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Posts posted by Belf

  1. I'm no expert

    But your username has "ASM" in it?

    Yeah the ASM code is actually in the RAM in its hex form. However, I haven't been able to track where these instructions are located in the iso's many files. Gecko codes seem to be much better since you don't have to recompile the iso after editing, and you can turn them off easily.

  2. If you want to change some of a game's asm code (for example, for radiant dawn), is it better to make gecko codes that modify the asm, or to change the code itself in the extracted iso file? My guess is that if you have too many codes needed, it may cause the emulator to crash often, and therefore hacking the iso may be better, but I really have no idea. Also, which file in general is the asm instructions located in?

  3. I hesitated on posting this here since it has nothing to do with FE, but after having a lot of trouble finding help elsewhere, I figured why not. I'm trying to change some of the model colors on Mario Tennis 64, but I have no idea where the palette data is in the rom, assuming polygons use palettes like textures. I figured the palette data would be near the texture data, but I couldn't find any graphical data when scrolling through the rom with tile molester. Thus, I'm not sure what the best way to approach finding the palette data would be. Does anyone here have any guidance they could provide, or know another forum which I should try asking for help?

  4. Google translate of this page says that there may be a way to rescue a unit and have it transported past the wall so it can reach one of the bishops in the unaccessible rooms on the northern portion of the map. However, the person writing the guide never tested it out so it may be untrue.

    Has anyone successfully done this? I tried in a different chapter but the rescued unit would never transport across a wall, even if it was the nearest space available to the caster.

  5. oh geez, i completely forgot about that one! iirc it was caused by yet another feditor error, like when elphin's sound effects broke a while back, and should be relatively simple to correct for somebody who knows what they're doing (i.e. not me)

    [spoiler=]Fa Bug


    Go to 0x59AA4 in HxD and make sure it is: 68 0B 6A 08

  6. I fucking hate rout maps. I too like to do 0% runs, and I feel like rout maps never really make it possible to have an "elegant," or efficient, strategy unless you happen to have an OP unit that can still reliably ORKO all enemy units on the map. Of course, I'm not talking about fe7, (fe9 maniac mode, chapter 18 is a good example, fuck that map). In general, it seems that rout maps are all about brute forcing your way through with whatever decent characters you have and are generally favored by players who routinely rout every map anyway (non-efficiency players). Otherwise, it just involves a lot of unattractive rigging to get a low turn count.

  7. I don't think that this is possible in this game. While you can order yellow units to attack enemies, said command is actually missing when you try to use the order feature on your own units.

    and even then, you can't even control who they will attack (generally they will go for the weakest enemies ime).

  8. Chad,

    When I fixed those graphic issues a little while back, the black box in the ending scene was due to GBAGE not storing the graphics properly into the ROM despite the graphics having the right dimensions and size (the other issue was because the replacing graphics did not replace the entirety of the existing graphics, and therefore had some leftover data of the original that caused problems). I don't know why the black box issue happened, but I was able to fix it by altering the first few bytes in the newly compressed data that GBAGE stored. As proof of this concept, I reinserted the original ending graphics over itself with GBAGE, and the black box problem occurred, so clearly something was wrong with GBAGE. I suggest you first check to see that the new option/chapter graphics completely replace the original graphic's data, or is repointed elsewhere. If that clears try reinserting the original graphics over itself and see if the four dots occur again. If it does, the problem is clearly GBAGE, and you will need to examine the differences in hex data for clean rom and the one you just altered, and diagnose which changed hex values caused the four dots.

    Also if anyone's still holding their breath, I'm probably not going to try and fix that one screen in the link arena with all the japanese characters. It's completely unnecessary for anyone unless they happen to play multiplayer and want a record of their scores, and is more effort than it's worth.

  9. Is there different support point requirements for maniac mode? I'm confused because I can't get Ike and Titania's C support until chapter 10 at the base. I used both of them in every chapter since chapter 1. Additionally, I can't get Titania and Rhys' C until chapter 9 even though i used both of them in chapter 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. I'm not sure about the other supports.

  10. Barth: Actually, I checked, and I don't think they are. As funny as it would be if the torch staff was just a staff on fire (as it would be if the descriptions were reversed), that unfortunately doesn't seem to be the case.

    oh okay, I read "staff" but when I look more closely it makes sense as they are now.

  11. Hi! I've been lurking around the forums a lot and I just signed up to say that there seems to be something that needs fixing in the tutorial.

    Battle forecast background palette for the player side seems to be messed up when the tutorial is instructing you to use Wolt to perform a ranged attack for the first time. (Battle forecast? It's the one with HP/Mt/Hit/Crit, right before attacking someone.) (This doesn't happen when you attack for the very first time with Roy. Again, tutorial.)

    If it could be looked into, it'd be great! (Who knows, fixing the cause of this bug might fix something else.) Also, maybe I'm a bit OCD, but maybe all button presses should be something in the form of "A Button" instead of "A button" or "A"... (Oops! Didn't see the last bit...)

    (Started from no save (save area automatically created) , VBA-M SVN1229)

    That also happens in the original rom (not just for wolt, happens randomly), it wasn't created from the new patch fyi.

    There's a problem with Bartre and Karel's convo in chapter 23 when you visit him in the village with Bartre (i think you're missing an [A] somewhere)

    Also, I'd be happy to see the link arena polished, but if I'm the only one, I can just fix this on my own.

  12. I've looked but can't find comprehensive info on the different endings you can get, and I'm sure some of what I've read is incorrect. What I've seen so far is that:

    • you get the "worst" ending if you don't have all the divine weapons intact by the end of ch. 22
    • you also get the worst ending if Fa dies (not sure if this counts after ch. 22 or not)
    • you get a different ending if Roy has an A support with Lilina
    • you get a different ending if Roy slays Idun

    So are these all true and there are 3 different endings? Is there anything I'm missing?

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