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Posts posted by MyLuckyHaiku

  1. 1 hour ago, Hecatia Lapislazuli said:

    Pretty much the same for me.


    Oh dang, I missed the Touhou talk.

    I guess I should revive the thread...

    I'd probably play the Touhou games, Except I don't live in Japan, So I'd have to pirate them. Also I'm not sure if my junky computer could handle the bullets

  2. On 9/8/2018 at 3:30 PM, SavageVolug said:

    Does anyone have a Corrin with Bowbreaker, Tomebreaker, Shelter, Armored Blow, and Lancefair? Any of these would be great but I am primarily after Bow and Tomebreaker at the moment.

    If you still need Armored Blow, My Corrin has it now

  3. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Except she cannot double them (at least not without them using weapons that make them easier to double) as she is just that damn slow. To put things into perspective: Chapter 27 Generals have 11 speed on Hard. 16 speed is needed to double them. She doesn't get that until 20/20 on average. Which I don't see happening.

    Level 14 Kinshi!Orochi has 18 speed right now, I just beat the Windmire chapter (Which is 25, Right?)

  4. 2 hours ago, Tuvy said:

    Azama. My first impression was pretty much " Matt Mercer playing a snarky blunt priest with an afro and CLOSED EYES! SIGN ME UP"

    Also I played as a girl just because I wanted 2 kids.

    Also Azama is best Jeigan in birthright fight me.

    Azama's great, He was my first Female S Support

    2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    You do know that doesn't exactly disprove my point about her? In fact, you're just backing it up.

    Hayato can't do anything right Not really, What I meant was that she could take out units that don't have super high res, So in theory she could take out a General.

  5. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    The thing is, her single attack often isn't going to KO unless the target was weakened. I would argue Hayato as better even on Birthright.

    My level 10 Kinshi knight Orochi has a mag of 26 and when using the Bolt Naginata +2 she can deal quite a bit of damage to a unit with low-mid res. But too bad the Bolt Naginata can't crit, Because Orochi has high skill

  6. 5 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Unit wise. Her skill growth is pretty bad and almost unfixable thanks to her dismal 10 base growth.

    The thing is, her single attack often isn't going to KO unless the target was weakened. I would argue Hayato as better even on Birthright.

    I Don't even use Hayato, I don't even know why. I Guess I just prefer using a different mage over him

  7. 2 minutes ago, Edgelord said:

    being called a touhou fan is worse than being called a pedophile

    Which Is why I'm not, I Just like ZUN's Music

    3 minutes ago, shezzy said:

    Fucking secondary filth


    EDIT:What the heck is up with the Forums right now? The posting is messed up...

  8. Why have I Been listening to Touhou music basically all day (Including but not limited to: Captain Murasa, Primordial Beat, Flowering Night, Wind God Girl, Phantom Ensemble, And Shanghai Teahouse) HELP ME (I Don't even play any Touhou games, But I would if i could. So do not call me a Touhou fan)

  9. 3 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Orochi is pretty good... If you're willing to ignore the fact that she's really dang slow, that is. I oft see stuff about Jakob being good as a Paladin or GK, but since I prefer to have a male Corrin, that doesn't become much of a factor for me.

    I Mean, Yeah. She can't double much, But I don't really care if she can take an enemy out in one hit, While staying behind my Tanks. Also, The only thing I use Jakob for is to get Dwyer

  10. 2 hours ago, YingofDarkness said:

    BR - Jakob; CQ - Leo; REV - Jakob

    The funny thing is that I don't really like Jakob that much because of his support conversations with Dwyer. I just keep marrying him because I reach S-Rank with him stupidly quick because I play with him at my side so often, and none of the other bachelors but the brothers and Kaze (who I keep sticking with Azura) appeal to me. I think I just need to play the games again and actually pay more attention to the everybody.

    almost married Felicia on my first run for the same reasons (Quick support growth, And good for supporting you in battle) but then I decided that I didn't want to marry my servant, And married Orochi instead (I think I made the right choice)

  11. 2 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Bold: Not exactly if you aren't on normal mode - more often than not, you end up with a net loss because the dropped gold is less than what you paid to spawn the enemies to start with. And again, Profiteer is very far from reliable - I'd be much better off using Ghostly Gold or Museum Melee.

    Too bad that outside of Camilla and Scarlet, most axe units in Fates are mediocre at best... I'd much rather use bows since I would be using better units that I would be for axes (again, excepting the aforementioned Scarlet and Camilla). It doesn't really help this is Murphy's Law: The Game. Incidentally, I never found the Bolt Axe or Brave Axe to be worth using - the former is a magic weapon, and guess what stat axe units tend to suck in? The latter is drearily inaccurate, which is no bueno when considering axe units aren't exactly known for high skill...

    Since I only have free DLC I can't quite play Ghostly Gold and Museum Melee, So I'm stuck with unreliable strategies.


    Also, My Mozu!Mitama!Kana (Great knight) mainly uses a Bolt Axe, Because her Mag is only slightly lower then her Str, But if the enemy has high Res I have her use a Kodachi.

  12. 5 hours ago, Shadow Mir said:

    I don't mind it either, but there's a difference between grinding and trying to find mutiples of a specific character just for the sake of a skill that's worthless at worst, and a dubious use of a skill slot at best.

    Then why bother to bring it up in the first place??? Sorry, but if you think Profiteer is a viable solution, you must not know just how expensive this would be... Seal expenses alone would be at least 30 grand, assuming you had elected to use the chapter 13 heart seal (and assuming you were using 16 units). I say, for good measure, I'm ignoring other expenses that you'd have incurred.

    I brought it up because I'm tired and can't think. But anyways what I mean is after a while you get tons of gold bars. And I've noticed if you pay for a lower level skirmish and you beat it, You pretty much get enough to do it again. So if you have Profiteer you can get back your spent skirmish money And get extra. And from a day of doing that (And not spending gold on anything but skirmishes) I had around 80.000

  13. 26 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    And that's wasting time that I could spend doing something that is actually constructive in beating the game instead.

    Which is only a 1 in 6 chance - needless to say, that's not the stuff I'm okay with relying on when it comes to making money. Especially with the three strikes Profiteer has going against it... And in case you forgot, you also have to pay to spawn enemies.

    Well, I like grinding so I take my time in playthroughs 

    it doesn't have to be your main source of gold. And no I haven't forgotten, whenever you beat a chapter you get free skirmishes. Plus you could just grind in DLC (Free or otherwise)

  14. 28 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Bold: Assuming you found the right castles, that is. And even with Midori, it's far from a guarantee - at best your odds are slightly better than a coin flip.

    The rest: I dunno about you, but I consider that disqualifying by my standards - a good money earning method should not be slow and luck based, both of which Profiteer is.

    Yes, But I'm used to searching for certain characters; I once searched for a cavalier Peri and that took ages, Everyone either had a Paladin Peri or no Peri. 

    Standards? What are those  each of my Profiteer units have 17-18 luck as I stated before, Profiteer only works on the first 7 turns. Which means they have quite a few turns to try and proc Profiteer. And early on you get a Goddess Icon, Right? That's some extra luck for your Profiteer unit, Which could very well be your avatar with a Luck boon


  15. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    That won't work. Profiteer doesn't activate in castle battles, and even if it did, you're still dealing with crappy activation rates, as well as the fact it stops working after seven turns, AND the fact that gold bars sell for chump change on top of that.

    Hmm, I thought it did. I have 3 units (With luck from 17-18) with Profiteer and I normally get 2-3 Gold bars which would be 600-900 gold per battle on average. And plus you could recruit some high level Midori's with Profiteer for free and have a team of Midori's and grind bottomless canyon.

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