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Posts posted by shanni20

  1. Miranda may be "bad" but this is Thracia if you want to use a unit they will be good if you just feed them. Olwen has better availability and comes with a mount so even disregarding dire thunder of course she's better, but the point of Miranda being better than we thought is true somewhat, obviously her availability is ass but she's not really hard to use or bad if you can get her to promotion

  2. On 11/25/2021 at 12:03 PM, Oops! All OCs said:

    There is also a video that mentions FE12's first chapters and how they will make you a better player, should I consider trying those?


    I'm not gonna lie as somebody who's pretty decent at FE games (despite playing all of them I don't feel like im excellent at this stuff at all) fe12's prologue chapters were just incredibly frustrating and I wish they did not exist


    My only tips are that taking your time and not trying to rush your units in to danger when they don't need to be is a good strategy. Other stuff you don't want to do is rely on risky 60% hits or 20%-30% crits to bail you out of trouble as this is not worth ending your entire chapter over when it doesn't work out


    There's also nothing inherently wrong with turtling, if it makes the chapter doable, then just do it, there's no reason to play like you're playing ranked when you're in a casual playthrough

  3. big metal fan, my fav bands r Burzum, Katatonia, My Dying Bride, Opeth, At the Gates, Sentenced, Dissection, Marduk, stuff like that.. also a super big fan of metalcore, Underoath, Converge, The Dillinger Escape Plan, love them

    glad to see some goth metal and melodeath fans in here i do like that stuff a lot, mostly stuff from the 90s tho for those on both fronts

  4. On 4/1/2020 at 5:48 AM, DukeBox said:

    I don't understand why people need to take new "official" names as gospel. Do fan discussions and translations really have to match up with the translations some guy (who had no involvement in the development of the original game(s)) made for a glorified slot machine? Keep in mind, FE translators, in their infinite wisdom, gave us such gems as Ced, Raquesis, Caeda, a hard mode called normal, and three Art(h)urs. I personally use names pretty interchangeably.


    this always bothered me, nearly all the awakening translations are bad and full of shit (Quan? Raquesis? Seriously?) and most of the CYL names are kinda absolute bullshit (Yuliya should be a crime.)


    DSFE had some bad ones too, like as you said caeda, but I think Castor is the biggest offender... Changing his entire name to something that barely sounds like a name lmao

  5. I really don't like either of their designs and usually would rather pick the female version, like I do for fates (who has plenty of hot guys) and awakening (also has hot guys) but honestly in 3h i mostly like the girls better so sometimes i'll pick male.. even though i dont like his design that much. considering I have the dlc, i get femleths good outfit instead of the utter shit they originally designed for her so that's a plus I guess.

    but yeah, I always pick female avatar in the other games.

  6. 1 hour ago, This boi uses Nino said:

    FE7: don't have one, map design in FE7 sucks (hot take!!)

    FE16: don't have one, they all suck (HOT TAKE!!!1!)

    hah I agree w both these takes. That being said FE7's endgame was a very challenging and good chapter, and Crimson Flower 17 was a unique map with a difficult boss, so I did find at least some positive... but yeah, fe7 is overall pretty boring and 3h past timeskip is an absolute snoozefest.

  7. i'll start


    FE1: havent played

    FE2: havent played

    FE3: Chapter 15: Return of the Prince

    FE4: Chapter 10: Light and Dark

    FE5: Chapter 14: Open Fire

    FE6: Chapter 21: The Sword of Seals

    FE7: Endgame: Light

    FE8: Endgame: Sacred Stone

    FE9: Chapter 17: Day Breaks

    FE10: Part 3-Endgame: From Pain, Awakening

    FE11: Endgame: Chosen by Fate

    FE12: Chapter 15: Return of the Prince

    FE13: don't have one

    FE14: Chapter 10 Conquest: Unhappy Reunion

    FE15: don't have one they're all bad

    FE16: Chapter 17 Crimson Flower: Field of Revenge

  8. I can think of many situations where it sure would be nice to have the Berserk staff in PoR and RD.


    Status staves are some of my favorite parts of the series, I think they're really fun and make your early game staff units more useful than they would be. I loved what FE5 did w status staves, they last till the end of the map so you need to bring restores or just go without a unit, and I also liked the 100% accuracy because it basically guaranteed your more powerful magic users weren't going to get sleeped/silenced/berserked so that you always retain your restore staff user. The biggest thing I liked about status staves in thracia was how freely you could obtain them, and use them.


    FE6 with even more status staves, and warp / rewarp enemies would be a blast


    I loved the Fates staves tho I wish there were more. Elise's freeze staff is so goddamn helpful in the conquest earlygame.

  9. 14 minutes ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    First of all that's subjective as hell. Secondly, dismounting left most units with having to use the lowest rank weapons, (unless you currently had a decent sword rank) hurting your offense by a lot.

    Yes, this entire thread is subjective.


    FE3 dismounting may have been done better, but as it stands I think FE5 dismounting still was a good balancing mechanic

  10. Wewster and I are both predictablely left with Ena and Nasir. good luck everyone!


    Our units:

    forsetipatty: Marcia, Lethe, Stefan, Tormod, Mia, Brom, Devdan, Ena/Nasir

    wewster: Oscar, Calill, Mordecai, Makalov, Gatrie, Haar, Largo, Ena/Nasir

    Brave Lance: Soren, Astrid, Mist, Volke, Geoffery, Janaff, Lucia, Tauroneo

    Gator: Boyd, Nephenee, Rhys, Sothe, Shinon, Zihark, Rolf, Ulki

    Peppy: Jill, Kieran, Ilyana, Tanith, Muarim, Elincia, Ranulf, Bastian

  11. 36 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    That ignores that you're still at the mercy of the RNG before then. Also, the hardest part of a Fire Emblem game tends to be the earlygame. That means I have no assurance AT ALL during the hardest part of the game because not even my healers are reliable, in addition to having to deal with Thracia's other crappy mechanics. Yay.

    Some problems I have w this take:

    -two of the hardest chapters in the game, Chapter 4 and 4x, do not have a healer

    -A healer is not essential even when you have Nanna for chapter 5, 6, and 7. Vulneraries are very powerful in this game, and you can steal them off of practically every soldier in 4 if you're worried.

    -In what I consider to be the hardest part of thracia, Chapter 19-24x, you have plenty of different healers with enough skill to never miss a heal.

    Staves missing always benefited the player more than the enemy.

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