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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I ain't going any further so don't ask -_-.
  3. WTF? XD In battle vs first enemy: GLITCH GLITCH GLITCH LAG *blows up* If you give your unit at least 1 HP THEN it'd be something like this: You: 00 hit 00 DMG 00 crit Enemy: 100 hit 15 DMG 10 crit or something like that. XD OMG YOU'RE PLAIN EVIL (the idea of ditching your previous trainee afterwards so that means, Amelia has to solo chapters 9 10 and 11, and Ewan has to solo the rest of the damn game T.T That's impossible... EVEN IF EWAN GOES TO THE ARENA. Unless you use serious RNG manipulation.
  4. That was hot creepy... no EDIT: Oh wow she posted RIGHT before me, I change it to maybe. XD
  5. DragonBladeSniper


    For the first: Ummm... No idea but I'll just say soul. I agree with this, I saw it on TV when I was younger. XD
  6. Ah thanks, so if they run away that counts to right?
  7. Why not a female only playthrough? No tower or arena Ephraim HM (so for chapter 9 you'll have a team with only Neimi, Lute, Vanessa, Natasha and Tana. Doesn't sound THAT easy to me. Never tried.
  8. Fixed Hector is awesome, even promoted units usually have trouble killing him (well except magic users), his defense and strength are amazing, the enemies rarely have good avoidability and he has the Wolf Beil to top it off. He'll probably be a wall against your enemies.
  9. If you're ever unbanned, Happy Birthday!

  10. and he is on this forum site. From the looks of it, the Sirius archetype = strong paladins (pre-promoted) who come early, if that's the case then Renning and FE9 Geoffrey don't go in that since they come late.
  11. I should've known that... Hey is there any way to end the chapter without waiting all the turns?
  12. I like Tana more since Vanessa is boring. I promoted her to a falco knight, I don't like wyvern knights and I like swords more than pierce since axe users are mean to Tana.
  13. Final final boss (like Fire Dragon) will be Tabuu who uses laser attacks (like light magic I guess but blue). The final chapter part 1 will involve all the bosses like in boss mode, no idea who the boss of that could be maybe change it to defeat enemy. Roy could be in the game to. XD The plot could be like Brawl's or you could say something like "Marth dad has been captured, Marth asked his Brawl friends for help" Sounds interesting
  14. Apocalypse is overkill on mamkutes. XD I love seeing a critical with 74 damage (that's with apocalypse). :D I don't get why the main argument against dark magic is "The users suck". It's about the weapons not the people using it. Unless you make 2 units with the exact same stats hold the weapons to show which is worst, units =/= weapons.
  15. I thought that was hilarious. Well imagining a load of laguz getting seizures as he gets into the room and Ike saying "Glad to see you Soren" casually. XD I know, I'm twisted. This was my first reaction when I saw the topic title. Mordecai: MY LAGUZ SENSES ARE TINGLING! I guess A: the writers made another mistake or B: they wanted to keep some characters being branded secret or C: some laguz have bad senses, others don't react and others who do react think they're just sick so they ignore their spider senses.
  16. I almost choked on my water when you said she was demoted, but then she posted right after you so it was all fine. XD Since she and Metal Arc were the only MODs that I knew when I first came here (and Vincent of course), I thought the whole thing was changing. Congratulations on becoming MODs everyone! When I first came to this site, I thought Fireman was a MOD anyways. XD I feel like calling yesterday "the (failed) Rebellion of the Forest".
  17. Congratulations on becoming a MOD person who is exactly 1 year older than me! XD

  18. Well that's obviously because... ... ... No idea. XD I think it's because A: it's a mistake or B: because he has to know who he is sensing before sensing and he never thought of sensing the dead.
  19. I don't remember him getting banned... I thought he just said he left. I guess that was during my 3 month absence. XD For all we know he could've made a new account... not that I'm implying that this is his new account or anything. The guy was cool.
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