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About Senny

  • Birthday 10/23/1990

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hellsing (by sheer chance)<br />Deathnote is awesome, although all the bishies die<br />Suikoden, although I only own V<br />DEVIL MAY FREAKING CRY. Dante is <3<br />Tales of Symphonia. Man I wish I could get Abyss<br />Baten Kaitos<br />Star Ocean 3 when it doesn't freeze ¬¬<br />Final Fantasy, I have them all up to X-2<br />Bishies ^^
  • Location
    Your roof :P

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Binding Blade

Senny's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy Birthday!!!

    Wow your Lloyd animation thing looks so awsome!!!

  5. Happy Birthday! Nice picture!

  6. Happy birthday, fellow carbon creature. May your roots always be well-watered. Hell, I actually mean it; you may not believe it but I have finally abandoned pessimism. Yeah, really, don't look at me like that! I hope you a bright future!

  7. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lol at your personal photo. Lloyd Reed is my favorite game character of all time.

  8. spamspamspam back lol I know, it's late.

  9. spamspamspam


  10. 6: Lance and Allen, but Lance tends to turn out better 7: Kent and Sain. I've never tried using Lowen (And Marcus and Isadora suck) 8: Eh, I've used Kyle, Forde, Franz and Amelia. Kyle was rubbish, Franz was the best, I found. Stats-wise. This is making Kyle and Forde Great Knights, and Franz and Amelia paladins. That said, Gilliam makes a killer Great Knight. 9: Oscar and Kieran. I've used Titania on hard mode but she isn't exactly wonderful. Neither is Kieran really Haven't played 10, and I'm not very far into 1/3/11/whatever...
  11. Happy Birthday!!

  12. Masu

    happy birtdya! And you like TOS!!!! And Abyss! And star ocean 3! UR AWESOME

  13. Happy Birthday ^_^

  14. I don't know who you are but Happy Birthday. <_<

  15. Heya, it's great to see you saw sense and registered :) I will add you as a friend too lol

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