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Armchair General

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Everything posted by Armchair General

  1. You'll be better off not worrying about what other people talk about how you look... Unless you're looking for someone or trying to impress somebody important.
  2. When was the last time these petitions actually worked?
  3. For the first two, that's kind of fucked up. If that last one means what I think it is, the argument kind of falls apart because it's not as essential as an diabetic getting their insulin. Sure, some people won't be happy about it; but you can't really compare on how much people will enjoy having kids with receiving lifesaving treatment.
  4. Give it unlimited durability with an gradual increase in stats, and I'm good.
  5. I think this has something to do with how certain occupations requires their workers to take the vaccine, or that you can't really do much of anything without an mask or proof of vaccination. Why turn an free deal into an financial nightmare for the average person?
  6. I thought that impeachment thing went through, already?
  7. Just another incident of people being idiots. Except that a few people were killed in the process and several more were incarcerated for several months. I forgot how much time the QAnon shamam got, but I know that it was over an year. Hopefully, something like it won't happen again; but you never know, nowadays
  8. What happened to grinding, guys? After all, it's an RPG and I barely had any problems with Pokemon. And while I did start with Diamond when I was in high school, I barely had any problems with it.
  9. While 3H actually provides some feedback on what benefits you receive by raising your units' proficiency within a given field; capping it at around +10 accuracy and some random bonuses to evasion or reducing your opponent's crit rate doesn't really feel as crucial as grinding out your riding and axe skills so you can have heavy cavalry during the endgame, or just preventing you from giving every swordsman in your team an Killing Edge for shits & giggles. Plus, I never had much of reason to wait until so and so was skilled enough to use an steel or brave weapon, unlike Awakening or Fates because this is 3H that I'm talking about. It's not like that it'll take several months to train someone up to D+. Outside of 3H, I'm not seeing it have much of an effect going in 3DS games other than the weapon triangle forcing some random soldier to completely miss his counterattack and expanding your arsenal.
  10. I just gave her an killer axe, promoted her to Berserker, pointed her towards the female bosses and lol'd at the results. Shit's hilarious on Hard mode.
  11. Can't really name anything off the top of my head, mostly because I stay away from this kind of stuff. All I've ever seen is some guy on YT who occasionally reviews poorly done asset flips on the Switch and how bad Liberty City Stories ran on my PSP. Speaking of the PSP, I noticed that half of the 3D games that I got for it wasn't really that great with the graphics, for some reason.
  12. And there's an manhunt going on in Illinois, if anyone cares.
  13. The proposed ban on those forced college classes is kind of justifiable, considering how those courses aren't free and some college students are barely scraping by. But I think that it's really should be up to the parents to educate their kids on that kind of stuff; all it takes is talking to them about it for an hour or two.
  14. But I doubt if punishing everyone who posted in the thread is the right move though. For all we know, the discussion could have been civil at one point.
  15. You'd be surprised on how long stuff lasts if you take care of it. I can't speak for the actual ordnance because of there's hardly any info on old tank shells spontaneously exploding in the same way "expired" TNT does.
  16. Outside of the minor penalty to growth rates, there's hardly an lot of maps that slows down cavalry. Sure, stairs exists; but the only time that I ever had an issue against using cav units is that desert map, the paralogue for Fodlan's Locket, and the Valley of Torment. Other than that, it's business as usual; considering how most of the terrain has neutral movement until you see an grove or the rare chokepoint of unfavorable terrain. Only bad part is that there isn't a lot of opportunities to chase after people in 3H with their high mobility.
  17. Apparently, the only things that were left behind are a few thousand assault rifles and an unknown number of armored transports, along with some uniforms and body armor I'm not sure about the howitzers, though. The only thing that the neighbors should be concerned about is the Cold War tanks that were exported from Russia, since the Taliban doesn't have much of an air wing. We might be looking at another incident or two in the future, though; although it probably won't last long.
  18. I can't believe it's not a spinoff thread! But seriously, Fates had Freeze, Enfeeble, and Entrap. 3H only got the warp spells and some healing. Luna ignores Res, Dark Spikes is anti-cav, Bohr is "hp to one," and there's another spell that lowers an stat. And the only thing that makes this fall apart is that there's only 3 or 4 people who can use these spells out of an cast out of 30+ people. Would be kind of nice if there was a spell that scares units away, though.
  19. Depends on how the game is set up, but this is mostly true. Because it's fun to kill shit that you aren't supposed to. Sometimes you get some bonus dialogue, ideally an alternate level; but all we usually get is a ring that I keep forgetting that existed.
  20. Three Houses has already screwed up with the class progression and some their abilities, why make an bad thing worse? Since that is the only real Master Class for men who are into magic; aside from Holy Knight, whose kit revolves around doing most of the stuff that you shouldn't be doing with your healer and the fact that there isn't an cornucopia of offensive faith spells. You'll have an case if the class came with some powerful exclusive spells; but as it, is you're an guy with an horse mask riding on top of a horse, slinging fire around and cursing them to take more damage from magic...When they're already on the brink of death. Between this and how one's swordmanships is rewarded, there really isn't a lot of incentive to stick to the entire branch of the class tree, since all the good stuff is tied to cavalry, going for War Master, or riding an mythical creature. Sure, there's reclassing to get an specific skill or two; but most of them don't feel as great as it sounds, unless you're talking about combining Vantage with Wrath.
  21. I was talking about the remake. Poison Strike is really good for feeding kills, provided that your mage conveniently doesn't slaughter whatever you send him after. Other than dealing up to twelve to fourteen (I think?) points of bonus damage towards the end of the game, it initially doesn't sounds as great in comparison with Fiendish Blow. Sure, if it was tied to people who were significantly weaker; most people wouldn't have a problem with it. But in my experience, it either doesn't matter or it pushes some random bandit to the brink of death.
  22. The chip damage doesn't really hold up well when your next fighter is already set up to kill whatever your mage attacked. Sure, it works when you have an mage that's isolated; but at this point, you're probably taking a huge risk. Warlock's Bowbreaker is one of those situational things that I really don't care about. And the main difference between Warlock and Dark Bishop is that the former is suited for the longer levels with more magic uses and the latter is good for killing bosses. Dark Knight is only good when your character is equally proficient with a lance, as well as magic. But with Seal Resistance coming so late in the game, I never really had much of an use for it on Hard...Because people were already dying from having magic slung at them and there's no such thing as an weak mage during the second half of the game. Holy Knight's skills are counterproductive and more situational than the Dark Knight's toolkit., especially if you have Renewal from being an Bishop. But Heartseeker is an interesting ability, although I don't really use it on a mage unless his name is Byleth. Overall, I like Warlock and Gremory because they hardly have any downsides; unlike the mounted healer that gets an improvement to resistance when they're almost dead (and they already have such have Res, anyways), or an offensive class that proves a mild damage boost to someone else. What happened to stuff like Ignis?
  23. Because: The only thing that I knew about his build is that he was playing as the Black Eagles, winning against the Death requires doing some chip damage with the battalions and subsequently using either Knightkeeler or Dark Spikes while praying to the RNG, I doubt if he'll ever understand the game as the same level as you guys, and he can easily look it up on YouTube. Besides, unless you have an specific build against him or just get a crit in; you're going to get your ass kicked. Slayde usually suicides himself on Hard, so I had to use Clive as an distraction and warp most of my army over towards Desiax.
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