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Posts posted by Xenovia

  1. On 12/15/2022 at 1:05 AM, Ice Dragon said:

    I'm really loving the icicles on Black Knight now that we can actually see more than just the silhouette of them. His kit also looks pretty cool and helps out against a lot of the units that Far Save normally struggles with. But he probably still dies to Duo Chrom.

    Completely ambivalent to Dorothea, Annette, and Bruno, though it's nice that we're getting a tome armor from Tempest Trials.

    Cordelia looks pretty cool. Dual Strike looks pretty fun. It'll probably replace Harmonized Catria's Triangle Attack in certain Rally ball team compositions in Aether Raids, but is less reliable when using units with higher movement range.


    It looks like I'll probably be pulling for a +10 Cordelia with my backup colors being green and then colorless, in that order. Sparks will go to Cordelia, Black Knight, and Dorothea. Hopefully, I'll get one 4-star copy of Annette before I finish. Priorities may change when stats come out, namely if Annette turns out to be insanely min-maxed.

    How much money have you spent on this game, total?

  2. So I'm about to finish a Maddening run and am considering eventually doing the Black Eagles route.  Is there any way to recruit Hilda that has been found?  I know, I've read all the stuff that says you can't.  BUT, this honestly might be a deal breaker for me, she's probably my favorite character, and I've gotten her to S+ in Axes and Flying, and she has Hit+20, Darting Blow, and Death Blow.  Needless to say, I put a lot of effort in developing her and I want her to be usable.

  3. It doesn't matter is Lolsithea is a glass cannon if you equip her with the Thrysus(sp) staff.  With S rank she has 5 range for magic, plus the fact that Fiendish Blow+2x tomefaire will destroy every single enemy.  Hit +20 is a better skill then Vantage then, to maximize her player phase.  Why waste your time building up her enemy phase when she's arguably the best player phase unit in the game, and probably the best Maddening unit, sue to the high amount of Assassins and Swordmasters.

  4. On 12/27/2019 at 10:08 PM, XRay said:

    Orb distribution per month. We get 300+ on average per month. If I make an alt account, I can trade away all my Oboros and Jacobs on my main for better fodder and 5* summons, and that is essentially transfering over 300+ Orbs per month to my main for a measly $5.00. And depending on how much stuff gets carried over, I can also transfer over valuable resources like Dragonflowers, Heroic Grails, Divine Dew, Feathers, etc. that are attached to the unit.

    The only foolproof way I can think of to prevent players from abusing that is to tax both ends of the transaction using cash or a currency that can only be obtained with money.

    $150 per side per transaction ($300 total per transaction) seems pretty reasonable in my opinion, as it costs about $150 on average to almost guarantee to snipe something you want.

    That's a crazy amount of money for this game.  It's not even a good game...Three Houses blows it out of the water, and you could get a Switch and 3H for what you're paying for this bad grindfest of a game.  I played and wasted enough time on this game to know.

  5. The problems I have with the game:

    • Honestly a bit too long, and a lot of it is from the monastery, which gets grindy
    • The fact that there's far more characters than are able to really be used, theres a max of 10-11 deployment slots plus a few adjuvants, and Byleth plus the lord are mandatory, so you end up ony using a small fraction of the army.  Plus there's also the fact that some units make the rest superfluous, like Lysithea and Leonie for mages and bow users.  

    Overall though, a very good and #BASED game.

  6. On 9/5/2019 at 2:53 PM, Very epic FE gamer said:

    Like, what do you people like about FEH? It's not like the gameplay is so amazing. I'm genuinely curious.

    Based avi #based

    I started playing because I liked the Fire Emblem games and slowly became addicted due to wife-foo addiction.  Spent ~$300 on the game total, most of which was for Halloween Kagero.  I uninstalled a while ago, and tried to get back into it recently, but found the gameplay tedious.  It's only genuinely fun for me now when I use BASED +10 Kagero with dancers, or all-Camilla team (#based).

  7. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    Intelligent Systems think they have big value. In 2018, it seemed like Camilla was printing money for them.

    You can get a free HS!Camilla right now. The game gives you 200 Heroic Grails right from the start. She wants to whisper some Steamy Secrets into your ear.

    >implying I didn't have every version of Camilla including a +10 vanilla 'milla prior to deactivation


    While we're at it, @XRay rate my build:

    +10 Camilla +Spd IV, Summoner Support

    Camilla's Axe w/buff refine/Reposition/Galeforce

    A: Swift Sparrow 2

    B: Desperation 3

    C: Hone Fliers

    Sacred Seal: Heavy Blade 3



    I really hope there's Camilla DLC in Three Houses.  I want to solo the main story with her.

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