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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. DragonBladeSniper


    I think I've heard of this one before. @mikethfc
  2. Well I guess it's because fans prefer the Uchiha clan over the Hyugga clan. Or it's the author's personal preference.
  3. Can't you just ask permission to take the one from the site? Like you could copy it to your computer.
  4. Best: FE10 Black Knight. ALL HAIL THE KNIGHT IN (non)SHINING ARMOR! Worst: FE10 Sword armor. It looks like that was the last one they made and got tired.
  5. Good point but how else would some old man be so strong without the Sharingan? Who lost an arm and an eye?
  6. Best alone in my opinion is Deidara, all of his explosives and traps and stuff... If it wasn't someone with lightning Chakra like Sasuke, then I think they might've died. Best team is probably Itachi and Kisame. They're probably impossible to beat by another team of two in the Akatsuki. Just picture it yourself if you want. Tobi may be a problem though.
  7. We'd be screwed... O.o That sucks for you but seriously did that make you reset the chapter?
  8. I didn't read your whole post but I'll just reply to the general idea. Sometimes it's annoying like in games like Super Smash Bros. when people say "OMG YOUR ONLY USING HIGH TIER!!!!", but in Fire Emblem it's just to show who are good units... Nobody ever said "Wil is in low tier, he sucks." They say "Wil isn't good because of _____ reason". When someone says they like a "bad" unit, it's rare to see someone talk about tiers in reply. I don't really mind tiers in Fire Emblem really.
  9. touché *sets motion sensor bombs in your toilet*
  10. *kills with papercuts to the fingers* EDIT: Shut up it hurts... And getting cut until death of blood lost...
  11. I like Ewan, he is good if you train him a bit and doesn't come as late. Though he'd be MUCH better if he came earlier.
  12. Why didn't you put most of the Dawn Brigade characters on the list? I like Edward, Nolan and Laura. Edward since he turns out good, Nolan because he is a really good unit and Laura since she is a life saver in part 1.
  13. Mia ftw! She comes earliest, has vantage (which IMO is more useful than adept for a Swordmaster) and is just plain awesome. XD Stefan is useful to though.
  14. Oh the irony. If you still want any suggestions, I usually use Natasha and when L'Arachel comes I use her. If you REALLY don't want to use her (I wouldn't see why not) I'd use Natasha since the extra movement is useful (promote her to a valkyrie). And for Colm, promote him to Rogue since that's the main reason why he's so useful.
  15. I haven't read any official guides but I like GameFaqs' guides. I wonder how bad is it...
  16. Are you implying that you're a fanboy, a cosplayer, a stalker, all of the beside to the left or that you kill people and have no emotions? O.o Well if EVERY enemy is a lefty than that means... THERE ARE MORE LEFTIES THAN RIGHTIES (is that a term/word...? Righty...) AND THAT FE IS BASED OFF AN ALTERNATE MIRROR DIMENSION! Don't recall anyone saying that they're lefties since I don't read ALL supports.
  17. I wonder if they'll do a battle royal when they meet. XD Something like: Naruto, Kakashi and Yamato v.s. Danzo and his two men, Sasuke's team v.s. the samurai and eventually Naruto will protect Gaara from Sasuke. XD It'd be rather interesting.
  18. That was... dissapointing. 20 pages just to show the Vizards are probably stronger than captains and that that guy with the weird teeth and haircut (sorry don't remember his name) will probably get completly destroyed by Aizen next chapter -_-.
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