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Status Replies posted by buttmuncher.ops

  1. *poke* *poke*

    have you watched kill bill yet

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      that makes 5 people i know in the past 2 weeks who are moving :o

      dont strain yourself. i had a bruise on my arm for a week helping a friend move in ;/

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      yeah. it was alright; think they relied too much on robert downey jr star power. but the action scenes were really good, as usual

      ranking spider man reboots, i would put

      1. the amazing spider man, emma pls be my waifu

      2. spider man homecumming

      3. that trainwreck of tobey maguire and kirsten dunce

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  3. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops



      you can watch the older ones on netflix or some free stream HD site

      nothing beats going to see the original on the weekend with ur friends. so wats the eh all aboot

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  4. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      i needed to be debriefed

      if u kno wat i mean

      are u sexcited for thor ragnarock? the movie poster looks real busy and i cant wreckognize anyone

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  5. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

  6. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      robots cant have babies. let me see those blueprints again

      if there is one shield agent i wouldn't mind seeing an entire show about, it would be cummander hill. her character is absolutely charming


    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  7. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      so you're the weirdest, and my arcanite is the cutest. got it

      the lead s.h.i.e.l.d. agent died in the avengers movie though. that's why it feels weird to have a show based on him. idk

      have you scene any of the DC live adaptations? are they any good

      i enjoyed all the marvel movies, especially the series that your pokemoon, robert downey jr. is the titular character of. the new DC movies, not so much ;/

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  8. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      so you're saying you think my butt is cute now???


      i want to watch marvel / dc tv live adaptations, but i can't bring myself to do it

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  9. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      you think my butt is weird? rude, i work out

      i think your gears are weird, so there

      was going to recommend westworld too..but that's definitely R rated ;/ as is robocop (the original, reboot is pg-13) maybe clockwork planet, that's anime. robot games i know of are all old tho, like robotrek

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  10. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      i really wanted to make a sex robot joke here, but i won't ;/

      the direction this convo is taking reminded me of a movie that i laughed at the trailer, but never got around to watching. have you seen Her?

      just why exactly are you examining my butt. munching so closely

      wall e may be an it, but they could drink like a frat bro

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  11. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      lies. robots are simply weapons that aren't capable of feelings

      or friendship

      except for that wall-e dude. i partied with him on the moon once. he was cool

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  12. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      mfw you've led me on to believe u were a pokemoon this entire time

      we can't be friends anymore

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      oh? was my arcanite reaper link in the first message on point then

      or is there a mech card relating to arcanite that i dont know about (haven't played in dragon ages)

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  14. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      why are you a pokemon, yet uncatchable

      thanks, it's all part of the theme

      the reason the forum squishes / stretches the image is probably due to user tooltip. when your cursor hovers over a username, it shows their information including cover, and that photo is significantly more "HD"

      don't have the dimensions for that but it would probably help in choosing a "correct" cover photo. maybe balcerzak knows that info

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  15. when i win this pokmon battl u have to change ur theme to "arcanite reaper"

    i can't tell if ur cover photo is a white lion, but if it is, +11

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      FINE. we'll wager some other time. my white lion is cuter than ur white tigeh tho

      jokes aside, it's dumb that the forum upload messes up the picture no matter what you do ;/ what i found twerks best is to have your subject wide, but the image itself should have "blank space" at either the bottom or top

      example being what my cover photo is positioned to, yet the original image actually looks like this. note the sextra space at the bottom


    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  16. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      that's really amazing ! the hand with the coy look away, and the heart on top of the i, it's a nice touch. love the attention to detail

      lol yeah, i tried to pick the most ridiculous photo of the choker trend i could find. chokers are a cute look, depending on what it's paired with, although sometimes they carry by themselves. natalie portman in the professional? cute. that neck brace abomination from forever 21? never

      personally enjoy wearing ties myself, but idk if that's the right equivalent for a man

      does Beneventi become powerless if there is no light to cast shadows?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  17. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      oh and speaking of runways, what's your opinion on the choker trend that happened a while back

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. why did i read ur about me

    pls get out of my head

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      fashion illustration and runway concepts? i read your post about shirts in soul's thread

      do you have an etsy or anything that showcases your designs too

      in a similar vein i used to buy shirts from t-shirt hell, but those designs are more memey and texty

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. the basics required are essentially free https://www.twitch.tv/broadcast

    even encoding and publishing for uploading to a platform like youtube can be done through windows movie maker, which is included with a purchase of windows

    the high end hardware to minimize processing time, and extras to really make the stream standout are probably expensive though; you're right about that

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      connecting your console through USB ports. a budget option is to record to a camcorder, then USB that to the PC

      for quality of life to console gamers, that's where the expensive hardware comes in, and actually costs money ;/ PC gamers got it significantly easier in terms of budget, i'm sorry :(

      hope you get the job !

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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