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Status Updates posted by MacLovin

  1. it's slayerx's turn.

  2. hi newest member

    Have you tried any drafts.

  3. moooooooo and welcome.

  4. Lyns great.......have you tried fe9 or fe10.

  5. What can I say.............

  6. Haven't been able to, for the next several weeks I'll be doing this from a phone, due to completly illogical circumstanses-I won't be able to go on SF exept around evening here in FL

  7. Who wants a free anime girl

    1. ThatOscarDude


      The free ones are of the most middling quality. I think I'll pass.

  8. I'm in ragequit from Pokemon snap......

    How the heck do I use the old N64 controller to get a lightning-speed sparkling magikarp?

  9. Lum from Uresei Yatsura

  10. Those sites are unreliable when it comes to strategy games

  11. Both IGN and Gamefaqs as well as NEOSeeker.

  12. Woohoo

    1. Legault Fang

      Legault Fang

      Hey sorry for the late response but hey how are you...What do you mean by draft?

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