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Posts posted by Teku

  1. Its for a fan project that draws inspiration from Goblin Slayer for some of the NPC's and jokes. and i wanted to make a sprite if we actually include him in the story at some point

  2. you would be correct. the base i used was the "revised soldier" sprite, and more armor is planned, i was just starting with the leg plate so i have an idea of where other things would go since his armor goes up to about his thighs

  3. 3 minutes ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    The sword should be shorter and wider at the base, with more of a triangle shape than the straight one here.


    I did have that at one point but i got to many complaints
    (the body art is from early on in this test so ignore it)

    final 2.PNG

  4. its not limited to gba colors, its just mostly trying to present it in the pixel style of gba (if that makes sense)

    another thing ive been trying to wrap my head around is making it look like he actually holding the weapon and not just a nub with a sword through it :/

  5. I'm new to making sprites so i was looking for advice on how to make a few sprites I've been tinkering with for a few days but im not sure how to best approach making them the best that they can be, 1 is a sprite for a video project my friend and i are working on, the other was my attempt at making a manga character (you could probably guess who)


    So how do i best approach the problems that are curretly present in them to have them reach the best they could get?


    Torgrak test 1.png

    Goblin slayer battle sprite cleaned up 3.PNG

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