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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Dondon did to but on FE7, which is harder so props to him to XD and a bunch of people did prepromote runs. Now THAT sucks. Tirado is evil.
  2. Best: Swordmaster, clones for the win! Worst: Ummm... Monks, they make them love the small bit of manliness they had in the first place (this mostly goes for Lucius XD).
  3. Lord: Ike Royal: ? Mounted Knight: Ummm... Kieran? Armor Knight: Oswin Soldier: Nephenee Mercenary/Hero: Raven Archer: Rolf. XD *gets shot by Tino* Rebecca. Sword Masters: Mia Bandit: Gonzales Axe Fighter/Warrior: Boyd Mage: This is hard... Soren. Priest/Bishop: Saul Dark Mage: Canas Thief: Matthew Mamkute/Manakete/whatever: Fa Pegasus Knight: Florina Dragon Knight: Zeiss. Very tight on some of them.
  4. Just in case you didn't get my last message, just saying hi and you were removed from my friend list because of the hacker. So see ya around!

  5. Neutral Good A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. The common phrase for neutral good is "true good." Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias toward or against order. Why is the best one male? Expected, I'm too nice... besides those people I've... HELPED! YEAH THAT'S WHAT I MEANT!
  6. If you ever get unbanned, happy birthday!

  7. Franz: Great Knight. Since in my opinion, the only reason why paladins were awesome in other games was because they had all the weapons and Franz is my main cavalier/paladin (oh wait he isn't a paladin...)/great knight. Forde: I don't like to use him much but variety is nice so Paladin.
  8. I've done HHM, but I thought that was easy compared to LNM. To all you people who don't like Lyn mode: it's helpful, makes some units more helpful and others actually usable. But I've got to admit it gets boring sometimes. Energy ring and Angelic robe, I think those are the only stat-boosters. Do hard mode, you could get an extra promoted unit by doing it (by promoting Kent/Sain with the Knight Crest). XD
  9. I knew that, I just had no idea what is considered an Est archetype so I listed a few just in case.
  10. Ah, because I think the game would go WAY faster if you had 2 pegasus knights.
  11. Because I didn't know which units were considered Est archetypes so I just listed a few in the order that I find how bad they are. But in the end I went with Pelleas.
  12. Smart. Is there a way to recruit Fiona and do this chapter in a low number of turns?
  13. Best: Zeiss. He is awesome. Worst: Pelleas. He is annoying to train.
  14. Oh yeah and Shunsui (sorry the spoiler tags don't work) is alive.:D Can't wait. I wonder if they will be all like "we learned that you abandonned Ichigo" and kill them all. :D
  15. Danzo is probably Obito gone crazy, he freaking screamed against Kakashi for Hokage. They were like best friends. Either that, or he is jealous. XD He could also be Tobi's clone or something like that. Actually I bet that he is Itachi.
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