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Posts posted by shanni20

  1. 4/44+4

    My turncount is already shit lmao but I'm gonna try to play optimally now. I shoulda reset after Rutger killed that fighter...

    This map starts out with Marcus soloing all of the brigands and opening the gate. He only levels hp but it doesn't matter because he has killed everyone at the gate. Ward sits on a fortress at the top and loses the skill boner but gains a little strength. His speed is still a major weakness that I'll deal with later. Regardless, this has been the shortest chapter yet, with only 4 turns since I decided to ignore the gant lance. Now for chapter 6 tomorrow. I'm done for today. Though I have to ask what is consensus for the use of thieves? Is Chad outright banned from getting anything?


  2. Alright I'll start this off with Chapter 1, the backpack chapter, where roy cements his legacy as suck.


    He leveled up once.

    +1 hp and res. Thanks broski. I had shit strategy this map and a 7 turn chapter 1 hurts me on the inside...


    Chapter 2 was pretty fly though. Ward got skill TWICE!!!!!! And Shanna got str/spd/skl. And Roy still sucks so the only stat that even matters at all he leveled was speed. Jesus christ I used to think he was good and that scares me. Also fuckin Marcus kills the boss and gets... str and spd. You know Marcus, I kinda like you now.


    Chapter 3 is the Marcus chapter. It would be the Alan chapter... IF I HAD ONE!

    that was fucking terrible

    Marcus gets an iron lance and solos the indoors, Shanna gets more fucking strength somehow (2 points to be exact), Ward gets another only skill levelup, and Merlinus continues to choke points. By choke points I mean sit on a tree until Ward can finally fucking hit the archer that's trying to attack merlinus. 11 exp so far. Will he level up!?!!?! Also, the backpack continues to fucking suck. +1 res. Also, Marcus levels up again, this time he gets some of that juicy avoidance in the form of 1 luck.

    12+4 i think?/40+4 i think

    So we get clarine on this map and that's kinda fly. She's my only anima magic user/healer for the entire run, essentially... so she is VERY important. Ward is a lot better than I originally thought, and remains to have a skill boner. But it is normal mode so I can't really give him too much credit. Who I can give credit to is Shanna, who is fucking broken, albeit she slowed down and had a skill only level up. Marcus is another unit I thought wasn't amazing, but this draft has already given me a lot of insight to why people respect him so much. He's done a lot of good work so far. The backpack still sucks, to literally nobody's surprise. Still hasn't leveled str or spd. God damnit.

    Oh fuck that dumbass fighter just attacked rutger damnit. is that a 4 turn penalty? Oh well I have no chance at winning the LTC anyway but this still kinda stings how bad I am doing early on here

    I think I'm done for today. Time to post the unit stats.

    Character - Level/Class - HP/STR/SKL/SPD/LUK/DEF/RES
    The Backpack - 5.04/Lord - 20/5/7/7/8/6/3
    Marcus - 3.82/Paladin - 32/10/14/12/11/9/8
    Shanna - 5.31/PegKnt - 18/7/8/14/6/6/5
    Ward - 6.57/Fighter - 32/8/7/5/6/4/0
    Clarine - 1.44/Troubdr - base


  3. what the hell was safy's name changed to? This really irks me like when Diarmuid became Dermott and Conote became Connaught. Same with Bhuj. Not to attack any of the Exile guys - they did a wonderful job, its just that both Naga and Exile kinda did some arbitrary translations of things already widely accepted by fans... Even though it may not be exactly accurate there's not really a reason to change them... I don't know shit about Japanese though. that's just my two cents.

  4. so the draft is finished

    The Chad Sharpy: Miledy, Lott, Sue, Treck, Lilina, Cecilia, Wolt, Igrene, Barth

    fiver: Shanna, Zeiss, Shin, Clarine, Ward, Geese, Fir, Raigh, Juno or Dayan

    AnonymousSpeed: Rutger, Percival, Chad, Noah, Ellen, Garret, Hugh, Dorothey, Douglas

    TheJuk: Alan, Saul, Tate, Zealot, Echidna, Klein, Cath, Sophia

    Volbeat: Lance, Dieck, Lugh, Astolfo, Bartre, Gonzales, Bors, Niime, Wendy

    also @Legault its a normal mode draft so i'm not playing the patch this time around, but when I get the chance I will.


    let the games begin

  5. 22 minutes ago, fiver said:

    Before we go on, I have decided that I made a mistake in allowing warp since there are 5 uses. Because of that, you will only be allowed one use of warp once. Also Yodel and Karel are free. I will be updating OP accordingly, as well as adding all of our selections

    Decided that you can use it multiple times in one single chapter. Basically, you can have more than 1 use but not use it in more than 1 chapter.

  6. Before we go on, I have decided that I made a mistake in allowing warp since there are 5 uses. Because of that, you will only be allowed one use of warp once. Also Yodel and Karel are free. I will be updating OP accordingly, as well as adding all of our selections

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