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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Weavile, Quilava and Skarmory. Why? Weavile and Quilava because they are the most badass pokemon in the world, and Skarmory so I could fly around.
  2. Hopefully this isn't over yet... I didn't even see this topic. O.o Well I don't scan through the forums much anymore... Best: Tibarn. He is a fair ruler who mesures things very well AND he fights, what else could you ask for? Worst: Desmond. He is more proud of his daughter who he had with someone who WASN'T his wife than his son who he had WITH his wife (please correct me if I'm wrong), WTF?! Wasn't it a sin at the time to do that? O.o It pretty much explains why Zephiel went evil. Even his father hated him. Darin comes in second because come on... he abandoned his son for power... What's the point of having a giant land but nobody there actually cares about you at all?
  3. She might not be the best mage/sage but I wouldn't call her horrible. She still has her uses. It's not impossible to train her thanks to her 1-2 range. Sadly, in the end there are probably better choices since there are so many characters in this game.
  4. It was a random guess. XD I thought they were all done the battle already and we were gonna see the battle via flashback. Aw well. I wonder how many people (and which) will die after all this.
  5. Happy Birthday... STOP EATING BABIES!!!

  6. Just to be different, I vote for Duessel! Seth is more useful though.
  7. Even though I didn't bother watching, 2 episodes alone can't be something all that amazing. XD I've heard that there wasn't an ending... If that's true I don't think I'll ever watch it. If it does have a conclusion then I'll look it up. How long are the episodes anyways?
  8. Nice video! I thought Heath was screwed for a second. But then that sniper missed. XD That was pretty well planned out if Hawkeye only barely got that chest. *sighs* Only one more video left. :( Good luck and have fun making it.
  9. ONLY MARTH COULD VISIT VILLAGES?! That sounds pretty lame. O.o Or that's the only thing he is good for...? FE2: It's probably just on my game thing but the game is way too slow and the graphics are even worse than FE1. I didn't get far at all since it was too slow. I hope the real game was faster. FE6: I don't like that fact that all the chapters have the same objective... It makes the game more boring. There were too many characters IMO. Not really a bad thing but since you're not aloud to bring that many units per chapter, the number of characters just taunt you a bit. And FE6 isn't really the kind of FE game you want to replay a million times. I also don't like the reinforcements having the ability to attack the moment they get there.
  10. I usually go more on the abuse side a bit. I don't try to get things done fast at all. I like to plan everything out, let the enemies come. Which is the main reason I hate FoW. XD I do some boss/arena abuse sometimes. So yeah I'll stick with abuse.
  11. XD My bad. Of course he won't kill Naruto, I meant "him" as in the Raikage. It's spelled dying by the way. Hmmmm... I wonder what does Tobi keep doing to escape everybody. O.o I wonder if there'll be another arc after Tobi is killed (if he ever actually dies). NOOOOO!!!! I read a bit of the spoilers by accident T.T
  12. Good point. My friend passed me Pokemon Silver, it was really fun and all but I completly ruined it since I kept cloning my main pokemon. XD It'd be nice to play this game.

  13. That was kinda random... They look pretty cool but I don't have a DS. They always have to make a remake before making a new Pokemon season. XD

  14. @Sasori That makes more sense. XD Seriously, Kishimoto is overpowering Sasuke WAY too much. I mean it's bad enough that he has Amaterasu but to be able to control it...? Come on. Nice chapter though. I wonder if Sasuke vs Naruto will take another arc. Will Sasuke actually kill him? If so then... well I'm not sure what that means. XD Can't wait until the next chapter.
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