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Ice Sage

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Everything posted by Ice Sage

  1. Happy Birthday Xinnidy! I hope you feel better and I hope you have an amazing day! :D

  2. haha glad to see you make a topic about this Shin. this hack is hilarious XD
  3. Yess castlevania and megaman music! great job Horace. that was fun to watch :D
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n8LgtnN4yo
  5. haha the same thing is happening in my H5 file lol

  6. three days grace has to be one of my favorite bands
  7. yess bro xD marth never proc'd def for me in my loony run lol

  8. maso? haha I guess I am when it comes to video games. never playing lunatic+ again after i'm done with it lol Charlie whats gotten into you lol
  9. Chapter 1 8/8 turns Jagen, Cain, Marth and Doga go rush. Had Jagen use the sliver lance to hurt all these pirate mooks hard. thankfully, he dodged some :D Jagen gets the boss kill and I didn't get the 10k village. oh well. Chapter 2 6/14 turns yess ogma. everyone ran left. ogma kills pirates, marth killed cavs with rapier, and jagen was a boss with da sliver lance ogma crit the boss then cain and jagen finish him off. beautiful
  10. 439 huh i wonder how much it would be if fftf counted lol
  11. haha nicee. I just nosfutank that map to get a lot of limit breakers now i'm playing lunatic + chapter 14. I hate this difficulty why am i doing this lol
  12. yeah. one of my spoliers in my sign work but the other doesn't oh well lol
  13. Man this is gonna take some time to get use to

  14. man blue skies is so broken i can't get out of it lol
  15. huh some spoliers are broken and some work
  16. the middle was alright. endgame was insane lol

  17. no problem! :D

    Lunatic is hard at first, but it gets easier later on unlike fe12 lol.

    fe12 at the end was hard imo

  18. that should be fun xD good luck with it! :D

  19. haha i'll try to finsh lunatic +! :D

    go for severa xD

    i'm pairing mu with lucina this run

    gotta make morgan really good lol

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