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Everything posted by Truebladee

  1. I would have preferred aother fighter of the FE series than Chrom. But I am really glad that Chrom is not a clone echo fighter of Ike. Because that would not make any sense
  2. Well, he lived in a village. So he is not homeless. I meant more like, have some respect for my main man Stefan. Canonically, he is one of the strongest human´s with one of the strongest weapons in the whole Tellius series.
  3. Congratulations dude! :) RD is my favorite game of the franchise. Exactly! Yes, the Blood pact is not that good of a writing. But it serves gameplay-wise. I would hate if I didn't get the opportunity to fight my 2 teams. Yeah. It felt like a great ending Stefan, hobo with a knife? Wow hold on dude.
  4. This is a very difficult subject which I personally don't have a straight-forward answer or opinion about it. Yes, every person should have the right to have as much control over their own body as possible. But if I look at the bigger picture than we should really be careful of making suicide a possible option. My worry is: 'what becomes next?' If suicide becomes an option, then it should be under very strict circumstances. But people could forget that suicide was a taboo for a very long time. So the strict circumstances, will be less, further along the way. Making it easier to commit euthanasia. For example, in the tolerant Netherlands, there was a teenager would didn't want to live anymore. Then what? Just give her the powder? There was also a teenager who got the suicide-powder online. If we let euthanasia just go further, then this suicide-powder will get in more hands. I am also agreeing with Rapier
  5. Interesting topic ^^ Which of the following is your overall favorite, in terms of character, design, and/or unit?: MC: Ike Cavalier: Titania, Oscar, Kieran, or Geoffrey All good. Except for Makalov. Mage: Illyana, Great gril Myrmidon: Stefan Best developed character. I can talk hours about Stefan. Fighter: Boyd Awesome character. Boyd is ma boi Soldier: Nephenee Great stats Knight: Gatrie, or Tauroneo I like Gatrie. He is the best knight. However, Tauroneo has more character & a good backstory. Also, his line against Ashnard is awesome Archer/Bow Knight: Shinon Shinon is awesome. Astrid only get's her good looks and great growths (with an axe especially) Thief: Volke Awesome character. Nuff said? Medic: Mist Rhys(te vlaai) is cool. But Mist has a better character development. Pegasus: Tanith Idc tbh Wyvern: Haar Funny character. But can be serious. Cat: Ranulf More character development. Although I almost ALWAYS used Lethe. She was quickly transformed and her level was higher then Ranulf on many occasions. Also, Lyre is hotter than her sister qq Tiger: Muarim A f*ng green tiger. But not only that. He has a great (but sad) backstory Hawk: Tibarn Awesome character Dragon: Nasir Better story arc. Ena was kinda bland. But that was because she was sad all the time Other: Naesala He becomes more of an interesting character in RD I didn't care that much about Reyson. But he got a great dialogue with Ashnard
  6. I used BEXP with Paragon & without. And it seems to make a difference.
  7. I think that people will get too high expectations if Waluigi got his own game. And what would it be? A mature game?
  8. Ignore the bad members (Leo, Fiona & Meg) and the glass member (Edward). You need some tanks to continue. (Leo is only good in chapter 3-13 as a placeholder) Nolan is high leveled and is a pretty good character. Aran is a great tank. Sothe & Volug are both good character because of their high level. Jill, Zihark & Taunereo are decent characters for part 1. Try to level Jill because she can be good in further chapters. If you are in part 3, DON'T recruit of the Dawn Brigade a.k.a. Dain when you play as the Greil Mercenaries Part 1-Prologue: Train Micaiah. Don't waste time with Eddy or Leo Chapter 1-1: Maiden of Miracles: Use Nolan. Try to incorporate Micaiah. Chapter 1-2: The Dispossessed: Use Sothe & Nolan. Both good character. Sothe can tank a lot. However, Nolan doesn't. Kee your eye on Nolan. If you can, try to use Laura & Micaiah Chapter 1-3: A Faint Light: This is the most difficult chapter. You need to protect not only the civilians, but also Eddy, Leo & Laura. Because it is game over if 1 dies. Ilyana: good character. However, useless in part 3. Aran: Recruit him. He is a great tank. He is like the opposite of Neph. Instead of Great speed, he has great defense. Chapter 1-4: A Distant Voice: Not that hard. Use Nolan & Aran as walls. Use Sothe for killing. Use the mages for distance attacks. Ignore Meg. I didn't bring Leo or Eddie with me from now on. Chapter 1-5: The Lost Heir: Now you have 2 great characters (Sothe & Volug), 2 good characters (Aran & Nolan) and some mages as back-up. Again, Meg is useles in this sand. This chapter is pretty rough. Look out for the mages. Chapter 1-6.1: Raise the Standard: Now you have 5 great characters; Zihark, Tauroneo, and Jill joined. Jill can be somewhat vulnerable in some places. Chapter 1-6.2: Raise the Standard: Foina is low-leveled. Useless Chapter 1-7: A Gathering Hope: No that hard of a chapter. You can train your character by this boss if I recall correctly. Muarim is a BEAST. He rival Cainaghis if you train him. If you don't, useless after part 1. Chapter 1-8: Glory Unwanted: Difficult chapter. But you will be fine with Nailiah and the 2 beasts. Chapter 1-9: One Survives: Try to train Micaiah. Part 1-Endgame; Daein, Arise!: Easy chapter. You have OP units Part 2 is just: Haar & Kieran MODEDIT: yo use the edit function next time
  9. So any chance we get some of your thoughts about the game ^^ (assuming that you have finished the game)
  10. Yeah, that's what I said. Zelgius must have known that Mist should have the Emblem. I think, that if Cainighis wasn't there that night, Ike would have been severely injured or killed. Then he would go to Mist. Mist would eventually give it to him if he threatens to kill all of her friends (in my headcanon) I don't think that Zelgius was retrieving the Emblem for Ashnard. I think he was getting it for Sephiran.
  11. I would never use: Edward. He is terrible in Hard mode. Even Leonardo has more use than Eddy because of CH3-13. Both Aran & Nolan are much better choices. Also, I wouldn't pick either Meg & Fiona. But that is up to you ^^ Also, I played the PAL-version. You can't select Hard mode, without beating it at normal mode first
  12. You said it correctly. ''firstly, Zelgius trained under Greil.'' It is a fact that Greil (Gawain back then) was one of the best swordfighters of Tellius. Zelgius has probably never have beaten him. Well, a sparing match is never the same as a real battle. You could agrue that he accidently killed his idol. Or maybe he was to dissapointed of his former master. Or maybe he had an elixer if Greil just said the location of the Emblem. Zelgius goal was to retrieve the Emblem. This goal was given by Sephiran (Lehran). Sephiran should have known that Zelgius would have challenged Greil. So the faul is maybe by Sephiran. Some chapters before this event, Greil let Ike lead. And Greil dying wish was to let Ike lead the Merceneries. Titania accepted Greil dying request. But Shinon & Gatrie not. Kinda weird indeed. Greil knew that he had no change. Maybe he was scared that the Black Knight would have murdered the whole group? If Greil was dead, Zelgius would know where the Emblem is (actually he could remember that Mist has the Emblem. And Greil knows that Mist is stubborn enough not to tell Zelgius.) ^Chocolate Kitty explains it good Greil know he would lose No, I do not believe it was. Zelgius was forced to retreat. He would have went through, if it wasn't for the Lion king Cain
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