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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. That's too big... try resizing it. Like you just need to shrink it. Even on MS paint, it ain't hard to. EDIT: Nevermind, nice one. XD
  2. This site got mentioned once on GameFAQs (FE10 part) so I was like, "Why not check it out?". Then I started looking around the site for a few days and I thought this might be interesting. I thought wrong. Awesome site, not that many idiots (besides me), active members and a lot of people.
  3. No I don't play or ever did, but I got a code for some free stuff for those games from the official site. I don't want it so whoever needs it, take it: 09D5C958B4EBD96D.
  4. I voted for about everybody since they are all pretty strong... Nice dialogue. :P
  5. Nice run, I wonder how long will chapter 26x take to finish. The Fire Dragon video (uber spear) was also pretty cool. @Mekkah Nice comments on his video. XD
  6. So yeah... @Evalcin: Are you sure it's him? EDIT: Now that I look, it DOES look like him... weird. O.o
  7. Well we learn that White Beard isn't the only strong member of his crew (not that it wasn't obvious or anything). Can't wait until the next few chapters.
  8. New chapter was good compared to the other ones I guess. I can't remember ANYBODY's name anymore -_-.
  9. What do you expect? An army of units as strong as Lloyd? I remember in my first playthrough ever, Eliwood was like level 5 and I was at chapter 25 but he still could've killed the generic enemies around (who were like level 15-19). At least there aren't a lot of strong berserker bosses that you actually need to fight in this game.
  10. That sounds pretty annoying... I'd watch if it was recorded and wasn't horrible quality. That means no Laguz/magic users (excluding healers) at all right? That Dheginsea video was pretty sad (but awesome at the same time), barely defeating him with ALL units.
  11. That'd be interesting, please make them. Nice videos by the way.
  12. Unlike most I didn't illegally download Photoshop. I had one before but I remade it since I thought this one was a bit better, still pretty lame though. XD
  13. Who would you rather- what? I'm guessing you mean who would I use/prefer. I prefer Boyd since he comes earlier, I never liked Largo that much or prepromotes in general.
  14. I'd be pretty surprised if somebody had the copies of all the games. I only have FE7 -_-.
  15. Why do criticals do so much more damage? How do people survive millions of axes in their heads? How come units could only use specific weapons even if their lives are at stake? How are units as big as mountains yet they are also as big as thrones? O.o How do you rescue somebody who is mounted? How does supports increase stats? Why are boots so rare? Yeah... that's all for now.
  16. I'm guessing a Gato archetype is the strong unit that comes very late? How did FE9 win in worst AND best epilogue? O.o Best: Athos, like everyone else said, nice stats, all the weapons, S rank and since I don't know many others. Worst: Syrene, just a bad unit overall.
  17. I don't really care for pixels so I'll just have a beer despite the fact that I'm underaged [sarcasm]and am allergic to beer[/sarcasm]
  18. XD Sure. It'd be interesting if everybody I said "Happy birthday" to comes and spams my profile.

  19. 3rd tier berserker... That'd be the cool... But he'd be impossible to use if he was with the Crimean knights.
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