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Everything posted by DragonBladeSniper

  1. Gosh I was horrified for a minute, thought this site was bought off by a company or something. XD
  2. I think he'll figure something out to survive or get saved at the last moment and die after the whole battle is over. But for the next few chapters: I think he'll live.
  3. Genius. XD "You have caught a Cold! Would you like to name it?"
  4. DragonBladeSniper


    Well the way you said it, it's REALLY not clear. Like the possibilities of that question are infinite. Example of an answer: 10, there is a grandmother, a mother, a daughter and 7 completly random guys. The one with the fishing is clear and has only one answer (actually it could be a trick question but you get it right?).
  5. Wow, it was actually brought back. Let's see if there will be anything interesting in that part of the forums.
  6. XD There are a lot of these kinds of topics nowadays.. Crew members: 1. Luffy, well he is Luffy... he beat all of their strongest enemies and he gets the usual main character power and he always improves A LOT. Unlike most who just improve a bit in the midst of a battle or just show off their best attack when they're about to lose. 2. Zoro, it's always implied that Zoro is stronger than Sanji but it looks as if they're about equal but I'll go with the "facts". He usually defeats the second strongest person on the enemy side and he doesn't avoid battle so you could see that you could see his strength. 3. Sanji, like I said above, they should be about roughly equal in strength but since the author doesn't show Sanji in very important battles we could just wait. 4. Chopper, with his whole triple Rumble ball thing he just destroys everything but even just with one he seems more superior than the rest. 5. Franky, this is where it starts getting harder. I'll just go with Franky since everyone else under him hasn't showed any superior fighting capability than him (except maybe Nami's fight against that woman with the bubbles and that other woman with claws). 6. Brook, I'm not sure but he seems pretty good with a sword so I'll leave him here. 7. Robin is obviously strong but she doesn't fight much so we could only assume it's because she is either rather weak or just doesn't like to fight. By the looks of it, she isn't much of the one on one battle kind of person and more like a supportive fighter. She usually only kills people who aren't strong since the main thing she does is break their back with her numerous arms (which honestly freak me out sometimes). 8. Nami is only better than Ussop since she got the weather staff (forgot the name of it, it's been a while since it was mentioned) and beats a lot of strong fighters later on. 9. Ussop is a sniper and uses cheap attacks. Like when he was against Luffy, he only had a chance because he knew him very well. If not, he would've been destroyed in a few seconds. Well they haven't shown/ I don't remember most of their strength so I won't list them.
  7. Granted, but your WI-FI connection is out. I wish I had enough money for everything I buy no matter what.
  8. Yeah... I tried the trial and liked it. But I gave up after reminding myself what I could do with 15$ a month and 4 hours is kinda a lot (about a 1/5 of ur day). Just don't become crazy about it and your going to be fine. XD
  9. I feel the exact same way, while I was playing FE2 on the Internet, there was an Evony ad and my sister asked if I was watching porn -_-.
  10. Komamura is awesome and all and a very strong shinigami but it's hard to say which captain he is superior to other than Hitsugaya and Soi-Fong. Just to try to explain furthermore but feel free to try to complain. Gin did very well against Hitsugaya, he didnt even get hurt and he seems pretty strong despite that. Tousen has his whole bankai thing that would kill anybody who isn't able to stop it or isn't as awesome as Kenpachi. Kurotsuchi has way too many tricks up his sleeve, he could turn invulnerable for a while for crying out loud (when he turns into water to run away). Byakuya is an amazing fighter really, with his speed and his spells when you think about it, he would've won faster against that Espada if Rukia wasn't there. Unohana is really a mystery so we can't say. You won't complain about the rest will you?
  11. Wow I never knew so many people hated Rolf on this site... Well in my opinion and by persona... *gets shot* I vote for Sothe because of blossom, him coming at level 1 in chapter 13 and since if you want him to survive fights in chapter 13 you need to give him BEXP. and if you do, you need even more because of Blossom. "Why don't we take off his skill?" is a good suggestion but that ruins his chances of ever surviving when alone. Rolf actually turns out better than Shinon even though it's really hard to get him to a level higher or equal than Shinon's. Sothe won't EVER become better than Volke unless you don't train Volke at all and not promote him and get Sothe to lvl. 20 with blossom, and give him a skill. I don't like him in this game anyways. And to all who voted Mia: She is AT THE LEAST better than Rolf and Sothe for sure (which she is).
  12. I prefer Matthew since his support with Guy helps a lot and his stats are good. Legault is also good and comes at a good level but I don't know... I just prefer Matthew.
  13. Oujay is awesome and all but his sprite looks really weird... He's second best in my opinion. Dieck is the best since he comes earliest, and gets the best stats out of the three in the end. Echidna is apparently good, I've never bothered trying to use her since I don't like pre-promotes.
  14. 1. Yay, since I don't want to have a game where a rock on a stick or a wood mallet is effective (by experience, I learned that they are though) like in some Native American tribes. 2. Nay. Maybe AFTER you beat the game they could unlock that but I prefer it when you can't say "Aww screw the shop I could buy stuff at any time" or "I'll rush these chapters with prepromotes and train everyone else after" (which is what I said while playing FE8). 3. You should add a lolwut? option for that. I voted Nay either way but after reading posts, yay. XD How bad could she be? Not as bad as Roy right? Or is it her personality?
  15. DragonBladeSniper


    ic wut u did thar Just to be more precise, 3 people, a daughter, a mother and a grandmother unless of course you were making fun of us and said "Ummm... 2+2=4". By the way there are some on the first page that are unanswered.
  16. 01. Aizen 02. Yamamoto 03. Shunsui 04. Ukitake 05. Kenpachi 06. Unohana 07. Byakuya 08. Kurotsuchi 09. Gin 10. Tousen 11. Komamura 12. Soi-Fong 13. Hitsugaya Yeah... Don't know if it's true though. I wonder where would Ichigo be on this list... Maybe over Kenpachi but that'd have to be him with his Hollow form or something. Actually his full Hollow form would maybe even beat Aizen. Favourite: Kenpachi. I just love his personality and his love of combat. Least favourite: Tousen. He is just an asshole in like EVERY situation.
  17. They're awesome since your only lance users who AREN'T on a mount are generals who have trouble catching up sometimes and other than that... Some lords and other uncommon class? Proof that it's an awesome class.
  18. Just go with both, you need someone with light magic for end-game and Clarine is a good unit in general.
  19. DragonBladeSniper


    That made me laugh. XD But I already tried that answer. His riddle is slightly different. EDIT: Nevermind didn't notice tongue was the answer.
  20. Awesome! I was wondering what Matthew was doing at first but then everything was good again. XD I thought that it was impossible to get all the items using this strategy for a second but then Sain saved the day. Did you bring Lyn along for supports or since there was a free slot?
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