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Sub Zero

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Everything posted by Sub Zero

  1. Would: Hector Wouldn't: Eliwood Hector would tell the worst ones DOOM or Duke Nukem? The choice is painfully obvious..Daddy Nukem
  2. Gunstar Heroes, Sonic and my favorite version of Street FIghter 2? Hell yeah I'm interested! :D Just hope that it'll turn out well!
  3. FE1: FE has bad translation patches now! FE2: FE has bad/funny artwork now! FE3: FE has decent sprites now! FE4: FE has bad/boring characters now! FE5: FE still has bad/boring characters now! FE6: FE has decent characters now! FE7: FE has great characters now! FE8: FE has decent artwork now! FE9: FE has Makalov now! FE10: FE has Makalov now! FE11: FE has great artwork now! FE12: FE has Feena now! Fluttery! FE13: FE has Severa now! FE14: FE has boring ass story and characters now! And terrible gameplay! FE15: FE has amazing artwork now! Shadows is such a good game! :3 Heroes: FE has a boring/confusing mobile game now! Warriors: FE has a god awful Warriors game now! I can tell that my FE4 and FE5 opinions are gonna be controversial...
  4. Have a horse in the house WYR dance forever or listen to dance till you're dead until you die?
  5. Probably more practical Why do I keep dancing?
  6. bonk a donk WYR go through middle school again or high school again? I prefer the ladder
  7. This obviously WYR wear a Makalov wig in public or try to do the dance moves that my eevee is doing rn
  8. 1. Generic answer to first impressions of me question! 2. Japanese shit, Rock, Death Metal, Rap 3. WHAT HAPPENED TO DORKASS?! 4. I eat Parmesan cheese, by it's self. Don't judge me okay? 5. Looks good so far, no complaints here.
  9. 1. It was surprisingly good, definitely recommended it! 2. He is big af, if that's considered a quirk, love him to death though 3. Laugh all you want...but...SAO. That is my all time favorite, don't judge me. But on to the other ones..One Piece, Log Horizon, and Corpse Party believe it or not. 4. Yes! The Rolling Stones and The Beatles!
  10. Ha, I remember hating the old Apple computers when I was younger, I don't know why, probably because I was such a MS DOS fanboy back in the day. I remember having DOS computers in my school and playing The Oregon Trail, Cross Country Canada, Elder Scrolls Arena/Daggerfall, Lemmings and Fallout 1 and 2. I had such a laid back Social Studies teacher. The early 2000's were great indeed! :P
  11. The whole FE fanbase How much can you lift bro?
  12. Duke Nukem 3D: I'm assuming that you haven't played this on DOS when you were a kid, if you didn't, give this a shot. Duke has some funny lines, the levels are great and the story is pretty long for MS-DOS standards, taking 6-8 hours. DOOM: Doom 1 and 2 are pretty good to start of with, and, besides the 2016 DOOM re-imagining, are the only good ones in the series. Of course you need emulators for these, but they shouldn't be that hard to download.
  13. @XRay 1. Yes, A husky named Dornan 2. W E L L Y E A H T O T A L L Y D U D E
  14. To not use it, use your teeth! The proper way to confuse people on a forum is..
  15. Console and PC. I should've specified. Basically anything that can play actual video games counts.
  16. I'm also autistic. I also have social anxiety, if that counts.
  17. Which old fashioned console do you prefer? Ranging to the Atari to the PS1. Ta da, fixed it. Thanks for the witty feedback guys. :3 I prefer the MS-DOS, I grew up playing on that shit.
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