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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. What's the point of this round? O.o Our favorite is already stated in our profile thing and we've already had loads of "worst FE" topics. OK not that much but still. Come to think about it, we've already had "best FE" topics to... Screw it. Best: FE9, since the story was awesome and all the characters were interesting. Worst: FE2, too basic in my opinion... not a good thing for a game like FE.
  2. Ah, it's mostly thanks to me coming onto this site everyday. And it became a habit to also wish people happy birthday. XD

  3. I'd give it to anyone who has space in their inventory, is in my main team and isn't mounted.
  4. That pretty much sums him up. XD Innes is kinda usable in Eirika's route.
  5. Not sure if that's an insult but I like to wish people happy birthday, makes birthdays a bit more joyful and all... yeah... XD

  6. Hmmm... do you mean induvidually useful or more useful to the team? Because Nolan would win if it was for a better team member. Otherwise I'll say Boyd.
  7. No problem. That's nice to here! :D

  8. Not bad, despite school starting soon... and you, my friend?

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