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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Just watching youtube videos and chatting.

  2. Hmmmm... Wait... how was Florina in the top 3 worst? O.o Best: I don't really like defense chapters so I'll just say FE9 chapter 8 (the one with Ilyana) it's challenging and a good source of exp. for units. Worst: I agree with others, chapter 15 Hector mode was rather lame. It's not only the boss it's also the enemies in general, chests that are rather far IIRC and stuff.
  3. Arena is going to be VERY risky since if you're fighting a strong but slow opponent, you're still screwed. XD I wonder how you'll survive against the demon king. :/I guess that's why you have the hoplon guard.
  4. Happy Birthday! Shame that you're banned. D:

  5. Lucius. He isn't that awesome even if you exclude how much he sucks gameplay-wise. :/
  6. Happy Birthday... Did you change your birthday or do I just have bad memory? O.o

  7. Happy Birthday! Mr. Shiu and Watch = Mr. Game and Watch?

  8. Happy Birthday! Nice picture!

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