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Everything posted by Timecube

  1. I'd like to help fleshing out incomplete Engage content when I come across it. Looks like a lot of the content is still pieced together from pre-release data. For example I noticed today that the page on emblem rings is incomplete and I could easily fill it out. Can regular users add things to the main site like a wiki or are only certain verified users allowed to edit? Could I possibly become a verified user? Thanks.
  2. Is there any way I can get a patch to attempt this run?
  3. Anyone have a link to the download page for fe10 0% growths patch? I can't seem to find it anywhere
  4. Hi I'm timecube! I've played the games for a long time but I've never really been 'part of the community' never hurts to have a serenes account though
  5. Has anyone ever managed to create a system where a save file can update to a cloud every time it is modified so that when I play a game on my phone I can also access the same save file on my pc without having to manually transfer the save file every time? Similar to how a google doc updates every time I work on it and I can access it immediately from another device. It seems like it should be possible, but I haven't really given it much effort. Is this a thing people do?
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