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Everything posted by noremaC

  1. Noremac loses toenail Noremac 19/20 Noremac gains toenail Noremac 20/20 Toenail grows back into skin Noremac 70/100 toenail gets infected Noremac 40/100 Noremac puts ointment on toenail Noremac 50/100 Doctor removes toenail Noremac faints Noremac wakes up and feels better Noremac 99/100 (hates the pills i have to take)
  2. 1.):D 2.)Np 3.)ohhhhhhh wow 4.)Np again
  3. 1.)>.< 2.)Yes 3.)what did he do? 4.)Unless then they know each other irl then i really don't think so, no offence.
  4. you have a reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyy long mouth
  5. well now what? *sees (enter peaceful forester here) walking in the forest* *Draws sword*
  6. that reminds me of something my friend would do, her life is a blonde moment
  7. well i am not nothing, i am noremac and noremac is completely fire proof
  8. wow.......... thats just.........sad........
  9. *blocks twelve, other one hits a spike and impails matt's hand*
  10. there are no stands, you must fight or die, either way.... you die.
  11. who the hell is norma?? *takes dynamite out and feeds it to a cockroach*
  12. how long will this last *thinks of another way to hurt matt* *sets aflame all alcoholic drinks in the world and all things that make it*
  13. *equips sword of 1000 truths and cuts metals head off again*
  14. *pulls out a shotgun and blasts matt's face in.*
  15. *pulls out fake teath to reveal beutiful pearly whites* *draws sword and throws beer bottles at matt*
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