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Armchair General

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Everything posted by Armchair General

  1. Well, at least that explains why I was burning through it, so fast
  2. Well, it's an sidescroller that mainly gates you by sending beefed up enemies at you. But you can stunlock some of them with 2 or 3 elemental spells from your mage's combination attacks or git gud with the block command. But so far, the game feels incredibly small for an Switch game. And as great as the combat is, they've settled with doing the "elemental reskin" routine and there's hardly much of anything that could be considered an challenge... Until I faced the ruler of the ice dungeon It's occasionally entertaining, but it's hardly anything new, so far. I'm under the impression that I'm around two-thirds into the game and the only major things that have happened is stuff that's kind of obvious
  3. Well, due to an unfortunate mishap, we've got two copies of Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. So far, I kind of hate it. It's not exactly terrible, but I'm at the point where the volcano went off and the villagers are setting up spa. It just feels like I'm just sitting through an VN than an actual game, at the rate of how often I get pulled back to town.
  4. Honestly, the Zelda series is perfect for an roguelike, if you think about it: Some random cursed dungeon that regularly craps out monsters, Link is tasked with clearing it but it'll be his largest endeavor to date, and most of his gear was stolen by something that fled into the dungeon. But the "choose your own background" bit is something that might be too intensive for the series, outside of it being given the Warriors treatment
  5. It shouldn't really affect the monster designs, too much. After all, they've been reusing the same hundred or so models for as long as the series been around. As for the character design eventually losing the "Dragonball" vibe, it's too early to judge. I'd rather wait until the fourteenth or fifteenth game for that to kick in.
  6. I doubt if we'll get an new Zelda character, tbh. If anything, we'll get an redesign of Zelda and Link before that shit happens. But there's also Midna and Tetra, I guess.
  7. I just assumed that the brainwashed emperor is operating out of an menacing-looking mountain or something. After all, the guy had to invade it, from somewhere
  8. Yeah, it's certainly more than I bargained for
  9. Spent all day trying to modify an infobox template. Turns out that certain fields of it aren't editable by default and have to resort to asking for help with this weird computer magic. Idk, I'm so used to having an button for just about anything and takes this long to improve functionality on an fucking UI issue Oh, and there's was an pedo on one of the wikis that's about to be closed
  10. Tfw your new hobby requires an actual fucking degree in computer science and nobody has the answer for your problem
  11. Because it's an lot better than half the shit that gets announced, nowadays
  12. "This video is unavailable" Best thing about YouTube, honestly.
  13. Well, today I learned that I'm really not cut out for setting up wikis
  14. There's an handful of websites for that, but those aren't exactly worth using. Plus, I remember that there's an Chrome extension for that
  15. Probably because it's one of the regions that you'll have to eventually liberate? As an aside, I was kind of expecting the battles to be of an significantly larger scale.
  16. Hey, at least Rudolph had an excuse.
  17. Really hope that changes, though. I'm under the impression that the new emperor isn't the type to just sit on his ass, all day
  18. Yeah, but people generally don't appreciate being forced to pay extra or having their stuff confiscated solely because someone else couldn't get their priorities straightened out. Plus, even if they banned guns over here, we'll still find ways of killing each other for petty reasons.
  19. Only way that they could improve it is to include manual targeting.
  20. Well, it's certainly is an dud, for me, at least. Except for Contra
  21. For America, at least, the open gang warfare is kind of dying out, but the drugs are still here. As for our neighbors to the south, I heard that the Mexican cartels actually went to war against each other an while back, needless to say it certainly didn't end well for some of their leadership. But I really don't know what the situation is like in South America aside from the fact that there's an prison that's basically an overcrowded apartment complex.
  22. Might just be an reminder for what's coming out next month and Paper Mario getting an release date.
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