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Everything posted by KelluPato

  1. When characters “die” in the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, does experience gained carry over?
  2. Miklan was jealous not of Sylvain’s crest but of Sylvain’s prettiness (shoutout to Scoot for originally making this idea lol)
  3. Personally, I love maps that force the player to play well, and/or reward the player for playing well. For example, the goddess rite of rebirth chapter on hard is a good example of this. You have to beat the chapter in 25 turns, but that only constitutes killing the frail boss at the back of the map. Of course, you could just stride sneak strat to get your bosskiller to the boss, or you could get the two chests, the other experience, and even sacrifice a few turns to get the ultra-rare dark seal from challenging the terrifying Death Knight. However these are optional side-objectives.
  4. Maybe like a skill scroll or a training session with the Professor? That would be a good idea!
  5. But warp staves would be locked through weapon rank and would still be expensive/valuable though...
  6. As we know in previous Fire Emblem games, spells and staves have (mostly) been free to use by everyone as long as you were in a class that could use them, and you had the proper weapon ranks. It was a pleasant surprise to see that in Three Houses, spell lists were returning from SoV/Gaiden. However, I did not like it so much as you were not given as much freedom with things like warpers, warders, and physic-ers. In a game where you can have inherent freedom with class choices, it at the same time screws over characters with poor spell lists, and makes them less viable in any of the spell-casting classes. It also doesn’t help that only 3 characters in the game learn dark magic, and only two of which can utilize the “dark magic uses x2” skill on the gremory class, else the skill is wasted on literally every other female character. Even though it adds utility and singularity to each character, it makes some characters innately better than others in certain aspects, and it also limits the freedom the game so promised. You can also save money on monthly staff/spell books, but 5 heals/4 thunders per map in the early game is not very fun. It makes it harder to raise your spell units levels (especially on harder difficulties) without feeding them enemies whose health is at 1 (bc that’s how much damage Dorothea does with a sword lol aaaaaaaa) I would not like to see spell lists returning in future Fire Emblem games, but what do you all think?
  7. I only liked beast units in Tellius where it was extremely plot relevant. The thing is, they are either really really good, or really really bad... or just perform better in a different class (like in Awakening/Fates).
  8. I think that Maddening mode could be improved. For example, the Gautier Inheritance map took too many turns (54 for me bc of those reinforcements...), also part of the reason that made the DK scary was his 40% avoid tile, but he moves off it lol. But it forced me to utilize linked attacks more... but pouring experience into my healer in the early game and then heal/status spamming early on to grind white magic rank wasn’t very fun. The experience cut hurt at first, but at least the Prof’s personal skill is kind of useful now?
  9. Dancer Ferdinand +15 avoid from personal skill +20 avoid from sword avo+20 +battalion that gives avoid +30 avoid from alert stance+ yeah this dude is unkillable lol but Ferdie has a decent-ish spell list so magic utility?
  10. Also she’s a younger sister character... sounds like the Maria of this game to me
  11. Which characters were inspired by classic Fire Emblem character or unit tropes? Personally, Mercedes, Ingrid, and Annette of the Blue Lion House remind me of the dynamic of the Whitewing sisters. I’ve also seen parallels between Felix and the Navarre archetype, even though he doesn’t fit some criteria. There’s also Sylvain and literally every womanizer character ever in Fire Emblem...but I’m glad Intelligent Systems put a spin on that trope to make Sylvain unique.
  12. Sylvain is the easiest character to recruit, especially early on, so it would make sense that he can support most students right off the bat... if you’re female Byleth and not in the BL you practically get another unit by the first auxiliary battle
  13. I’m imagining Byleth’s handwriting imitating a font...like if they wrote it with a typewriter instead lol
  14. What does Byleth have to deal with come every assignment and exam? It’s fun to speculate, I want to know what you all think! I feel like Sylvain would have large, loopy letters while Felix would own chicken scratch.
  15. I’m just happy that armor knights, cavaliers, and Pegasus knights actually wear pants this time. The generic designs are practical; this some of the best they’ve looked for a while now. (I love Hidari’s designs but Kozaki’s are just...)
  16. I think the Three Houses artist did a really good job with the designs and art. I know that she is doing some cipher cards, but would you like to see her style in future main series games?
  17. Something I noticed during the Battle at Gronder is that the typical colors for player, enemy, and third-party units lined up well for Dimitri’s perspective in terms of the primary color for each nation Blue for Dimitri (“hero party”) Red for Edelgard (“primary enemy party”) Yellow for Claude (“third party not really directly involved in the conflict”) So now it feels weird for the red or yellow party to be the blue player units, the colors don’t line up!
  18. I agree, BL is a better route for the first time around Flame Emperor reveal cinematic: BL>>>>>GD
  19. Honestly I agree about the Pegasus Knight thing... since Wyvern Lord is a really really good class... what’s the point of Falcoknight? (More res and sword proficiency versus axe proficiency?) I found it more useful to make my units Wyvern Lords because I like the stat line more... Also it kind of sucks that magic classes are locked on foot until master class... Another thing is that once you max out Peg Knight you are about ready to promote to Advanced Tier... so why not change over to Wyvern Rider? I think there should be some advantage for sticking with Peg Knight... It also never made sense to me that both Flayn and Manuela could promote easily to Pegasus Knight even though they are primarily Faith users? Furthermore, Marianne has a proficiency for flying (it is in line with her character) even though she is primarily a healer? Her str was never good for me, so why put her in a physical class? Flying mages and healers would be really op lol
  20. Does the dna pool “pick” one Crest over the other like a genetic lottery? I don’t think two will manifest at once, fe4-holy blood style... I wonder how it worked in past generations of Fódlan... For example, the Crest of Seiros was brought down through House Hresvelg... what if another Crest was brought into that bloodline... does one Crest take priority over another? It’s very interesting to think that really only one Crest manifested in one bloodline for around 1,000 years... or are they disowned if they own another one? (Like if someone in House Hresvelg owns a Crest of Cichol or something...) Another question... how far back does the bloodline have to go for a Crest to manifest?
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