega claim and wagon dynamics its super wut. Also ryu is literally openwolfing rn this feels so nice
  14. @Naanado you have reads on literally anything aside from your wagon from d1. also @JohnCarter are you planning to just keep skipping around to 0 vote wagons whenever they pop in the thread to inflate your votal or
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