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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Or it could just mean that Hatari actually left the game (as in, quit), and found a replacement for herself. Which is what it means.
  2. Day 1 Begins Time to wake-up!
  3. Night 1 Results In the early morning before sunrise, a struggle is heard at Hikarusa's house. Upon entering, the villagers find Hikarusa lying dead on his pool table, with his neck snapped. In the crackling firelight, it can be seen that a bite has been taken out of the pool table. Upon closer inspection, one of Hikarusa's shoulders is popped out of its socket. Not long after that, Hatari ascended into the sky in a ray of light. Where she stood was now messy mike, who was exactly the same as Hatari except in name. The village thought nothing of it, and will not think anything of it.
  4. In many mafia games, the editing of posts is not allowed. And since I don't have actual moderator powers, frowning upon the editing of posts is the next best thing :(
  5. Hey. Guess who decided to show up ^_^

  6. If someone dies and is mafia, the updates thread will explicitly say that they were mafia. If they were innocent, it won't say anything special.
  7. There will be a new rule next game as well. EDITING YOUR POSTS WILL BE FROWNED UPON, AS IT IS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME.
  8. Night 1 Begins Look before you leap!
  9. Day 0 Results After a long day of making crapshot votes, it is decided that I eat tables will be hung. Except that the noose keeps breaking, making it impossible to hang him. So the town just fed him to the tigers instead. Voting Results: I eat tables (5 votes) Cap'n Crunch (2 votes) No hang (2 votes) Nightmare (1 vote) Reinfleche (1 vote) Ninji (1 vote) Hikarusa (1 vote)
  10. You can claim whatever you want.
  11. This round won't until after the current round is over. If you don't know what this game is, you can check the other mafia threads in the Forum Games. I would like people to only sign-up if they will be able to be online at least once every 24 hours. If you are interested in playing, feel free to sign-up here. BOLD YOUR NAME IF YOU ARE SIGNING UP. THIS MAKES IT MUCH EASIER FOR ME WHEN I GO THROUGH HERE AND GET THE LIST OF PLAYERS. There is no limit to the number of players in the game. In fact, the more the merrier. What will be different in round three If enough people sign-up (20ish at the least) there might be two opposing mafia families instead of just one ^_^ These mafia families would not be allied with each other. They would win only if the other family is dead, and they are at least 50% of the town. Fun! EDITING YOUR POSTS WILL BE FROWNED UPON, AS IT IS AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE GAME.
  12. Don't worry about Sakurai. He really isn't coming back for this game
  13. Day 0 Begins Time for you guys to figure out who to hang.
  14. Do not post in this thread! Night 0 Results Dawn arrives, and everyone is drawn to the bakery by the appetizing aroma of burning flesh. A quick search of the premises reveals that Star Mist's Nii-san was melted inside the oven. And he didn't even work there!
  15. The miller appears to be guilty because he is an outsider. When someone dies, you find out whether they were mafia or town. That's it. You DO NOT find out their role. Incorrect. See above.
  16. You could play FE2. Most bows in that game are 1-5 range. And this is in a game where 5 tiles is as far as most units can move, and where weapons have unlimited uses.
  17. The highest tier may also be named after the only character in that tier. Same for the lowest tier.
  18. EDIT: Nevermind, this is all going over Saloma's head.
  19. I included that line because some people may wish to speak about the game amongst themselves. I did the last game I was in. Then again, I was able to trust the other people I talked to because we proved our roles to eachother, but I'm rambling on now. Just know that the option exists.
  20. Roles have been distributed. The game begins now.
  21. In a small town in northwestern Agustria, night falls. There are rumors that a new mafia has formed. The villagers go to sleep worried that they may never wake up... Night Phase Begins - Day 0 The game starts out in the night phase. It is time for special actions to take place via PM.
  22. This is the official Mafia game thread where all discussions/game play/voting will take place. For those playing, all game-related posts should go here. You can, of course, have private conversations through PM, AIM, etc. If you are dead or not playing, do not post in this thread. If you're dead, you're dead. I can't stop you from talking about the game outside of the forum, but by the honor system, please don't. It'll only ruin the fun of the game for others. Gameplay/Rules Each game day consists of the Day Phase and the Night Phase. Since my schedule is fairly busy and not perfect, there will not be a 100% set schedule for this. There will, however, be a minimum time limit of 24 hours per day phase. So from the time of my most recent update, you have at least 24 hours to post your votes. Once that time has passed, someone will be hung and the night phase will begin. Once I post that the night phase has begun, ya'll can start PM'ing me. I will post the results once all actions are submitted (or at least 24 hours have passed, in case people forget). This may cause the game to run a little slowly, but it also gives more time for forum discussion, strategy stuff, etc. Additionally, I would ask that you do not change your name while playing the game. Day Phase The Day Phase is when everyone decides to cast a vote to hang someone (or hang no one, if you decide). You do not have to vote. For this game, votes will be cast publicly on the forum. Votes must be bolded and obvious. If I miss a vote because you implied it or forgot to make it obvious, that's your fault, not mine. If you change your vote and make a new post with a vote, unbold your old one. If you change your vote and forget to unbold your first one, I'll ignore your attempt of change because, well, because I can. Remember, everyone (save for those who are dead) participates in voting if they decide to. In case of ties... 7 votes for VincentASM to hang 7 votes for General Spoon to hang No clear winner, no one hangs. 7 votes for VincentASM to hang 7 votes not to hang anyone VincentASM will hang. "Not hanging" votes lose the tie breaker. Night Phase The Night Phase is for those with special abilities (certain villagers have these, and the Mafia does). The most notable part of this phase is who the Mafia kills. To do your actions, send me a PM on this forum. Make it 100% clear who you are performing your action to. In the subject, put the Day # in there somewhere. For example, the mafia will PM me who they kill each night, if there's a guard then he will protect someone, etc. Special Roles Everyone will receive their role in a PM. For this round (yes, we'll have more rounds later), I will be posting the approximate number of mafia members and what special roles there are. All roles are distributed randomly via a program. No, it's not rigged, and no, I am not going to change the results for friends. I want to hold true to the randomness of the game. So, theoretically, the same person could be mafia 5 rounds in a row. Guard Every night phase, the guard can protect one person. Protecting blocks all actions done on that person (mafia killing attempts, 3-13 archer killing attempts, and constable investigations). The guard can only protect himself once. 3-13 Archer At most every other night, this player can take actions into their own hands and kill someone. Constable Every night phase, this person may investigate one player to determine if they are innocent or guilty. Miller If investigated by the constable, this player appears guilty. Godfather In addition to being a mafia member, if this player is investigated by the constable, he will appear innocent. Questions, Comments, Concerns If you have an questions, post it in the mafia sign-up thread. If I forgot to mention something here, feel free to post about it there too. Winning Conditions The mafia wins if they kill everyone else. The villagers win by killing all the mafia. The constable, 3-13 archer, guard, and miller win with the villagers. The godfather wins with the mafia. If the Mafia has a majority at any time during the game, they have achieved a sufficient condition for victory and it's not necessary to continue on. We have 17 players this game. There are 4 mafia (1 of which is the godfather), 1 guard, 1 constable, 1 3-13 Archer, and 1 miller. Ether.....................Dead - Night 4 - Death by tuba! Ninji.....................Dead - Night 6 - Beheaded Hikarusa..................Dead - Night 1 - Found sprawled out on pool table I eat tables..............Dead - Day 0 - Almost hung a few times, then just fed to tigers Cap'n Crunch..............Dead - Day 3 - Hung ; MAFIA Proto.....................Alive WeaponsofMassConstruction.Dead - Day 4 - Hung CATS......................Dead - Night 2 - Lost a deathmatch Star Mist's Nii-san.......Dead - Night 0 - Melted inside an oven Hero......................Dead - Day 1 - Poisoned himself before he could be hung ; MAFIA Severlan..................Dead - Day 2 - Hung ; MAFIA Balcerzak.................Dead - Night 3 - Throat slit Crysta....................Dead - Day 5 - Hung Nightmare.................Dead - Night 7 - Killed Emerald Jealousy..........Dead - Day 7 - Hung Hatari....................Left the game - Night 1 - Ascended to a higher plane of existence and replaced by messy mike Reinfleche................Dead - Night 5 - Heart attack messy mike................Alive
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