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Everything posted by DuckPhoenix

  1. Western church looks like it is in the area that is neither part of Adrestia nor Faerghus. If you look in the new trailer, when they colored the territories, then you can see it around that area.
  2. Oh cool. I did not realize the Class names were German in Japanese. Thanks for that interesting tidbit. Btw..you made a small mistake there. It should be Ēderugaruto.
  3. I thought it could be more like FE7 with Eliwood and Hector.
  4. I would love that. Add reclassing to a secondary special knowledge that the caracter is good in and I would be jumping gleefully around like a little lamb.
  5. Finally and hopefully something new to analyse! I also hope the negativity will go away with the news from the direct. It was getting worse by the day.
  6. Well yeah...Camilla's cutscenes were really unneeded in that way they did it. And I think Kagero receives less hate because she doesn't 'use' her sexuality. It is also very common in real life to hate an women who do. From rhe outfits I cannot really say she is better dressed. Nothing to say on Charlotte there...I did not like her at first, but she is interesting. I am just a little annoyed because the same game and the same characters get bashed again and again. It's not like older games or Echoes were perfect. Every game has positive and negative points. It is just sad, because for a long time I was too timid to say that I enjoyed Fates (even though I agree with what is not so well executed.) Well...they might have learned something and do better support quality now. Although I like reading supports, I wouldn't mind if there were a little less. They should make sense. RD was just a letdown to me in that regard and Echoes was okay but not really satisfying. Hopefully they stick with the 'modern' support system. All As are possible for every character. S and/or A+ for only 1(each). It was such a hassle to read all supports with older games.
  7. So excited! Even Owain is. I was just playing Awakening again and he says that sometime, doesn't he? Now this craze from the last few months can cone to an end.
  8. You all have so many good points for what to wish for in the next trailer. But before I will get dissapointed, I wish for just some more little snippets from other maps with more characters and an interesting cutscene. Maybe one with Edelgard. Then most importantly a release date and an announcement for a special edition. "More updates on FE3H will follow very soon." - or any teaser for FE dedicated newstime.
  9. Absolutely. :D I am looking forward to your opinion on upcoming characters then. ;) Yeah. I know that. It would not even make a lot of sense to take away the option of a female avatar, but you know... irrational fears/worries. Talking about fear... I guess "fearing" was too strong in my choice of words? English is not my first language though. ? I wish Edelgard would stay the main focus or highly relevant throughout the story too. But I will not expect too much from IntSys. Please don't start bashing Camilla and Charlotte. Why is Kagero never included there? Whatever...I agree that the clothing of many (mostly female) characters is laughable. Like...please give everyone that rides horses, pegasi or wyverns pants at the very least. I am hurting with them. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I really like Camilla. She is so beautiful and she would have been beautiful fully dressed or dressed similarly to Cherche. Well...aren't Avatars in FE just customizable characters anyways? Would be better if they could tone down player pandering though. I just enjoy customizing my own character for every playthrough. It's a good bonus. Fates supports might not have been good for all of them, but I'd prefer that over RD or Echoes.
  10. It is kind if funny how almost every topic regarding Three Houses talks about the fear (or hope in some cases) of a delay. I am not worried about that yet, although I can understand. Maybe if there are no news in the next direct, whether or not that will be on 13th of febuary or later. What I am worried about is if I will like Edelgards character. My mom would almost have been named Edelgard so my expectations for the FE character are huge for some reason. XD I am actually quite grateful to Three Houses. Would have never learned that about my mom if not for FE Edelgard. I also worry about character designs. Edelgard and Mercedes look fine. Claude is okay too but Dimitri has that weird hair which looks even worse in his 3d model. Hilda looks too simplistic and overall too pink. Older characters seem to be playable which adds to a good diversity in the army, but I would never use them anyways. The game really needs to have some cute and hot guys. Next up is my worry about Byleth not having a female variation. I just love playing female characters in every game and wish more would give me the option. Last but not least I worry about the translations and dialogue in general. Heroes makes me really upset when dialogue is clearly meant for male players.
  11. Well...if you remebmer a week that would also fit my understanding of "a few days". But didn't the leak have something to do with the new chinese language options? Like...new employees etc.. I think giving people information about an upcoming game is rather save in that regard. A game leak is another thing that might happen when the release date is getting nearer. And that is something that I would dread too. (But I would look up all the news like I did with Echoes ?) What are all the great upcoming games that there is no space for FE3H? I kind of have fun with speculation and even if there weren't people like King Zell and others, I think a date aroubd that time was the next logical prediction for me. But I can totally understand if you would not believe it. I am taking that information with a grain of salt too. Nontheless I am excited but I am lt expecting anything. If that makes sense. Oh. I also think the 11 unanounced games have nothing to do with Fire Emblem since...well...it is already announced (and has a trailer). Anyways...for now I will just wait and stay optimistic, that FE might come out around May.
  12. I guess for those who celebrate (?) Halloween a summer date sounds really weird. Especially since Halloween is getting more popular around the world it seems. With the recent rumour about an upcoming direct next week on the 13th (which sounds plausible) I would just wait for news there. IF a Direct is coming soon and IF there are no news, then I think it is getting weird. Last year was all about Smash and this year there were almost no first party news. It is not just FE3H that people are anxious to know more about. With that said Spring is the best time to release that game. Summer would be okay too, depending on which games are coming out in that timeslot. But with a mainline Pokémon game coming I would rather not have FE3H with that competition. Animal Crossing is a tough contender for the attention of players too. Although I can totally see that as a late November/early December game. I personally do not consider games that do not release on Switch to be a reason to push Nintendos own games to another release window. At least I would consider that as weak business tactics. There might alwas be a game that has more public interest to it and even if FE is more popular since Awakening, strategy games are still kinda niche. Advertising should be the key that Nintendo needs to use. Do you mean the leak of the whole game a few days before release? I kinda remember there being something like that but I am not sure anymore. (I am getting old ?)
  13. Aside from not taking dates from any online shop serious until it is officially confirmed by Nintendo, at least Luigi's Mansion in July makes sense. Japanese ghost season is in summer... need I say more? Also...some people tend to forget FE3H is even an upcoming game at all. It has been missing on so many "leaks" already... In that regard Nintendo should really do some great Advertisement of the game in the near future. (I can hope at least)
  14. Was this announced? If so I missed the news. Or is it just speculation? Because I would agree that it would make sense. ------------- On another note. The newly released Launch Schedule from Nintendo still lists Three Houses with the Spring 2019 date. I know this can still change, but I think they might have changed it, if there would be a delay. News for the game might just be around the corner. :)
  15. Why is everybody so negative on the release date? Even if the date is not known by know...that basically means nothing. Last I checked Nintendo only seemed to give release dates for games that are about to come out in the next three months from the announcement. So if there are no news by the end of March, then I would think it might be a little delayed. I also would not expect something on the level of Breath of the Wild graphics. They probably improved the graphics in the last 7 months. That is already quite some time.
  16. I think the map with Mercedes and the map with Hilda are the same. The tiles of both maps do match if you approach Hilda's map from south and Mercedes' map from east. At first I thought that maybe we can rotate the map to different viewing angles, but Edelgard does have different HP stats (Mercedes-fight: Lv 3 29/29HP vs. Hilda-fight: Lv3 30/30) in the Japanese trailer at least. Although that only means they did not use the same file for the trailer. It is possible that this is not the first chapter but one of the first and I would agree that it is some kind of mock battle. Either Edelgard has the possibility to level up before this chapter or you can choose boons and banes( maybe even random as in Heroes?). I am just sure that the shown maps are the same. Maybe even a decision you make lets you start the chapter from different perspectives? They could possibly explain fighting by jumping locations after every important lesson. Well, I think they made an exception for Fates. They're even called Sky Knights. Although technically I see no difference. Contrarily I liked Subaki. He was kinda cool. Supports could have done more for him (which is sadly an argument for so many of the characters). Btw, Hello everyone. I am a long-time lurker that finally decided to make an account here to take part in discussions. If you feel the need to correct my English, you are very welcome. ☺
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