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Everything posted by NobodyYouKnow

  1. By that logic Mist is an uppermid character. By that logic Tormod and Vika are bottom tier. By that logic Fiona is lowermid tier.
  2. He means in perspective of characters that need the availability, like Nolan or Micaiah or Ilyana or Tormod. It's why Tormod, Vika, and Muarim are so low. They need availability, yet their availability is so incredibly low that they suck. But Caineghis doesn't need the availability, since he's already so damn good.
  3. I don't think that the order in which they were placed inside of the tiers meant anything as to how good the characters were, so I still defend them. And it doesn't matter that Sanaki's strength and defense are low. Her everything else is enough to put her safely within mid tier. Giffca is less powerful, yes, but his skill nd speed are higher, which counters that enough that they're both about equal. And he's not just judging from the stats, either. That's the reason Naesala is so high. I personally think Ike and Titania are more uppermid than high tier, but that's just me. Because if we were to use the same logic as to why those two are there, then Shinon and Nolan should be high tier as well.
  4. In what world are they ranked too high? Naesala has great base stats, growths, and decent enough availability to level cap, Giffca is Caineghis but a bit faster and a little bit weaker which can be good, Sanaki requires almost zero babying to be able to hold her own in the Endgame (she was useful to me in it at level 8), and don't even get me started on comparing Edward and Leo.
  5. @Lost ImpactI forgot you judged off of availability too, yeah. He deserves lowmid then.
  6. Yes, but Meg and Gareth aren't ever completely useless, and Vika has some use in Part 1. Neither of the two are ever totally useless. Well, at least if you use Meg that is.
  7. Just one more thing. In what world is Lehran lowmid tier? I've never actually used Pelleas, but Lehran is in no way fit for lowmid in my mind.
  8. I was distracted, I meant two-shot. But still that's quite a feat.
  9. Then I've always been super lucky with him I guess. He's always just a tiny bit worse than Shinon in tier 2 for me, and when he goes to become a marksman he becomes godly. When he got the Double Bow he one-shot an aura in the endgame.
  10. He joins in the prologue of Part 2 and re-joins mid-way through part 3. He arguably has one of the highest availability numbers of any optional character in the game. And also: Rolf is someone that doesn't require much babying, and surpasses Shinon in multiple stats when the two go to third tier. So why is Rolf in low mid? And Oliver should go to low mid, since if you give him speedwings he's a great unit to have.
  11. Or you could just use Marcia and Micaiah like I did, and the other map just use Nolan, Micaiah, Marcia, and only find out how useless Sigrun is then instead of when you need to like a normal person.
  12. Yes, she can be a very good mage. But by the time you get her to be good (ESPECIALLY considering you could use energy drops and speedwings on the people that need them more to become godly, say Mia or Oliver) you've already got two arch sages at least (the one you like and Bastian) and maybe more, because you depend heavily on mages as you said. I just personally feel that Sanaki takes too much babying to become godly.
  13. He gets promoted to an Archsage, which is not unique. And Kurth kinda counts as a royal, but he skims the line the same way Skrimir does. Well, at least until a certain point which I won't say for the auddience who has not finished the game.
  14. Fair enough. But he still is a good unit that has 1-2 range.
  15. Yeh, she's an option, I just personally disagree. I was trying to start a debate, but evidently I failed. And if Pelleas counts then so does Skrimir, since there are enemy Dark Mages in RD
  16. I don't understand the two people that picked Sanaki. Yes, she can be good. But the time, items (let's be real) and effort needed to get her to the point of being op is too much. Especially when you throw Bastian and Micaiah into the mix.
  17. So I was curious about who is the beest out of the unique classes. This includes laguz. I'm curious about you guys' opinions.
  18. Well then I guess I always get really lucky with Rolf. His Strength Skill and Defense have always capped for me, and he is clearly better than Shinon after they both get promoted for me.
  19. Meh. Rolf is technically statistically better after the promotion, and they're roughly equal throughout their second class in RD. In PoR yeh he's shit, but in RD he was literally designed to surpass Shinon. He's statistically better in RD, and just a more satisfying addition to the team. But that's just me.
  20. And when he's promoted he surpasses Shinon in Strength Skill and Defense.
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