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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. To play the devil advocate, 99% of fe armors for some inexplicable reason never cover the lower torso, including every armor knight from the gba era. Fembyleth just forgot to put a shirt on. But honestly, her design was still so much of an eyesore that i skimmed trought her without noticing much. As for the micromanaging, i am a shameless fft and disgaea fanboy. There are few things as satisfactory as getting the arithmetician death engine working, and i can't wait to create the fe equivalent of it.
  2. I am currently annoying my sibling whit bad got jokes about Edelgard Targaryen and Claude Baratheon.
  3. Her character makes sense in a vacuum. What does not make sense is that the fucking Camus is bringing her along of all people. If she was a retainer of Camilla or even Leo she could make sense, but how am i supposed to take seriously the allegedly lawful good paladin when he bring along a serial killer?
  4. Rend is meaningless. In endgame fiona would orko everything that doen't have nihil whit a sol proc. And even if she miss some rare orko, the healing and not needing a satori sign makes up for it. Lategame Fiona has a niche of being a paladin whit 34 speed and good skills. Few paladin are better than her at max level, if any. Lyre face competition whit all the other beast, and even whit a ridicoulus amount of investment, she would be weaker than ranulf, any tiger or any lion whit similar investment, because cats were cursed whit terrible caps. There is no point into bringing her instead of Nailah, Giffca and Caineghis, and 4 beast is serioualy pushing it.
  5. I'll add on that. Sacred stone is way easier than birthright. You can clear SS by loading seth whit javelins and vulneraries, sending him in the midle of the enemy army, and using a vulnerary when needed. You can't do that in birthright whitout grinding skills in my castle, because Ryoma doesn't join in the first chapter.
  6. It's the opposite for me. I usually prefer to use people that i like or that i never used before with no regard for efficiency, so i hate when an unit is so good that i feel bad for chosing to not use them. In particular, i feel that 90% of the Jeigan are terrible implementation of the "crutch character" archetype and i have to force myself to use them. The ony exception are Oifey and frederick because they actually get outscaled by a decent margin (plus frederick has that one critical strike quote).
  7. NTR protagonist accidentaly conquer the world and get killed in a barbecue Light novel protagonist conquer the world for a slime in order to kill him and then an edgy teen attack
  8. This is not even worth of becoming a spiderman thread(man i feel so old right now...)
  9. Lots of people are burned out by Roy and Micaiah lol. They just need the lord to have a 1- 40 level progression and makes so they retain their level when they promote. That's it, no lord locked in 20 prepromote for 10 chapters, no lord that had no chance to level up before having a story promotion that stunt their growth.
  10. It's definetly too harsh, but is such a step down from PoR that i really am biased againist RD characters. Also, i played fe12 like a month ago and there archanea characters had some characterization that is fresh in my mind. Archanea include 4 games so it's a bit too vague.
  11. Best: path of radiance and awakening. The former is my first FE so i am Biased, but i love how some characters get their own arc just trough base conversation, such as Jill evolving from a racist glory seeker into a woman willing to fight her own father for the sake of the race she once despised. Awakening has a cast of characters that are usually quite layered if you actually dig the supports, whit only a few remaining one dimentional. And i agree whit the child characters and how they cope whit the apocalypse, as a person that loved both Ocarina and Chrono Trigger to death that theme is dear to me. Worst: Radiant Dawn. I am not joking, i consider RD such a disappoint that it has the worst cast despite re-using the best one. There are 2 reason: the newcomer are akaneia tier bland, wich was just unacceptable after the gba games and PoR. And the returning characters are 90% of the time either worse than before, or they just do nothing relevant. Ike had a great devolopment over PoR, but in RD he is just the invincibile Gary Stu that everyone praise at every occasion( it's still more beareble than Corrin because he at least has great feats) and when he enter in the story, Micaiah gets completely sidelined. Naesala ia one of the best villains/anti heroes in the franchise, a Travant that doesn't cross the moral event horizon (selling Reyson was a shitty thing, but nowhere as terrible as how Travant killed Quan) and so he can still be on the heroes side, but RD had to whitewash him whit the damned blood pact. Elincia is the only character that really gets improved in RD, but is too litle. Archanea is bad too, but it was NES and early SNES, they were average or above average for the time. Fates imo is overall way worse than awakening, but it had some diamonds in the rough, wich is more than what i can say about Archanea or RD newcomers.
  12. I am not sure if this count as necroposting, but this thread is too good to pass on. STORY For starter, i will have an Avatar, and they would be the MC, but i will also take after Der Langrisser and make a route system: there will be 4 factions that you could join, and every one of them as a lord that share the spotlight whit the avatar. And at creation you would pick a "background" and/or "personality" that affect dialogues and wich routes are aviable in that playtrough. This should greatly enhance replayability. As for the factions, i always found fashinating the that the Roman Empire and the chinese Han Dynasty flourished in the same time and did not interact much because only the Parthian Kingdom did everything it could to prevent that, so i will set the game in a pre-islam midle eastern inspired kingdom, where a romanesque and china inspired empire wage a cold war while looking for the fire emblem macguffin. As both empires had to fight nomadic tribes that can be vaguely decribed as proto-mongols(i know that this historical claim is controversial.) i will round up the factions whit a hun-mongol inspired kingdom that raid everyone else. After a few chapter of common route you will get to pick a side depending on wich flags you managed to rise. And even then, you could pick sides whitinnthe routes. For example, if you join the romans you could lead a coup if you pick ambitious and ruthless choices in dialogues. Also, i will add some sort of dragon god as the final boss in some routes, but considering were i set the game, i could instead use an Abdul Alhazred expy as the Gharnef and have an eldricht abomination as the final boss. I have not decides much on the characters, just a bit on the lord and other notable figures, but i have a clear idea on what i want to do whit the cast in general: for starters, the game will have tellius-style base conversation, fateswekening unlimited supports, and suikoden detective to discover more stuff about the characters. As i mentioned suikoden, i will add noncombatant characters that you can recruit and add base functions(kinda like how in Suikoden certain stars of destiny are cooks, shopkeepers, farmers or like the merchants in Tellius games). The avatar would have a limited support pool based on the background, but could overall support everyone and there will be s-ranks, but they will unlock paired endings, not children. GAMEPLAY I will most likely make the game shorter, because i expect people to play it multiple times and because having four 30 chapters routes means 120 chapters that would require 80+ maps even if i reuse some. So 20-22 chapters on average, more if i can ger away whit having the same map on multiple routes several times. Otherwise, i need to go the fates route and have some routes behind a paywall, wich i would rather not. I will however, have a rich post game section, whit stuff like obscenely powerful superbosses that require maxed out characters. The overall gameplay will take mostly from Thracia and Conquest. I will bring back my castle and up it to eleven. I would have several recruitable NPCs that add functions: trainers that teach skills or rise growth rates, blacksmith and alchemists that craft stuff, farmers and miners that produce resources for the crafting every chapter and so on. I would make so that a combat unit could work whit the npc at the cost of not being employable for a battle(and maybe this can build supports whit the npc if i feel like it, they may give stats boosts or items instead of the regular support bonus) and i will bring back the stamina meter, BUT, you could still employ the unit in base activities even if they are exausted. Used too much the Jeigan and he is out of steam? No problem, send him to the speed trainer so he will not fall off that bad later. For the weapons i would make an hybrid system of Jugdral and Fates. Weapon would have uses and would be repairable in the base, but they will also have different strenght ans weaknesses that prevent certain weapons to be strictly betrer. But i'd also rework forging so that forged iron is not op. Instead of improving weapon, you would subtract from a stat to add to another. If your fighter miss too much but has a lot of strenght and con, you could forge an ax whit 20+ accuracy, but heavier and weaker, or you could do the opposite to give your sworsmaster more damage. I would change swords into bladed weapons, spears into polearms and axes would include blunt weapons, and every faction would get different weapons. The China-like faction would get crossbows, the Rome-like faction more throwing spears and so on. And i'd bring back the gba magic triangle. I would also add more accessories like shield or rings, but i'd make so that you can only equip one. As for the balance, i have 2 objectives: to avert bases>growths and to give every class a niche while bringing down horses and fliers a litle. Foe the former, i would alter the growth system to make it more like shining force: in those games, you are expected to have x stats at y level and the game try to not diverge much from them. For example, if you are intended to have 15 strenght at level 10, the game arrange the strengt growth in such a way you would never have less than 12 or more than 18, and usually 12 is good enought to not be useless. I'd also balance the enemy scaling so that 0% growth runs would require either extreme turtling, rng rigging or cheese. The game should also test your ability to improve characters correctly imo. And i'd make the Jeigan either a bishop, a sage, or a war priest, and makes him in such a way that he became useless as a combat unit by midgame, but retain great utility as a staffbot whit high ranks. I would use map design to avoid the pitfall of horse emblem instead of lovering their stats. Paladins would have high movements but it would be reduced in most terrains, like the tire b in advance wars. The def bonuses on terrain would be frequent and good, the flying movement type would have a drawback, but the avoid bonuses wouls be rare because they make the game an rng fest. I would use a skill system that includes elements from Tellius, fateswekening and Echoes. People will have 3 kind of skill: personal skills, class skills, and extra skills. Personal would be like fates: things that characterize the user and give them an edge in specific situations. Every class would get a single skill, that is hardlocked in the class and if you reclass you replace the skill. For example,knights and generals would get wary fighter, fighters ans warriors would get an activable stance that works like the Jugdral charge skill(that skill that make double both you and the enemy, not sure how it is called now),cavaliers and paladin would get a charging attack similar to the cavaliers in HOMM games, snipers a range increase and so on. Extra skills would be learned at the base trought scrolls and trainers, and they basically are the Tellius-like skill: vantage, adept, wrath and so on. On top of it there would be combat arts, that are learned based on weapon ranks but sometimes require specific weapons, such as a javelin or a magic sword. They would not cost hp, but a new bar that charge like a limit break gauge (the more skill you have, the faster it rise). I would have different classes based on faction, but i would avoid and hoshido situation were everyone is high speed low defense. Insteas i would have "regional variants" that have similar stats and the same class skill, but different caps, weapons and sometimes promotions. Kinda like Der Langrisser again, were the light faction ger Dragoons and the imperial Royal Lancer, but those are very similar. I would also add back the balistician classes, as i loved them in fe11. But i would rebrand them as combat engineers that usually are weak bow and axe users, but have some magic item like a portable hole that allow them to acces the convoy and build a small siege machine in a turn or they could open doors and chest whit a portable ram or they could make small bridges(like 1 tile over a small river). There will be reclassing, but every unit will get a difderent class pool that is consistent whit their character. No more Beruka situations, were she is clearly stated to be an assasin but she can't be reclassed into one. Also, not every unit would get the same number of alternative classes, but usually those whit few classes would be the best in that role. Would you rise a specilized unit that can only do one thing or a more flexible one that can be class swapped based on what do you need? The game won't , but i would bring back bonus exp, that can be built both from fighting or from in-base activities. My game would have casual, classic and ironman modes, an will have an advance wars-like ranking system at the end of every battle, that rates you based on how fast you cleared the map, how many red units you killed and how many side objectives you complete. Getting an S rank on every map in Lunatic ironman should be one hell of challange. Doing so in every route, an epic endeavur. It took me 2 hours to write this, so i am sorry if some grammar errors slipped in.
  13. Garon was never intended to be a grey character to begin whit. The original Garon, sure(not that the games tell us much about him), but King Slime Garon is just a tyrant that as to be killed. The point of conquest story is that you dethrone him from whitin, even if this was done in the worst way possible and the game comes out as "this time you play Camus Emblem". Garon decision look evil because the morality of crushing a rebellion depend on whatever the ruler is legitimate or not and whatever they are benevolent ruler or evil ones. Garon is portrayed as a tyrant and rebelling againist a tyrant is a moral act. Sure, even evil people have a right to self defense, but Garon goes beyond that and order Corrin to even kill noncombatants. And we later find out that he even lack legittimacy because the true Garon was replaced by a literal monster. On the other end, Ludveck is the unjust one in RD case. Elincia was not a bad enought monarch to warrant a rebellion, so his actions comes out as greedy and selfish. The only reason Elincia is somewhat portrayed as grey is because she is a pacifist that normally would avoid conflict at any cost. The fail of conquest here is in Corrin, not Garon. Garon is ok as an unreadeemable tyrant, because the point of the game is that he as to be put down. Corrin should be the morally grey figure that try to defeat him from whitin, but has to follow his orders untill there is a right opportunity to strike. In CQ you are intended to play Roy Mustang, but in the end you end up playing Suzaku.
  14. Them being summoned in the Shining Force universe by their Anri. As they learned the Nintendo Way the first two Anri decised to sue her for copyright infringment...
  15. Because most of Awakening character buikding comes from support conversations. Most people will play the game once and get an impression based on the join chapter, an s rank support and a few c rank that they made along the way. Awakening characters only emerge when you see multiple supports. For example, i have seen many people claim that Stahl is all about food, when most of his supports are actually about him being a generic guy and a pushover that easily follow other people in their antics. I love awakening characters, but even i have read less than 50% of the supports, it's no surprise that the people turned off by anime tropes only read a couple at most. And i 100% agree on the previous games. Like, Jugdral have Arvis and Travant, but also many characters whit less than 5 lines. Or Nergal, that is a decent villain only if you have a guide and do a lot of specific things in order to unlock the scenes that expand on him. I tought he was "generic bbge that have nothing to do whit Nils and Ninian." for like 6 years.
  16. I agree, but i believe that the only needed restriction is good map design and enemies scaling. The restriction is that you have 9 units on the field instead of 10, make it count. Far too often lowmanning and juggernauting maps are the optimal strategy, but if the map is designed around having to use exactly 12 people the choice of using 11 or less in exchange of a stat boost is often going to be suboptimal. Hell i'll throw an unpopular opinion of mine: juggernauting should not be possible unless you exploit some unintended gamebraking skill combination and enemies should be designed in such a way that you just can't murder 6 on them in the enemy phase whit the Jeigan alone. I also dislike damage sponges, but i think a balance can be found.
  17. She comes from a class of people that fight either in a tank top, or completely shirtless and are the most reminescent of the archetipical fantasy barbarian. Charlotte design is as justified as those of every other berserker whitout even mentioning her personality. Or at least every berserker that is clearly meant to be attractive.
  18. Then every RPG that ever existed has a massive problem. You can play a silly fishing minigame or silly cooking minigame right after someone died in the majority of JRPGs, and in CRPGs You can often do much worse due to how open they are. This is one of the cases when fanservice is a scapegoat for different problems. Fates handle character devolopment entirely on supports and those doesn't change if something important happen to the character. The fact that iirc you can go to the Golden Saucer right after a certain FF7 event does not detract from the game because every character involved will react to the event in cutscenes. The face rubbing detract from Fates because there are no Base Conversations like in Tellius and Felicia supports doesn't change after she see her sister being sigurded. But the problem is the lazy writing, not the optional minigame. Or they could just change a few phrases and facial expressions to make the face rubbing look like Corrin comforting a mourning Felicia.
  19. History in the making is not history to begin whit. History has to be evalutated a posteriori years after the events happened, otherwise you can't know the consequences. For example, saying that Awakening saved the franchise now makes way more sense than saying that when the game came out, because right now we know as a fact that FE is going stronger than ever. Video games in general have a serious problem with aknowledging their past. No one call "retro readers" the people that read Shakespeare, and they can find every play in a random bookstore. Good luck finding even a genre defining game of 7 years ago in a Video Game store. Smash is one of the very few ways to give exposure to important parts of nintendo history. The only reason we are discussing in this forum is because they putted Marth and Roy in Melee instead of some big third party characters of 2000 like Diablo, J.C Denton or Ryo Hazuki. There are many people that only got into retro gaming because X was in smash and they decided to try Xs game, and i want this trend to continue. Whit characters like Joker, it will be the opposite: people that already played Persona 5 would play smash because Joker is in. And about the golden age, looks up 1998. 2018 doesn't hold a candle to it imo.
  20. Honestly, i'd like to see how a Fire Emblem superboss would look like. Some monstruosity whit 900 hp that require character whit many capped stats just to not get deleted instantly.
  21. Ultimately the point of Smash is being a Nintendo Crossover and a celebration of nintendo history first and foremost. I'd rather have minor/forgotten nintendo characters than famous gaming icons that have nothing to do whit nintendo whatsoever. I love pizza, but i don't want to eat pizza in a japanese restourant. I love FE, but i don't want ike in the next Dissidia. "Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series" is my dream character, but i understand that he is not relevant at any point of nintendo history and objectively should not be in the game. DQ games were released mostly on nintendo consoles and were important to the SNES succes, so it makes perfect sense to have a character from there(or Chrono). So are Banjo and Kazoie because they are the protagonists of the biggest non nintendo N64 game and repeesent the nintendo-rare collaboration. Doomguy is mostly a symbol of PC gaming imo, even if he had some games on nintendo systems. I'd rather have a Blizzard character (they released Diablo 3 on switch and i read somewhere that they will release overwatch at some point) or Geral of Rivia if i have to pick a PC character. Honestly, the only characters that i would outright hate is Master Chief because i consider him the Xbox symbol, everything else won't be a problem unless is a character that i already hated.
  22. Honestly, this seems like the "there is only one true way to enjoy this game and if you don't play that way you are playing it wrong" argument. And giving extra stuff go againist the point of difficulty levels. Harder difficulties are harder because there is a lesser range of viable strategies aviable. If you get stuff like more bexp, more money or better weapons, then you get more options. An whit more optikns you are more likely to find the gamebreaker ones. For example, whit extra founds you can forge a weapon and buy a master seal quicker, wich may give an huge powerspike to an unit that trivialize midgame. In general i am not a fan of rewarding players whit extra advantages for playing well, because usually those advantage piles up and snowball in the mid-late game. It is one of the reason why the difficulty of so many games is frontloaded. Sure you can balance the game so that it still is hard even if you exploit everything, but in that case, the game would be even more frustrating for the newcomers that don't know how to exploit stuff. As for multiplayer. Allowing post game grinding would allow anyone to get a competitive team. As a rule of thumb, multiplayer teams are inerently built differently than campaign teams, let alone efficient campaign teams, and i din't think that allowing people to jump in online battling whit their story mode team is a good idea. The metagames are just too differents, and will always be.
  23. I don't see how the line being english only change anything. Iconic lines that were not in the original are the reason Kefka is considered a great villain in the west but not so much in Japan.
  24. I just want those to be characters that make sense whit nintendo. Putting cloud in smash to me is like having french people celebrating the battle of Waterloo, because Cloud is the symbol of that time Sony beat the shit out of Nintendo. I was annoyed whit Joker because i am one of those SMT elitist that hate persona and wanted something else to be the atlus representetive(i was expecting smt5 protagonist as a way to advertise the upcoming game, iiec Roy too was released in smash before fe6 release), but i am not particoularly angry.
  25. I think the opposite, having skill tied to classes help the metagame because create niche that only a certain class can achieve. For example, both generals and wyvern knights focus on defense, so there is little point to use the one whit less movement. A litle more stats won't cut it because in general fe stat benchmarks are low. Unless generals get an unique skill that allow them to achieve something that WKs can't achieve in any way(for example, wary fighter may allow generals to survive a wave of enemy swordmasters) you would just remove the skills from the generals and put them on the WKs. Wich is what happens in both fates and RD. You don't stay general after you unlocked wary fighter and you don't leave resolve on Tauroneo when you can give it to someone whit movement.
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